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Robert F. Bruner

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The Panic of 1907. Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
"Before reading The Panic of 1907, the year 1907 seemed like a long time ago and a different world. The authors, however, bring this story alive in a fast-moving book, and the reader sees how eve…
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions Why do so many M&A transactions fail? And what drives the success of those deals that are consummated? Robert Bruner explains that M…
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions
электронная книга
[b]A comprehensive guide to the world of mergers and acquisitions[/b] Why do so many M&A transactions fail? And what drives the success of those deals that are consummated? Robert Bruner expl…