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Lone Star Legacy: Relentless Pursuit

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When she was ready for bed, she curled up in the rocker to relive the night, minute by minute and kiss by kiss.

At noon Monday Will stood when his brother came striding across the restaurant where they had agreed to meet. Occasionally, Will thought about Zach’s looks, so different from the rest of the family except their grandfather Marcus Delaney. With a mass of dark brown curly hair and vivid blue eyes, Zach had a more narrow face. The only Delaney similarity was his coloring, like their grandfather’s, which no one else had inherited. Fortunately, he hadn’t inherited their grandfather’s fiery temperament. He shook hands with Will.

“I’ve got two and a half hours before I have to be airborne,” Zach said as both men sat.

“You’ve been in the sun.”

“Can hardly avoid it in Baja, California, which is where I went after Winnipeg. What’s the latest on Caroline?”

“Nothing since I last talked to you, but I have high hopes because I think Ava has bonded with her. Ava keeps telling me not to read too much into it, but no one else has gotten as much response.”

“So how long will she be here?”

“All summer.”

“That’s a plus for Caroline. What about for you?”

“Hardly. She doesn’t want entanglement and I damn sure don’t. I’m paying her royally to stay this summer.” He eyed his brother. “I wish you had time to stop by and see Caroline.”

“I always feel like she’s not happy to see me since she lost Adam. Sort of ‘why are you here and my daddy isn’t’.”

“I don’t think so. She’s just got it all locked inside.”

“Well, I want to do what I can. Let me help pay this Ava Barton. If she gets through to Caroline, it’ll be worth every penny. Ryan will help, too. I’ll talk to him.”

“No need. Zach, I can afford to pay her. We all can. From what Dad told us, we’re inheriting more. But thanks. I appreciate both of you being willing to help. Makes me feel good to know I can rely on you in a crunch.”

“I probably ought to be the one footing the whole bill. You have full responsibility for Caroline, and Ryan stepped up and agreed to let you name him guardian in case something happens to you. I need to do something.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you if I need anything.”

“Well, I’d like to meet Ava and thank her. Glad to hear you’re not getting too close to her because that could complicate your life and her dealings with Caroline. And glad she doesn’t have her eye on you for marriage material. Not that it would do any good, but it could mess up the deal for Caroline.”

“She doesn’t remotely have her eye on me. She keeps trying to hold me at arm’s length most of the time.”

Zach paused as he started to sip ice water. “Most of the time?”

“Stop worrying. She’s absolutely wrapped up in her plans to open a school, and now she’s making enough money to do so. She has no serious interest in me nor do I in her. She is special, though, and I want to get to know her. She’s intelligent, gorgeous and ambitious—I find that irresistible.”

“I believe you do,” Zach said, studying him. “Okay. How’s Garrett? Still acting as your right-hand man?”

“Same as ever. One beautiful woman after another with him. Will you be here for the reading of Dad’s will?”

“Yep. As soon as we know the date. It’ll be good to be together even if it’s for an occasion like that.”

They paused in their conversation while their hamburgers were delivered and then resumed talking about business, baseball and the coming football season.

With a glance at his watch, Zach stood. “Gotta go. It’s time.”

Will stood. “I’ll head back to the office. Mom called me to tell me she’s coming for the reading of the will. I don’t know how she’ll act with Caroline. Mom isn’t the soul of tact with small children.”

“Keep them apart. That’ll suit our mother,” Zach replied.

“Yep, it will.”

“Just another reminder why none of us wants to ever get married. Adam’s wife, our mother… Delaney men are not meant to marry,” Zach stated. He offered his hand to shake Will’s. “See you soon.”

“Sure, Zach.”

The brothers parted for their cars. Will climbed into his and headed to his office, his thoughts on Ava and the evening.

Will had told Ava he would be in town all week and home by five each day. To her surprise, he arrived at half past four—while she and Caroline were in the pool. Had she complicated her own life by asking him to be home with Caroline more than he had been in the past?

He changed to swim trunks and returned to join them. The minute he swam close, Ava treaded water. “Since you’re here, I think I’ll turn her over to you so you two can do a little bonding. I’ll get dressed and see you over dinner.”

“So no hope of talking you into staying with us awhile?” he asked while Caroline splashed at the far end of the pool.

“Not unless you really need me to be here. I would like to get dressed.”

“Go ahead. I’m here now,” he said, causing her to speculate if he thought she meant she was tired of being with Caroline.

“I think it will be good for her to get your undivided attention for a while. This is a chance for the two of you to have a stronger bond.”

“Sure, sure. I’d like to have a stronger bond with you.”

“No, you wouldn’t really. You aren’t interested in any strong bond, any more than I am. We both have other plans for our futures.”

“I didn’t mean a marriage bond.”

She laughed. “I know you didn’t. You’ve made that clear. I must not have made it clear how I feel.”

“Yes, you have, but you’re shutting yourself away from excitement and real living.”

“And you’re willing to provide it all.”

“You’ve made your point. I’ll make mine later. Come back out and join us. She’ll like having you around.”

She smiled at him and swam away to climb out, looking back over her shoulder when she picked up her towel to find him in the same spot, still watching her. She wrapped her towel around her, picked up her T-shirt and headed inside. At the door, she glanced back again to see him playing with Caroline.

Dinner was relaxed, with Caroline saying nothing, yet she was eating better than Ava had seen her eat before. The small brown bear Ava had given her was on a nearby chair.

“Caroline, I want to show you something,” Will said. He got up and left the table to return with a folder in his hand. “We thought you might like to have a puppy.”

Caroline’s eyes opened wide as she gazed at him.

“I brought some pictures of different breeds of dogs. Look at these,” Will said, spreading them on the table. “See if you like one in particular.”

“Caroline, they’re so cute,” Ava said, looking at the pictures.
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