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Say You Love Me

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He smiled, then smoothed his jet-black hair into place and strode toward her. Tonight, the whore would pleasure him. He might even draw out the fun a day or two if she was good, play with her, test her resistance.

Make her beg.

Then he’d force her to confess her sins before he killed her and added her to his kingdom.


Six days before Mardi Gras

RATTLED BY DETECTIVE DUBOIS and by the cozy family dinner they’d shared the night before, Britta settled in her bed the next evening with a cup of tea and more letters. The sooner she figured out who’d sent her the letter and photograph, the sooner the police could catch the murderer and put him behind bars.

Then she would have no need to see Jean-Paul Dubois again. Or be taunted by his sexuality.

And more importantly, she wouldn’t have to worry about watching her back for fear he’d discover the truth about her past.

Determined to block out the sound of the partying below, she put in her favorite Harry Connick Jr. CD and allowed his seductive voice to soothe her as she read.

My secret confession:

I’ve fantasized about sex since I was a teenager and have just found the love of my life.

In my fantasy, we’ve just gotten married and my husband whisks me away to the honeymoon suite. Flowers fill the plush room, and a dozen candles shimmer with soft light across the heart-shaped bed. As he reaches for the champagne, a knock sounds at the door and his two groomsmen appear, still dressed in their black tuxes. My husband invites them in. At first, I’m confused, then one of them, a guy named Jim, smiles and says they are there to pleasure me.

A shiver goes up my spine as I realize he is talking about all three of them.

I’ve always dreamed of having multiple partners and the idea of the man I love and his two best friends all going down on me at the same time ignites a fire in my stomach.

“I don’t know if I can take so much pleasure,” I say.

My husband laughs, then presses a kiss to my hand. “It’s your wedding night, love, I wanted it to be special.”

He peels off my wedding dress, slowly unfastening each of the tiny pearl buttons down the back, drawing out the seduction with kisses and tongue licks along my spine, while Jim plucks the pins from my hair and runs his fingers through it. Chad, the other groomsman, kneels and removes my white satin shoes, while my husband plays his tongue along my lips. Soon, they lay me down, prop me up on pillows and caress my entire body. I tingle with need and hunger. Just as Chad tugs my nipple into his mouth, Jim slides his hand up my thigh and strokes my clit. Chad sucks my breasts then my husband enters me. Soon the three of us become a tangle of naked, throbbing bodies, frenzied, panting and sweating, rocking our bodies together until we finally climax all at once….

Heat rushed up Britta’s neck, and she forced herself to skim the remainder of the letter for hints of violence, then placed it in the stack of possibilities for publication. Remembering her mission was to search for possible notes from the killer, she quickly skimmed the first paragraph of the next few letters, looking for details of S and M, violent tendencies or indications that the man hated women.

A blue envelope caught her eye and she opened it; the first line made her pause.

My secret confession:

I have an odd attraction to animals, especially golden retrievers. The guy next door is really hot—big with blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Every night when I see him walking his big dog, I start dreaming about what it would be like…

Britta slid the letter back into the envelope. Bestiality held no appeal to her, but it didn’t mean the person was a killer. Besides, it was written by a woman.

The killer was male.

Using that logic, she sorted the letters by sex, so she could focus on male submissions.

In the next letter, the woman fantasized about bondage. Hmm. A perfect target for the killer.

A disturbing thought struck her. What if the killer chose his victims from her letters?

But how would the killer know who had submitted the letter or how to find the woman? He’d have to tap into their computer base….

Tomorrow, she’d verify that Elvira Erickson hadn’t written to her. If she had, she’d alert R.J.

And Detective Jean-Paul Dubois.

The phone rang and Britta jumped, the last strains of Harry Connick’s voice dying as the song ended. She stared at the caller ID, half expecting to see the detective’s number, but the display read as an unknown listing. She must be crazy. Just because she’d thought of Jean-Paul Dubois, didn’t mean he was telepathic. Or that he was thinking about her.


Heavy breathing rattled over the line. “Did you like the picture I sent you?”

Britta’s breath caught in her throat. “Who is this?”

“The man who knows your secrets.”

A bead of sweat rolled down Britta’s neck. She started to slam down the phone, but hanging up on him would do nothing to help the woman he’d murdered. “Why don’t you tell me your name?”

Laughter, low and sinister, rumbled from him. “One day I will. But I must build my kingdom first.”

A frisson of alarm rang through her. His kingdom, meaning he was just getting started. Detective Dubois was right; her column had drawn sexual deviants like sweet molasses drew flies. “You’re a coward,” Britta whispered.

His voice held a threatening edge. “No, Britta, I’m the one in control now. You feel it, don’t you?”

He’d never control her. No man would. “Then why hide behind the phone? Behind the notes?”

“Because my work has only begun.” Another laugh, even more sinister, filled the silence.

“I must save those women, make them repent for their sins. Just as you must.” Agitation made his voice raspy. “You run from town to town—changing your name, your hair—until you don’t even know who you are anymore. You’re as dead as the people whose names you steal. I can see it in your eyes.” He lowered his voice. “Your fear controls you.”

She twirled the phone cord around and around her fingers, winding it into a knot. He was right.

But how did he know so much about her? How long had he been following her?

“Please leave me alone. I don’t want any part of your twisted games.”

Again she started to hang up, but his next words stopped her cold.

“You don’t want to know who I have now?”

Britta clenched her hands into fists. “Let her go,” Britta whispered. “Please don’t hurt anyone else.”

“I can’t, Britta. Not yet. Not until she learns her lesson and pays for her sins.”

The phone clicked, then went dead in her hand.

A vision of the woman begging for her life taunted her. Then the crude mask of Sobek and an image of this man offering the woman as a sacrifice to the half crocodile, half man.
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