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Affairs Of The Heart: The Italian Boss's Secret Child

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His face stilled momentarily before a slight tic started up under his right eye.

‘You’re joking, right?’ He tried to smile, but the tic got in the way, jerking up the side of his lip.

‘I’m joking, wrong.’

Putting his head down, he paced a few steps around the office. Suddenly he stopped and looked up at her. ‘Then what am I expected to do? I gave up my flat when I moved in with Muriel. I’ve got nowhere to go.’

Philly almost laughed, until she realised he was serious. ‘Excuse me, but I don’t think that’s my problem.’

His face took a bitter twist as his tic worked overtime.

‘Then think again, sweetheart. I’m moving in with you tonight.’

Suddenly she needed to get out of there—and fast. For someone who’d up until today had an enviable absence of morning sickness she felt pretty close to losing everything she’d managed to keep down in the last six weeks and more.

‘Excuse me—’ She rushed for the door and pulled it open, only to almost trip over the huddled form of Enid, who was trying to look inconspicuous watering the pot-plants just outside the door. Damien stopped his pacing in the waiting area beyond and looked up at her, the storm in his eyes giving way fractionally to concern. For a moment as their eyes met in the confusion she forgot her nausea completely. But only for a moment. Then she felt the surge inside her once more and she rushed past Enid into the rest-rooms beyond.

‘What the hell’s going on out there?’ Bryce called. ‘Philly, where are you?’

‘I’ll go see how she is,’ Enid volunteered, following.

‘The hell you will. I’ll go!’ asserted Bryce, pushing his way into the bathroom.

Almost immediately he wavered, turning back at the sounds of her distress, his face taking on a noticeably green tinge. ‘Aah, I don’t think she’s very well.’

Enid scowled at him. ‘A lot you seem to care.’

Damien joined them outside the door. ‘You idiot. She’s probably feeling sick enough with the baby coming without you upsetting her.’

‘I’ve explained that,’ Bryce stated. ‘It wasn’t my…’

There was silence for a few seconds until Philly wobbled to the door, looking washed out and holding a damp paper towel to her face. ‘Phew, that was too close. Panic over.’

Damien held out his arm, questions in his eyes. ‘Lean on me. Come and sit down.’

She took his arm, avoiding the questions and letting herself sink her weight gratefully against him as he led her down to the more comfortable chairs in the waiting room.

‘You need a nice cup of tea,’ suggested Enid, disappearing into the small kitchenette to put the kettle on.

Bryce trailed them down the hall, all the time his eyes dashing between Philly and Damien and back again before finally settling around the region of Philly’s still flat abdomen as she reclined into an armchair. His tongue darted out and flicked around his lips nervously.

‘Um. What’s going on?’

She looked up at him, her eyes weary. ‘Bryce, there’s no place for you back in my life. I wasn’t going to tell you because it’s actually none of your business, but I’m pregnant.’

He looked around, panic evident in his eyes. ‘But—you can’t be. We haven’t—I always used—It’s been months!’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ she said, ‘I never said it was yours.’

‘Then who the hell have you been sleeping with?’

Damien couldn’t stay quiet any longer. He didn’t have any idea how this baby had been conceived, but he sure as hell was happy it had nothing to do with Bryce. ‘You’ve got to be joking! Surely you don’t expect Philly to answer that question,’ he snapped.

‘I want to know. The minute my back is turned, she goes and gets herself pregnant. Whose is it?’

‘Philly told you, it’s none of your business. Maybe it’s about time you were thinking about leaving again—this time for good.’

Bryce looked around and threw Damien a hateful expression. ‘Why don’t you just stay out of this?’ he snapped, before his eyes suddenly narrowed. ‘Hang on…’

He looked from Philly’s face to Damien’s and back again. Damien glared right back.

‘Damien’s right,’ she said. ‘You should go.’

Bryce’s searching gaze focused once more on Philly, his lip curling. ‘It’s his baby, isn’t it? You probably couldn’t wait for me to be out of the picture. In fact, it was probably going on before I left. That’s what you’re doing up on this swank floor. You earned your promotion on your back. Go on—deny it.’

Philly squeezed her eyes shut and wished she could do the same for her ears. This couldn’t be happening.

‘Why deny it?’ said Damien, his voice heavy with anger, his hands curling into fists. ‘It is my baby.’

Philly’s heart missed a beat as her eyes snapped open.


‘So understand me when I say,’ continued Damien as he forced Bryce to the lifts without touching him but by his sheer physical presence. ‘You stay away from Philly. I never want you to contact her again. And I don’t want to see your face around here either. Got that?’

The lift doors behind Bryce slid open. For a moment it looked as if he was trying to make a last-ditch attempt. His chest puffed out and his red cheeks swelled as if he was trying to come up with something cutting in response. It was a futile gesture.

Damien took one step towards him and with one hand shoved Bryce into the compartment. The low heel of Bryce’s shoe caught in the gap and he sprawled backwards, crashing like a deck of cards into the corner.

Then the lift doors hummed closed.

Damien watched the doors for a few seconds, as if ensuring Bryce was truly gone, before turning back to her.

She lifted her face to meet his, saw his eyes soften and warm as they swept over her face, and his gaze rocked her soul. He was fantastic. Did he have any idea of just what he’d done for her? There was no way she could have faced a scene at home tonight with Bryce pushing his way into their house. Her mother just couldn’t handle that sort of stress. But Damien’s actions had meant that there was no likelihood of having Bryce crashing her home and upsetting her mother. Damien had saved them both.

And it hit her then, like a blow to the gut. What she felt now towards Damien was much more than grateful thanks. She didn’t just appreciate what he’d done.

She loved him.

She loved the father of her child.

And he knew. Somehow, by whatever means, he already knew the truth about the baby. Maybe that might pave the way for a future for them all together.

She smiled up at him. It felt weak and lopsided but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling with the surge of these novel and profound emotions welling up inside.

‘How long have you known?’ she said.

Frown lines appeared at his brow and his eyes muddied. ‘Known what?’
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