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Wedding Vows: Say I Do: Matrimony with His Majesty / Invitation to the Prince's Palace / The Prince's Outback Bride

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The connection was perfect.

“Darrell Collier has been raising my son for the last twelve years. I’m afraid I parted with that ring one starry night in the Colorado mountains where she was working for the summer. But as I told you, the memory is vague due to too much alcohol on both our parts.

“When Uncle Vittorio had a bad accident while I was on vacation with Chaz, we had to fly home. Since I traveled incognito, Ms. Collier didn’t know who I was or where to reach me. So we never saw each other again. For Phillip’s sake she’s been trying to find me.”

He heard the other man make a strange sound in his throat. “You call this a crisis averted?” Leo blurted in genuine alarm. “After hearing news of this magnitude, how in the hell are you even functioning?”

“I admit I was in shock until Phillip came running in Darrell’s house. He’s a living miracle, Leo. I’m bringing him and his mother home with me tonight.”


“I’m his father. He’s never given up hope of being united with me.”

“Obviously Ms. Collier never got over you, either, or she’d be married by now.”

Alex let the remark go. For the moment it was too complicated to explain about Melissa, let alone Darrell’s sacrifice. For several reasons no one could know the truth yet. Darrell was Phillip’s legal mother. For the time being that was as much as Alex wanted anyone to know.

First and foremost, he needed Darrell with them in order to establish a bond with his son.

“It’s only natural he wants to see where I live and spend time with me. We need to get acquainted, but I can’t do that in Denver while I have so many commitments back in Bris right now.”

“Alex—you’re not thinking like a king whose marriage is three weeks away. You haven’t thought through the myriad ramifications.”

That was all Alex had been doing. But no matter what he had to face, it took a back seat to the joy he’d felt when Phillip let go of his pain and hugged him. An inexplicable sense of their belonging together had assailed him. At that moment his gratitude to Darrell knew no limits.

“Who else knows about this besides me?”

“Carl. But he’s the soul of discretion.”

“How much does Phillip look like you?”

“The second you meet him, you’ll know he’s mine.”

By the silence, Alex could tell Leo was still trying to absorb the earthshaking news. Finally he said, “I’ll make certain bodyguards are assigned to them.”

“Thanks, Leo.”

“Alex—I’m not speaking as your security advisor now, but as your friend. Take my advice and don’t bring them to Bris until after your wedding. Then it can be handled privately. Give this more time or the press will tear you to pieces.”

Not just the press, Alex muttered inwardly. His uncle Vittorio, the second most powerful man in the kingdom, would be outraged and poison the cabinet against Alex, forcing him to step down. Fortunately he was still in Greece on a cruise with Alex’s Aunt Renate.

As for Alex’s mother, she would go into shock. But he had faith she would recover. He had a plan how he would handle Isabella’s parents. Which brought him around to thoughts of Isabella and her reaction. This news would crush her in ways he didn’t want to entertain. There was no way around the fact that Alex was about to do an unthinkable thing to her…

But the truly unthinkable thing would be to turn his back on his son. Already Phillip had a stranglehold on his heart that took precedence over every other consideration.

He lowered his head. “If I don’t follow through, Phillip will take it as a rejection, Leo. I can’t risk it. He’s too emotionally vulnerable.”

After twelve years Alex had to act immediately or he could never hope to have a close relationship with his newfound son.

“Isabella’s going to find out!”

“I intend to tell her the truth before she hears it from another source.”

“That’s a terrifying thought, Alex.”

Leo was wrong. The only terrifying thought was that Phillip had been alive all these years and Alex hadn’t known about it. He closed his eyes for a moment, thankful that Darrell’s love for Phillip had driven her to unite him and Alex.

“I want him with me forever. I love him, Leo.”

“Understood,” his friend whispered at last. “But you are the king. My first instinct is to want to protect you. Hell, Alex, I’m sorry to have come at you like this. I have no right.”

“No man had a better friend. That gives you the right. If this had happened to you, I’d be voicing the same concerns.”

“What in the name of heaven are you going to do?”

From the limo window Alex could see the lights go out in the upstairs portion of the condo. His security people had started to close in.

“The only thing I can do. Take it a step at a time.” Alex had never been a father before. He needed time for the wonder of it to sink in. There were plans to make. “We’ll talk when I land.”

After ringing off, Alex levered himself from the back of the limo in order to help Darrell, who’d just locked her front door. He was glad to see that Phillip was carrying both their bags. Two security men offered to assist him but Phillip held on to them all the way to the limo.

Alex’s first little parental talk with his son had produced results. His heart swelled with fatherly pride. Too many emotions were welling inside of him from all directions.

As Darrell walked toward Alex, the glow from the street lamps highlighted the silvery-gold sheen of her hair.

Unable to keep from studying the contours of her lovely face and figure, he felt the same quickening in his blood as before when she’d first walked up the steps of the jet. To his chagrin it was much stronger now.

The fact that he’d never had this kind of reaction to Isabella caused him to groan because he knew he was in trouble. Worse, there wasn’t a damn thing he wanted to do about it. What in heaven’s name was happening to him?

Darrell discovered there were two bedrooms aboard the plane. For the flight to Switzerland Alex had installed them in the one normally reserved for his mother. When Phillip joked about the queen-size bed being named after his grandmother, laughter pealed out of Alex.

Though he indulged his son and seemed to find him a never ending source of entertainment, Darrell was concerned Phillip’s sometimes cheeky nature was too over the top.

He hadn’t inherited that behavioral trait from Melissa, so Darrell had assumed he must be more like his father. But Alex wasn’t anything like Phillip in that regard, which made Darrell wonder where exactly the imp in Phillip had come from.

After he’d changed into sweats and climbed under the covers he looked up at Darrell. “Dad’s awesome.”

The hero-worship in her son’s eyes was clear for anyone to see. For the last hour Phillip had fired one outrageous question after another at his father until they were all worn out from laughing.

“I agree.”

“My friends are going to freak when they find out he’s the king of Valleder.”

“You’re right about that. Just remember that for now it’s our secret, and we’re simply your father’s guests. The woman he’s going to marry doesn’t know about you yet. After he’s told her, then you can claim him.”

“You don’t think she’s going to like me, huh.”

Darrell struggled for the right words. “I doubt your father would choose a woman who wouldn’t like you, but she’s going to need time to get used to the idea that she has to share him with you.” All of three little weeks in fact.
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