Siauliai City, 2015.
Parable of the Hermit
There was a prisoner, the priest,
In walls of body all enchained,
A crate for all the rest restrained,
Only to God sings this artist.
Lord of the world, my Creator,
Your God-God-worshipersings to Thee,
With living water, please, refill me
And doors of heart reveal free.
As harp of heart is gently turning,
The strings of feelings gently touched,
With Godly memory he’s burning,
With purest prayer mind attached.
This singer dwells in world another,
Although, at times we all can see,
A citizen of World, this brother,
A master of his own came to be.
April 3-rd, 2018.
Dedicated to the Metropolitan Joseph Semashko (1798–1868) and 1.5 million uniates converted to Orthodoxy
For ages and ages our people in pain,
Have suffered from delusions for a while
The Latin roots kept them in chains
Under the yoke so strong and so vile.
The Byzantine is long time gone,
Only the crumbs remaining.
There’s only thing in their eyes, a thorn —
The Slavic prayer’s reigning.
But providence of God’s love and will,
His only Holy Son,
Was just like “salt” to them revealed,
A quiet light, shining like sun.
Upon the Holy Christmas Eve
In Little Russia, as we learn,
Along to wondrous bells that ring,
The glorious shepherd’s born.
Joseph was born by destiny
In gentry roots concealed
Doomed as a uniate is he,
As told by father’s will.
But honey bee collects always
Nectar from fragrant fower’s bell,
And then we know that there are days
When poisonous ones are met as well.
And as he studied, as he grew
In Gospel science he has found use,
Prelate of Christ, he then came through
In Spirit and in Truth!
Rejecting faith of princes that they tried to hang,
Along with traps of them so sly,
A nightingale of Spirit sang —
A song of Truth inside his cry.
And once upon the ship he came,
As helmsman tall, ascended on
And people called after his name
To reach towards the father’s home,
And with this truth omnipotence
Connected by the love
“Rejected by the violence
To heavenly powers above.
They told us: guard it with no rest,
This Holy Faith we’re given,
An Orthodoxy serve each breath
To Holy Truth as we are living.
Oh, our faith of glory great,
The greatest of the ruling ways,
Inside the spirit’s strength you find,
Oh, Orthodox, it's our Faith!
A strength of spirit lies in it concealed,
In Orthodox ways, all of you may live.
In Glory of Boris and Gleb