His call echoed in the black
Catching his shout
I sought to help
But the Messenger held me back
‘What good to die?’
He asked me, grim
‘For death is all you’ll find
‘No help you’ll provide
’Gainst coreling claws
Just more meat to grind’
I struck him hard
And grabbed his spear
Leaping across the wards
A frantic charge
Strength born of fear
Before the boy be cored
‘Stay brave!’ I cried
Running hard his way
‘Keep your heart strong and true!’
‘If you can’t stride
To where it’s safe
I’ll bring the wards to you!’
I reached him quick
But not enough
Corelings gathered round
The demons thick
My work was rough
Scratching wards into the ground
A thunderous roar
Boomed in the night
A demon twenty feet tall
It towered fore
And ’gainst such might
My spear seemed puny and small
Horns like hard spears!
Claws like my arm!
A carapace hard and black!
An avalanche
Promising harm
The beast moved to the attack!
The boy screamed scared
And clutched my leg
Clawed as I drew the last ward!
The magic flared
Creator’s gift
The one force demons abhor!
Some will tell you
Only the sun
Can bring a rock demon harm
That night I learned