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Кембриджская школа. Теория и практика интеллектуальной истории

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[Lemmon 1966] – Lemmon E. J. Sentences, Statements and Propositions // British Analytical Philosophy / Ed. by B. Williams and A. Montefiore. London, 1966. P. 87–107.

[Lerner 1950] – Lerner M. Introduction // Machiavelli N. The Prince and The Discourses. New York, 1950. P. xxv – xlviii.

[Locke 1967] – Locke J. Two Tracts on Government / Ed. by Ph. Abrams. Cambridge, 1967.

[Lovejoy 1960] – Lovejoy A. O. The Great Chain of Being. New York, 1960.

[MacIntyre 1962] – MacIntyre A. A Mistake about Causality in Social Science // Philosophy, Politics and Society. 2nd series / Ed. by P. Laslett and W. G. Runciman. Oxford, 1962. P. 48–70.

[MacIntyre 1966a] – MacIntyre A. A Short History of Ethics. New York, 1966.

[MacIntyre 1966b] – MacIntyre A. The Antecedents of Action // British Analytical Philosophy / Ed. by B. Williams and A. Montefiore. London, 1966. P. 205–225.

[MacIntyre 1967] – MacIntyre A. The Idea of a Social Science // Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 1967. Supplementary vol. 41. P. 95–132.

[Macpherson 1962] – Macpherson C. B. The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke. Oxford, 1962.

[Mandelbaum 1965] – Mandelbaum M. The History of Ideas, Intellectual History, and the History of Philosophy // History and Theory. 1965. Vol. 5. Beiheft 5: The Historiography of the History of Philosophy. P. 33–66.

[Mandelbaum 1967] – Mandelbaum M. A Note on History as Narrative // History and Theory. 1967. Vol. 6. № 3. P. 413–419.

[Mansfield 1962] – Mansfield H. C., Jr. Sir Lewis Namier Considered // Journal of British Studies. 1962. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 28–55.

[Mansfield 1965] – Mansfield H. C., Jr. Statesmanship and Party Government. Chicago, 1965.

[Marsilius of Padua 1951–1956] – Marsilius of Padua. The Defender of Peace: In 2 vols. / Transl. and ed. by A. Gewirth. New York, 1951–1956.

[Martin 1962] – Martin K. French Liberal Thought in the Eighteenth Century. London, 1962.

[McCloskey 1957] – McCloskey R. G. American Political Thought and the Study of Politics // American Political Science Review. 1957. Vol. 51. № 1. P. 115–129.

[McCoy 1963] – McCoy Ch. R. N. The Structure of Political Thought. New York, 1963.

[McGrade 1963] – McGrade A. S. The Coherence of Hooker’s Polity: The Books on Power // Journal of the History of Ideas. 1963. Vol. 24. № 2. P. 163–182.

[Merkl 1967] – Merkl P. H. Political Continuity and Change. New York, 1967.

[Merton 1938] – Merton R. K. Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth-Century England // Osiris. 1938. Vol. 4. P. 360–632.

[Mintz 1962] – Mintz S. I. The Hunting of Leviathan. Cambridge, 1962.

[Morgenthau 1958] – Morgenthau H. J. Dilemmas of Politics. Chicago, 1958.

[Morris 1953] – Morris Ch. Political Thought in England: Tyndale to Hooker. Oxford, 1953.

[Morris 1966] – Morris G. C. Montesquieu and the Varieties of Political Experience // Political Ideas / Ed. by D. Thomson. London, 1966. P. 81–94.

[Murphy 1951] – Murphy N. R. The Interpretation of Plato’s Republic. Oxford, 1951.

[Namier 1955] – Namier L. B. Human Nature in Politics // Namier L. B. Personalities and Powers. London, 1955. P. 1–7.

[Nelson 1962] – Nelson L. What Is the History of Philosophy? // Ratio. 1962. Vol. 4. № 1. P. 22–35.

[Parkin 1956] – Parkin Ch. The Moral Basis of Burke’s Political Thought. Cambridge, 1956.

[Passmore 1965] – Passmore J. The Idea of a History of Philosophy // History and Theory. 1965. Vol. 5. Beiheft 5: The Historiography of the History of Philosophy. P. 1–32.

[Plamenatz 1963] – Plamenatz J. Man and Society: In 2 vols. London, 1963.

[Plucknett 1926] – Plucknett Th. F. T. Bonham’s Case and Judicial Review // Harvard Law Review. 1926. Vol. 40. № 1. P. 30–70.

[Pocock 1957] – Pocock J. G. A. The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge, 1957.

[Pocock 1962] – Pocock J. G. A. The History of Political Thought: A Methodological Enquiry // Philosophy, Politics and Society. 2nd series / Ed. by P. Laslett and W. G. Runciman. Oxford, 1962. P. 183–202.

[Pocock 1965] – Pocock J. G. A. Machiavelli, Harrington, and English Political Ideologies in the Eighteenth Century // William and Mary Quarterly. 1965. Vol. 22. № 4. P. 549–583.

[Pocock 1966] – Pocock J. G. A. “The Onely Politician”: Machiavelli, Harrington and Felix Raab // Historical Studies: Australia and New Zealand. 1966. Vol. 12. № 46. P. 265–296.

[Popkin 1953] – Popkin R. H. Joseph Glanvill: A Precursor of David Hume // Journal of the History of Ideas. 1953. Vol. 14. № 2. P. 292–303.

[Popper 1962] – Popper K. R. The Open Society and its Enemies: In 2 vols. 4th ed. London, 1962.

[Prezzolini 1968] – Prezzolini G. Machiavelli / Transl. by G. Savini. London, 1968.

[Quine 1953] – Quine W. V. O. Mr. Strawson on Logical Theory // Mind. 1953. Vol. 62. № 248. P. 433–451.

[Raab 1964] – Raab F. The English Face of Machiavelli. London, 1964.

[Reid 1941] – Reid Th. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man / Ed. by A. D. Woozley. London, 1941.

[Rex 1965] – Rex W. Essays on Pierre Bayle and Religious Controversy. The Hague, 1965.

[Robinson 1931] – Robinson H. Bayle the Sceptic. New York, 1931.

[Russell 1946] – Russell B. History of Western Philosophy. London, 1946.

[Ryan 1965] – Ryan A. Locke and the Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie // Political Studies. 1965. Vol. 13. № 2. P. 219–230.

[Sabine 1951] – Sabine G. H. A History of Political Theory. 3rd ed. London, 1951.

[Sampson 1956] – Sampson R. V. Progress in the Age of Reason. London, 1956.

[Seliger 1968] – Seliger M. The Liberal Politics of John Locke. London, 1968.

[Shirley 1949] – Shirley P. J. Richard Hooker and Contemporary Political Ideas. London, 1949.

[Sibley 1958] – Sibley M. Q. The Place of Classical Political Theory in the Study of Politics: The Legitimate Spell of Plato // Approaches to the Study of Politics / Ed. by R. Young. Chicago, 1958. P. 125–148.
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