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He nodded. “They have matinees. You’d be surprised how many guests at the dude ranch take in a show while they’re in town. When you’re on vacation, you should be able to do whatever you want.” For the moment, this was exactly what Buck wanted to do.

One more corner and they came to the Boot Corral. He shut off the engine and they all climbed out. Johnny led the way inside the store. The college-aged girl at the counter broke into a smile when she saw Buck. “Hello again, you guys.”

“Hi,” Johnny greeted her. Buck followed suit.

The brunette was cute and flirted with him every time he came in, but there was no chemistry and she was too young for him. “Today we need a cap gun, a holster and enough ammo to last a week.”

“It’s for Jenny,” Johnny explained.

“I see. Well, let’s get her outfitted. Is there anything else you need while I’m at it?”

“Do you have any cowboy boots?” Johnny asked Jenny.


“Then she needs boots and a hat!” Johnny was starting to sound more like Carson every day.

“Could I have a white one?”

“I think there’s one your size.”

“Maybe I’ll get some cowboy boots, too,” Alex spoke up.

Buck had been on the verge of suggesting it.

“Great. Come on and follow me to the other end of the store.”

Before long, they’d bought everything they needed. Buck enjoyed sitting back while he watched Alex try on several different kinds of boots. With those legs...

When all the decisions had been made, he threw in a white hat for her. “Now you and Jenny will be the good guy twins.”

After flashing him a smile that lit her eyes, she walked to the front desk and pulled out her credit card.

“Sorry.” Buck picked it up and handed it back to her. He felt her warmth when their hands brushed in the process. “These purchases are compliments of the ranch. They go with the territory.”

She shook her head. “I don’t feel right about it.”

“Too bad, because that’s the way it is.” He turned to the clerk. “Put it on my bill.”

“You bet.”

“Would it be all right if we leave the bags here? We’ll come back for them a little later.”

“No problem. I’ll leave them behind the counter.”

“Thank you.” Excited for what was to follow, Buck left his cowboy hat with their purchases and walked the four of them out to the Jeep. When he’d flown into Jackson last evening anticipating the Forresters’ arrival, he couldn’t have imagined this happy scene or a woman like Alex. Although Frank was waiting in the background, Buck refused to think about that right now.

Chapter Three

Alex had noticed the way the clerk who’d waited on them only had eyes for Buck. That didn’t surprise her. There were a lot of guys walking around the store and out on the streets, but none of them had captured Alex’s attention, either.

And although he was nice to the attractive girl who’d looked to be in her early twenties, he didn’t give off any signals that he was interested. If Alex had been that clerk, it would have been disappointing not to make any headway with him. A man with his appeal and charisma didn’t come along often.

Alex couldn’t remember the last time she’d found a younger man so attractive. In fact, it frustrated her that he’d been on her mind this much since their arrival in Jackson.

After Christy was born, Alex had lived with her parents and had gotten a job so she could afford day care for her baby. Later on, when Christy started kindergarten, Alex went to college on student loans at night and worked during the day while still living at home.

Once she’d graduated with a degree in finance, she started a new job at a bank near her parents’ house and eventually earned enough money to move into an apartment with Christy. Over those years, she’d dedicated herself to her child and her work. She’d gone out on the occasional date, but getting married hadn’t been her focus.

Her teenage love affair resulting in a child had changed her life and priorities. She’d worked so hard at everything and was so grateful for her parents’ help that her mind hadn’t been on guys. To her chagrin, her teenage daughter fell in love at seventeen, too. Since she and Daniel wanted to get married, Alex gave her permission. It was a good thing because they had a baby right away and Alex helped them all she could so they’d have a stable home. Soon after Jenny came along, Daniel joined the marines.

It was about the same time that Frank lost his wife. While Alex commiserated with him at work, their friendship grew. Then came double tragedy. Alex lived to console her granddaughter and give her the life she deserved. Frank was there to talk to and filled a huge void in her life.

In time, she fell in love with him and was thrilled when he proposed. To have a wonderful, constant man in her life and Jenny’s meant everything. But when she’d broached the idea of marriage with Jenny, it hadn’t gone as she’d hoped.

Her granddaughter’s feelings seemed all mixed up inside. Some days she was angry and threw her Lego bricks all over her room. Other times, Alex found her by the window in her bedroom after school, so lonely and quiet it pierced her heart. Last week, she’d talked constantly about her daddy and cried because he and her mommy were gone.

The invitation to spend an expense-free week at the dude ranch had brought the only light to Jenny’s eyes in the past year. When Frank drove them to the airport to come on this trip, Jenny had acted as if he wasn’t there. Alex was mortified over her behavior and suspected her granddaughter was glad they were getting away from him for a week. He had to have noticed, but there was nothing to be done about it.

But since their arrival in Jackson last night, Jenny had been acting like a normal girl again. Alex had a hunch Buck’s entry into their lives had something to do with Jenny’s lighter spirits. The man sure knew how to make everything exciting.

Frank wasn’t exciting in the same way to Jenny, because he was older. Of course, it wasn’t only that. Frank had a completely different personality. But the aspects Alex loved about him didn’t do it for Jenny. He was too set in his ways for her and not spontaneous enough.

Buck, on the other hand, appeared ready to do anything and delighted the kids by getting them hot dogs and popcorn to eat during the movie. Alex felt like a kid herself as they entered the crowded theater with their food. Johnny spotted four seats together three-fourths of the way back and urged Jenny to follow him. Alex and Buck joined them. The film had a clever story and some catchy music. But as much as Alex enjoyed it, she was far too aware of the man seated on her left to be able to concentrate fully.

He smelled good and looked fantastic. Buck Summerhayes was a man in his prime who was plagued by a cough he’d inherited from the war. Like her son-in-law, Daniel, he’d done something exceptional with his life by fighting for his country. He and his friends were still doing something exceptional in their own way by making this trip possible for her and Jenny.

Her eyes smarted at the dedication of these men who had to keep oxygen on hand, yet didn’t let it bother them. Johnny obviously admired Buck who could be fun and kind, yet firm when necessary. Jenny had liked him right off. That never happened with strangers.

Alex couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this carefree. When she got home, she would have to write to Daniel’s commanding officer and thank him for urging her to bring Jenny on this trip.

“Are you all right?” Buck whispered.

Besides everything else, he was sensitive, too. “Yes,” she whispered back. “I was just thinking how glad I am we came. Already you’ve made my granddaughter so happy.”

“That’s Johnny’s doing.”

“I think she feels an affinity with him because they’ve both lost their fathers, but he’s had help from you and your friends. You’re all true heroes.”

After a long silence, he asked, “What about you? How are you holding up? I’ve never been a parent, but I know it had to be devastating for you to lose your daughter.”

Her throat swelled. “I wouldn’t have made it if I didn’t have Jenny to raise. She gives me a reason to get up every morning.”

“For what it’s worth, your devotion to her is heroic. Carson’s grandfather raised him after his parents died. I see how he turned out and can only marvel over the older man’s ability to be there for Carson in every way. He left this ranch to him. It’s now Carson’s goal to make the ranch successful and pay back the man who was a hero, just like you.”

Tears escaped her closed lids. She wiped them away. “Don’t praise me. My work has barely begun.”

“That’s what I’m talking about.” His deep tone flowed through her. “You’ll be there for her all your life. After what you’ve had to endure, I admire you more than you know.”
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