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The Rancher's Christmas Song

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“Yeah. You know where they are.”

The boys ran into the barn, heading for the fridge inside the office, where he kept a few snacks.

He turned to her. Like his father always said, better to eat crow when it was fresh. It tasted better hot and was much easier to swallow.

“How big of an apology do I owe you for the boys’ behavior?”

To his surprise, she smiled, something she didn’t do around him very often. For some reason, the woman didn’t seem to like him very much.

“On a scale of one to ten?” she asked. “Probably a seven.”

“I’m going to take that as a win.”

Her smile widened. It made her whole face glow. With a few snowflakes falling in her hair and the slanted afternoon sun hitting her just right, the universe seemed to be making it impossible for him to look away.

“It’s hard for two seven-year-old boys to be in school all day, then take a long bus ride, then have to sit and behave for another hour and a half,” she said. “I understand that. They have energy to burn and need somewhere to put it. Today was hard because there was a lot of sitting around while we practiced songs. Things won’t be as crazy for our next practice, I’m sure.”

“It really does help if they can work out a little energy.”

“We did elf jumping jacks. You’re right, things were better after that.”

She paused, her smile sliding away. He had the feeling she was uncomfortable about something. Or maybe he was the only uncomfortable one here.

“Do you need me to give the boys a ride to the rest of our practices?” she finally asked. “I can take them with me to The Christmas Ranch after school and bring them back here when practice is over.”

Her generous offer startled him. The night before, he had wanted to ask her the same thing, but in the light of day, the request had seemed entirely too presumptuous.

“Are you sure that wouldn’t be a problem?”

“You’re right next door. It’s only five minutes out of my way, to bring them up here to the house. I don’t mind, really.”

“That’s very gracious of you. If you’re sure it won’t be an inconvenience, I would appreciate it.”

“I don’t mind. I should warn you, they might be a little later coming home than some of the other children, since I have to straighten up our rehearsal space after we’re done. Perhaps they can help me put away chairs after practice.”

“Absolutely. They’re good boys and will work hard, as long as they have a little direction.”

The wind was kicking up, blowing down out of the foothills with that peculiar smell of an approaching storm. She shivered a little and he felt bad for keeping her standing out here. He could have invited her inside the horse barn, at least.

“I really do appreciate it,” he said, feeling as big and rough and awkward as he always did around her soft, graceful beauty. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure how I would juggle everything this week. I’m supposed to be going out of town tomorrow until Monday to look at a couple of horses and I hate complicating the boys’ schedule more than I have to for Uncle Dan and Jax.”

“No problem.”

“Thanks. I owe you one.”

“You do,” she answered firmly. “And here’s how you can pay me back. We’re signing up drivers for the night of the show to pick up some of the senior citizens who don’t like driving in the snow. Add your name to the list and we can be even.”

That would be no hardship for him. It would take up one evening of his life and he could fit a half-dozen senior citizens in his crew cab pickup.

“Sure. I can do that.”

“Okay. Deal.”

To his surprise, she thrust out her hand to seal the agreement, as if they were bartering cattle or signing a treaty. After a beat, he took it. Her fingers were cool, small, smooth, and he didn’t want to let go. He was stunned by his urge to tug her against him and kiss that soft, sweet mouth.

He came to his senses just an instant before he might have acted on the impulse and released her fingers. He saw confusion cloud her gaze but something else, too. A little spark of awareness he instantly recognized.

“I need to, that is, I have to...my dad will be waiting for me.”

“Give my best regards to Curt,” he said.

The words were a mistake. He knew it as soon as he spoke them. Her mouth tightened and that little glimmer of awareness disappeared, crowded out by something that looked like resentment.

“I’ll do that, though I’m sure he already knows he has your best regards,” she said stiffly. “The feeling is mutual, I’m sure.”

He frowned, again feeling awkward and not sure what he should say. Yes, he and her father got along well. He respected Curt, enjoyed the man’s company, and was grateful he was in a position to help him. Why did that bother her?

Did she know Curt had offered to sell him the ranch?

He was hesitant to ask, for reasons he couldn’t have defined.

“I should go. It’s been a long day. I’ll bring the boys back from practice tomorrow and take care of Saturday, too.”

“Sounds good. I won’t be here, but Jax and Dan will be.”

She nodded and climbed into her SUV in her fancy leather boots and slim skirt.

He watched her drive away for much longer than he should have, wondering why he felt so awkward around her. Everyone in town seemed to like Ella. Though she had moved back only a year ago, she had somehow managed to fuse herself into the fabric of this small Idaho community.

He liked her, too. That was a big part of the problem. He couldn’t be around her without wondering if her skin was as soft as it looked, her hair as silky, her mouth as delicious.

He had to get over this stupid attraction, but he had no idea how.

He was so busy watching after her taillights, he didn’t notice the boys had come out until Trevor spoke.

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