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Daddy's Christmas Miracle: Santa in a Stetson

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“The feeling’s mutual, Sherry. Thanks for making my day. I’ll phone you tomorrow and give you the details.”

“You’d better!”

After they rang off, he realized he couldn’t stay in the house any longer without climbing walls knowing Kathryn wasn’t far away. Why not surprise the kids and be there waiting for them when school was out? Pushing himself away from his desk, he strode through the house for his hat and jacket.

Once in the car, he phoned Noreen and told her to be on the watch for Kathryn. He was going to pick up the twins.

THE SILVER SPUR MOTEL on the outskirts of Bozeman provided exactly what Kathryn wanted. After seeing Maggie and Jake off at the airport, she registered at the front desk before driving around to Number Ten. The tiny room, with its log cabin walls, felt warm and she could park in front of it. No fuss, no bother.

While she’d been with her family and Colt earlier, she’d excused herself long enough to put her suitcase back in the trunk and bring in the presents for him. Once his birthday party was over, she’d tell the twins she had business in town and leave.

He’d hired Jake to track down Natalie. Though Kathryn would be helping her brother-in-law, she refused to use it as an excuse to stay at the ranch house. Colt didn’t want her there, so the less interaction she had with his children the better. This was the best plan.

Before she drove back to the ranch, she took off her navy two-piece wool suit and changed into jeans and a café au lait long-sleeved blouse with a cream-colored crocheted vest. She’d already styled her hair in a French braid that morning and decided to leave the gold studs in her ears.

In deference to her cowboy mood, Kathryn pulled on the brown leather boots she always wore riding with her family. She liked the idea of being taller. It would put her at less of a disadvantage around Colt.

A fresh coat of coral frost lipstick, a little peach-scented lotion and she was ready to go.

With every mile that brought her closer to the ranch, she could feel more heat radiating from her body. By the time she’d parked the rental car at the side of the house, she was a trembling mass of emotions. The fact that the Xterra was missing only heightened her sense of anticipation.

Noreen greeted her at the back door. “I saw you coming. Colt’s gone for the twins. Come in and make yourself comfortable.”

Kathryn followed her through the house to the dining room. “Something smells delicious.”

“Matt asked me to make barbecued spareribs. It’s one of Colt’s favorite meals.”

“It’s one of mine, too. How can I help you?”

“Everything’s ready except the decorations. Allie had visions of blue and white streamers hanging crisscross fashion above the table. Ed was going to do it, but he’s been delayed. I brought in the ladder.”

“I’m taller. Put me to work.”

“That would be wonderful.”

Kathryn eyed things critically. “Let’s fasten them from the chandelier to the window frames. I’ll twist them first.”

Before long they’d transformed the room. She climbed back down. “There!”

Noreen beamed. “It’s perfect.”

“I think so, too. Where does the ladder go?”

“On a couple of hooks in the storeroom behind the kitchen. If you’re going to do that, I’ll run back to the other house and get changed.”

“Go ahead.”

Grabbing the leftover streamers and tape, Kathryn carried everything through the kitchen to a doorway at the other end. She turned on the light and found an empty space for the crepe paper on one of the shelves. There were hooks on the opposite wall. As she started for them, she heard Colt’s voice coming from the kitchen. “Noreen?”

“She’s at her house!”

The next thing Kathryn knew, he’d moved behind her and put the ladder in place. Her mouth went dry because she was trapped between his arms with her back against his chest. The strong pounding of his heart had already reset the rhythm of hers. Heat enveloped her body.

“Colt, you can let me go now.”

“I could, but I don’t want to,” he whispered against the side of her neck. His hands slid around her waist, bringing her closer so there was no air between them. “It isn’t often I find such a tempting morsel in my storeroom. Surely you wouldn’t deny me this simple pleasure on my birthday.”

She sucked in her breath. “The twins will see us.”

His warm breath at her nape sent sensation after exquisite sensation through her nervous system. “They dashed upstairs to do the last of their clandestine plotting.”

“D-do they know I’m here?” she stammered helplessly.

“They saw the car, but assumed it was someone on ranch business waiting for me. Allie begged me to get rid of them fast.”

“You should take her advice.”

“Not until I’ve been given my birthday kiss.”

“That wouldn’t be a good idea.” Her voice shook.

“I disagree.” He turned her around so fast her head swam. While she was still reeling, he cupped her hot cheeks with his hands and lowered his mouth to hers.

Kathryn had wanted this for so long she melted against him, but his tender kiss was over before he’d allowed her to kiss him back. She moaned as he relinquished her lips. “That’s for being an angel to my little girl. I’ll never forget.”

Gratitude. Colt had just bestowed the kiss of death.

They both heard excited voices that were growing louder. His hands slowly fell away from her face. “I guess it’s time to reveal the mystery guest.”

Struggling to recover from the pain, Kathryn rushed into the kitchen at the same time the twins made an appearance.

“Katy!” She saw them staring at her and Colt as if they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Your father hired my brother-in-law to track down your mother. Jake asked me to do some research for him in Bozeman, so I’m here for a day or two.”

“Yes!” Allie squealed.

Realizing they needed more of an explanation, she said, “Since Ed was late, I volunteered to string up the decorations.”

“I helped Kathryn put the ladder away,” their father added in a wry tone.

At that remark, she might have blushed if Colt had kissed her with passion, but he wasn’t capable of that emotion, at least not with her. The only way to handle this was to be a friend to him and his children.

“Thank goodness your dad arrived in time to prevent it from falling on my head!”

Matt let out a bark of laughter. Allie said, “The dining room looks awesome.”

Kathryn smiled. “I can’t take any credit. Noreen said the streamers were your idea.”
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