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Pregnancy Proposals: The Duke's Baby

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Corinne didn’t move a muscle.

Geoff gave a happy nod of approval. “If your mother were alive she’d be overjoyed.”

“Once Andrea has seen the place, we’ll get going on the nursery.”

“While you do that, Corinne and I will get together with Helene and start planning the wedding reception won’t we.”

“Of course.”

Andrea didn’t trust the other woman. Nothing about her behavior was natural or normal.

“In case it rains, let’s do it inside, Papa.”

“I was going to say the same thing. We’ll open up all the rooms on the main floor. What date shall I tell Helene?”

“Andrea and I were thinking three weeks from now. Shall we say June 30? It’s a Saturday. For her sake I want it kept fairly small so she doesn’t have to be on her feet a long time greeting guests.”

“Excellent idea, mon fils.“

“I’ll phone Père Loucent at the St. Vierge Church in Lyseaux. I think a morning ceremony followed by the reception would be best.”

“So do I.”

“Don’t you have a voice in any of this, Andrea?” Corinne had finally ventured a question.

“Lance and I discussed everything in detail at dinner.”

Geoff burst into laughter. “You two remind me of my marriage to Lance’s mother. She got her way in private, but she let me direct traffic in public. I was the envy of my friends.”

“I wish I could have met her.”

“So do I, Andrea. So do I.”

Maybe it was the melancholy note in Geoff’s voice that prompted Lance to stand, bringing their lunch to a close.

“Andrea and I are going to run into the village for our marriage license. We’ll see you two at dinner. I’d like to hear about your trip to Australia, Corinne.”

“So would I,” Andrea echoed him. “I’ve never vacationed outside the States except to come here. According to Geoff you’re the world traveler. You’re so fortunate to be able to do that, I envy you.”

When there was no response Lance helped her to her feet, keeping a possessive grip on her waist.

His father smiled up at them. “You’ve made me an extremely happy man. Another daughter joining the family, and a grandchild on the way—what more can we say, eh, Corinne?”

Andrea admired Geoff. For his stepdaughter’s sake he pretended nothing was wrong. Yet they all knew their announcement had shattered her world.

Corinne pushed her chair back and stood up. She’d leveled her gaze on Lance. “Could I talk to you for a moment before you go?”

Andrea put a hand on his arm. “I’ll get my purse and meet you at the car.”

Lance pressed a brief and reassuring kiss to her lips. “I’ll see you in a minute.” After she disappeared through the French doors he turned to Corinne. “Why don’t you walk out with me.”

With a nod to his father he headed for the foyer with Corinne in pursuit. By the time he’d reached his car, she’d caught up to him.

“After what you’ve done, I’m going to have to tell him the truth.”

Lance opened the driver’s door and got in behind the wheel. “Which version of the truth, Corinne? That you and I got too close while he was on his honeymoon? Or that you offered yourself to me ten years ago and I said no thank you.”

“Lance—” She moved closer. “I’m prepared to be generous and forget everything if you’ll call off your wedding to her and marry me.”

It was chilling to come face-to-face with someone who wasn’t in her right mind. “You’re delusional, Corinne. You need help.”

“What I need is you.” There was a fanatical gleam in her eyes. “I’ve won the right.”

“Won the right?” he growled the question.

“While I’ve been waiting for you all these years, I’ve taken care of Geoff like a daughter.”

“Then you’ve already received your reward. You’ve earned his affection.”

“He expected us to get married.”

“No. That’s a piece of fiction you invented so long ago, you actually believe it.”

“I told him I’d give him a grandchild.”

“Then you need to find a man who wants to marry you.”

“I found the man I wanted a long time ago.”

“Those wants have to be mutual, Corinne.” Lance added gently, “I never wanted you.”

“You’ve never given us a chance, yet in four days you’ve decided you’re going to marry a perfect stranger.”

“That’s right.”

Her cheeks looked blotched. “I could have turned Geoff against you, but I never did.”

“Your cry of rape is a figment of your mind. Don’t lie, Corinne.”

She gave him a strange smile. “It’s your word against mine. Are you sure you want to risk his revulsion of you?”

He’d had enough of this conversation and started the car. She put her hands on the door.

“I suggest you listen to what I have to say, Lance. If you insist on going through with this travesty of a marriage, then I’ll have to go through with my plan for you.”

He shook his head. “I must admit I’m disappointed you’ve wasted all these years thinking up your revenge against me when you could have worked on becoming a decent human being.

“Going after me will earn you Papa’s loathing. Then where will you be? What will you have accomplished?”
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