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Husband Potential

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“When is the ship due to go back?”

“In a couple of days.”

Jimmy hoisted his duffel bag over his shoulder. “Well, if I can’t talk you into coming to my house, then I guess I’d better get a move on. My wife and kids are waiting for me.” His eyes were alive with anticipation. “It’s been a pleasure working with you, Andre.”

Andre nodded. “I enjoyed your company too. Good luck, Jimmy.”

A huge crowd had turned out to meet their ship. But Andre kept his eyes on Jimmy who descended the gangplank as fast as was humanly possible.

In the distance, he saw a pretty, red-headed mother holding the hands of her two children. They were all running toward him. Andre could hear their joyous shouts.

Soon he saw Jimmy lower his bag and throw his arms around the three of them. They clung.

Andre could feel their happiness. He had never envied anyone as much as he envied Jimmy at that moment. The picture became a blur. Suddenly Andre could hear his father talking.

“I’m not a man of the world, my son. I can’t leave you a shop or a farm. I own nothing. But I can give you a quiet place of repose where you can come to be alone, to ponder. You haven’t found the meaning of your life in your travels. Maybe one day you’ll find it here. Then you’ll enjoy the peace you’ve been searching for.”

Andre grimaced, then grabbed his duffel bag and hurried ashore.

One thing was certain. Bumping into Ms. Mallory at Hollywood Bowl two months ago hadn’t helped his state of mind. On top of everything else bothering him, she made him feel guilty for his sin of omission.

On those previous occasions in her presence, he’d had his reasons for not telling her the truth. They’d made perfect sense to him. But no longer.

Maybe the peace and quiet of the monastery was exactly what he needed to get his head on straight. It was only an hour’s flight to Salt Lake. The brothers would give him the space he wanted.

Right now he craved privacy. Living at sea in such close quarters with the other men made that impossible.

Loners were perceived as troublemakers by virtue of their desire for isolation. A loner caused division in the group without meaning to. Division created unrest and low morale among the crew.

Andre was beginning to think that if he didn’t snap out of it pretty soon, his days of working at sea were numbered.

Seven hours later, when the burning orange ball of the sun had long since dropped into the Great Salt Lake, he drove his rental car past the gates leading to the monastery.

The brothers had finished their chores for the day. Not a soul was in sight. Halfway to the edifice he pulled to the side of the road to finish his hamburger and fries.

When he looked up, the mountains seemed to jump out at him. The snow had melted from their peaks, evidence of a hot summer. He hadn’t appreciated them on his first visit. They literally rose from the backyards of peoples’ homes.

His father would have seen this view every day. For a man who had been born in the flat lands of the Louisiana Bayou, the rugged terrain of the Rockies must have been a constant source of amazement to him.

The peal of bells resounded from the church belfry, permeating the tranquillity of the well-tended grounds and orchards. It was a beautiful sound, if not a little lonely. But that was because Andre was on the outside, looking in. This was home to eighty monks who wanted for nothing. Each was content.

Andre was the visitor who didn’t belong, but because of an accident of birth, he had the right to come and go here at will.

However, he didn’t have the right to disturb the brothers any more than he could help. They retired early.

Starting up the motor once more, he continued his drive to the monastery and locked the car. The warm night air smelled sweet. It brought a physical ache clear to his hands.

With a tug of the bellpull, he summoned one of the brothers who greeted him cordially and told him he could use the same room as before.

A feeling of déjà vu accompanied him on his solitary walk through the corridors lined with holy pictures.

The sense of loss grew stronger. He’d had so little time with his parent.

His room appeared to be the same as he’d left it. With one exception. Someone had left a magazine on the desk next to the missal.

Curious, he put down his duffel bag and reached for it. “BEEHIVE MAGAZINE. Your Passport to Utah’s Wonders.”

He opened the cover and scanned the index. Francesca Mallory. His heart gave a hard kick.

Sinking down on the cot, he turned to the article on the monastery. The mockup she’d shown him hadn’t done it justice.

Staring straight at him, taking up the whole page, was the full color picture of his father, Abbot Ambrose, the same picture he carried in his bag.

A lump lodged in his throat and refused to go away.

He read every word of the text several times.

When he thought about it, hundreds of millions of people had lived and died over the centuries, and no one ever knew their stories. Yet many thousands of people had already read this article which witnessed to the world that Andre’s father had performed a special work on the earth and had made a remarkable contribution.

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