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Calming the Storm

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To city of the Bethlehem it ran
To manger where the baby has been born.

The star has been born in the night to stay —
There is a banner in the wondrous skies,
Kings with the camels are on their way
As every heart to cradle so aspires.

And all the shepherds, next to flocks they sit
Next to a manger they all see
An infant-God and Christ they watch in it
As their lambs so quietly bleat.

And He just watches them with light so pure
And gives the joy He has for all inside.
Mother of God, just like a moon through door,
Reflects all glory with her divine light.

What shall one give to baby Christ,
How can one show the love so strong?
– Live with your hearts all pure inside,
Gifts – acts of faith that come along!

Christ's Commandment

As He prepared the Apostles,
To the covenant of the new Easter,
With love, He tried to fill their hearts,
With fire so bright and blissful.

And knowing that the time has come,
Last moment that's deciding,
And that the light of sun's gone down,
A coming of an hour terrible.

Rose from the supper and took of
The clothes he was in,
And then picked up a towel clean,
And sink with water filled.

And He began to wash their feet,
Of disciples beloved,
And wiping of with towel, saw them sit,
With eyes of so much yearning.

Comes up to Simon Peter as He says,
“Give me your feet, my brother?”
Apostle, hesitating, sways:
“Lord, you do not wash them, rather.

As all the hosts, they have the slaves,
To wash the feet of strangers,
We must respect you, so it says,
And wash the dust remaining.”

“This, what I am doing now,
Will be revealed as time passes by,
If I won’t wash your feet by now,
You will not be a friend of mine.

Neither a part to share with me,
That for my children I prepare.
And here is covenant I give,
Accept it free with greatest care.”

And Peter then exclaimed to Him:
„Not only feet, my Lord,
My hands and head can be washed too,
If only you so want.“

„To those who washed only feet left
To wash and then he is all clean.
And you are pure, oh, friends of mine,
Still one of you remains unclean within.“

Since you believe that here I am,
A teacher and the Lord,
Then to each other do it then,
What you have seen and learned.“

By hearing His disciples talk,
Of who has more in acting,
Of who belongs to greater flock,
And thus, should be respected,

The Christ has told, hearing them talk:
„The Kings, – they have the world encircled,
And those who got under this flock,
Are proud to wear the purple.“

Our Benefactor! – people say,
As filled with much delight.
An opposite among you may
Just dwell and live its side.

And one who wants the greatest be,
Just work as less the greatest.
And to serve everyone, – be free,
A chief of all the eldest.

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