III.i.159 (368,3) that integrity which should become it] Integrity is in this place soundness, uniformity, consistency, in the same sense as Dr. Warburton often uses it, when he mentions the integrity of a metaphor. To become, is to suit, to befit.
III.i.221 (370,5) are very poisonous] I read, are very poisons.
III.i.242 (371,7) One time will owe another] I know not whether to owe in this place means to possess by right, or to be indebted. Either sense may be admitted. One time, in which the people are seditious, will give us power in some other time; or, this time of the people's predominance will run them in debt; that is, will lay them open to the law, and expose them hereafter to more servile subjection.
III.i.248 (372,8) Before the tag return] The lowest and most despicable of the populace are still denominated by those a little above them, Tag, rag, and bobtail. (1773)
III.ii.7 (376,4) I muse] That is, I wonder. I am at a loss.
III.ii.12 (376,5) my ordinance] My rank.
III.ii.51 (378,8) Why force you] Why urge you.
III.ii.56 (378,9) bastards, and syllables/Of no allowance, to your bosom's truth] I read,
Of no alliance,—
therefore bastards. Yet allowance may well enough stand, as meaning legal right, established rank, or settled authority. (see 1765, VI, 566, 7)
III.ii.64 (379,1) I am in this/Your wife, your son] I rather think the meaning is, I am in their condition, I am at stake, together with your wife, your son.
III.ii.66 (379,2) our general lowts] Our common clowns.
III.ii.69 (379,3) that want] The want of their loves.
III.ii.71 (379,4) Not what] In this place not seems to signify not only.
III.ii.77 (379,5) Waving thy head,/With often, thus, correcting thy stout heart] [W: thy hand,/Which soften thus] The correction is ingenious, yet I think it not right. Head or hand is indifferent. The hand is waved to gain attention; the head is shaken in token of sorrow. The word wave suits better to the hand, but in considering the authour's language, too much stress must not be laid on propriety against the copies. I would read thus,
—waving thy head,
With often, thus, correcting thy stout heart.
That is, shaking thy head, and striking thy breast. The alteration is slight, and the gesture recommended not improper.
III.ii.99 (381,6) my unbarb'd sconce?] The suppliants of the people used to present themselves to them in sordid and neglected dresses.
III.ii.113 (381,8) Which quired with my drum] Which played in concert with my drum.
III.ii.116 (382,1) Tent in my cheeks] To tent is to take up residence.
III.ii.121 (382,2) honour mine own truth] [Greek: Panton de malis aischuneui sauton]. Pythagoras.
III.ii.125 (382,3) let/Thy mother rather feel thy pride, than fear/ Thy dangerous stoutness] This is obscure. Perhaps, she means, Go, do thy worst; let me rather feel the utmost extremity that thy pride can bring upon us, than live thus in fear of thy dangerous obstinacy.
III.iii.17 (384,3)
Insisting on the old prerogative
And power in' the truth o' the cause]
This is not very easily understood. We might read,
—o'er the truth o' the cause.
III.iii.26 (384,4) and to have his word/Of contradiction] To have his word of contradiction is no more than, he is used to contradict; and to have his word, that is, not to be opposed. We still say of an obstinate disputant, he will have the last word.
III.iii.29 (384,5) which looks/With us to break his neck] To look is to wait or expect. The sense I believe is, What he has in his heart is waiting there to help us to break his neck.
III.iii.57 (386,8) Rather than envy you] Envy is here taken at large for malignity or ill intention.
III.iii.64 (386,9) season'd office] All office established and settled by time, and made familiar to the people by long use.
III.iii.96 (387,1) has now at last] Read rather,
—has now at last [instead of as now at last].
III.iii.97 (387,2) not in the presence] Not stands again for not only.
III.iii.114 (388,3) My dear wife's estimate] I love my country beyond the rate at which I value my dear wife.
III.iii.127 (389,4)
Have the power still
To banish your defenders'; till, at length,
Your ignorance, (which finds not, till it feels)]
Still retain the power of banishing your defenders, till your undiscerning folly, which can foresee no consequences, leave none in the city but yourselves, who are always labouring your own destruction.
It is remarkable, that, among the political maxims of the speculative Harrington, there is one which he might have borrowed from this speech. The people, says he, cannot see, but they can feel. It is not much to the honour of the people, that they have the same character of stupidity from their enemy and their friend. Such was the power of our authour's mind, that he looked through life in all its relations private and civil.
IV.i.7 (390,1) Fortune's blows,/When most struck home, being gentle wounded, craves/A noble cunning] This it the ancient and authentick reading. The modern editors have, for gentle wounded, silently substituted gently warded, and Dr. Warburton has explained gently by nobly. It is good to be sure of our authour's words before we go about to explain their meaning.
The sense is, When Fortune strikes her hardest blows, to be wounded, and yet continue calm, requires a generous policy. He calls this calmness cunning, because it is the effect of reflection and philosophy. Perhaps the first emotions of nature are nearly uniform, and one man differs from another in the power of endurance, as he is better regulated by precept and instruction.
They bore as heroes, but they felt as men.
(see 1765, VI, 577, 9)
IV.i.33 (391,3) cautelous baits and practice] By artful and false tricks, and treason.
IV.ii.15 (393,6)
Sic. Are you mankind?
Vol. Ay, fool; Is that a shame? Note but this fool.
Was not a man my father?]
The word mankind is used maliciously by the first speaker, and taken perversely by the second. A mankind woman is a woman with the roughness of a man, and, in an aggravated sense, a woman ferocious, violent, and eager to shed blood. In this sense Sicinius asks Volumnia, if she be mankind. She takes mankind for a human creature, and accordingly cries out,
—Note but this, fool.