She was getting impatient, and then had a terrible moment where she realized she wasn’t eager to get anywhere.
“And how many items?”
Becca looked at him for a moment. He was looking right at them, did she really need to tell him? She glanced meaningfully down at them and then back to him.
He took a deep breath and counted, then handed her a ticket he’d recorded it on. “Okay, hang on to this. On the back I wrote down your room number and student ID number. You’ll need those to get your key up there at the cell phone drop.”
She froze. “So sorry, the what?”
He gave her a look. “Didn’t read any of the info, huh?”
“Uh-uh. Did you say cell phone drop?”
“They’ll tell you the hours you can check it back out.”
Becca sighed and followed the rest of the students up to the line that ended at a window. It was way too long to wait in. She went up to the next person in line. Luckily, it was a guy.
“Hi, I’m new here, and I’m so sorry to ask this, but do you mind if I just drop off my cell real fast? I wouldn’t ask, but I’m just feeling so sick from the ride up here.”
He nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
“Thank you so much,” she cooed. She looked apologetically at everyone else in the line. “Sorry!”
They all looked forgiving. She stepped into the line and then up to the window.
“Rebecca Normandy.”
The boy behind the window was skinny and unattractive. He was the type that needed to learn that big shirts only make you look smaller.
She looked askance at him. Did she look like a freshman? “Um, no? Junior.”
“Fill out the card.” She did, using the information from the janitor guy, and then slid it back to him.
“Here’s your key and information packet,” the boy said.
“Okay, and where are the girls’ dorms?”
He pointed. She smiled at him and then again at the boy who’d let her cut in front of him.
As she turned to walk away, she saw that almost everyone in the hall was looking at her. She couldn’t help but love it.
But what a lot of average-looking people, she thought.
She had nothing to lose now that she was at Manderley. She might as well choose to be a hit while she was still here. She could be remembered when she did finally leave. But for a better reason than last time she left a school. There wasn’t exactly a plaque hanging up at Waterford High School.
The following eyes continued the entire way up to her room. When she finally got there, the door was open. There was a dark-haired girl sitting on one of the beds, and the other side of the room was empty.
“I’m Rebecca. Call me Becca if you want,” she said, making brief eye contact before looking around and taking in the entirely dreary room. The floor was a flat and ugly all-colors carpet, the walls were dingy white, and the bed looked like one you’d see in a dollhouse, i.e., not one for sleeping.
“I’m Dana Veers.” Even she sounded bored with herself.
“This room is horrible,” Becca said, and walked moodily to the empty side.
“It’s ridiculous. I hate it. I’ve been here two years, and I feel like the walls are slowly moving in every day.”
Becca looked at her new roommate for the first time. She was thin and pale, but was very pretty.
“Rocking the vampire look, I see.” Becca started to unbutton her coat.
“That means a lot coming from you, Barbie.”
Becca froze, and then started to laugh. She could see that her reaction surprised Dana.
“What are you laughing at?” Dana’s tone sharpened.
“You! That was funny. Barbie. I never get that.” She rolled her eyes.
“Because vampire was so creative?”
“Touché,” Becca said with an arched eyebrow raised. “So what happened to your old roommate?”
“She graduated. Most of the girls end up with a roommate in the same class year, but sometimes they have to combine ages.” She shrugged. “She was quiet, we didn’t really talk very much.”
Becca nodded, and then looked at her suitcases and boxes. “Wow, do I not feel like unpacking. What time is it?”
Dana hesitated before answering. It was clear that she didn’t quite know how to handle her new roommate. “Eight-thirty.”
“Mmm-kay. Is anything going on tonight?” It had been a while since she’d been social. She needed it.
“Anything … like what?”
Becca sighed. “Like, a party or something?”
“No one really parties here.”
Becca laughed. “Now that is just not possible. It’s a boarding school. That is the only thing that makes these places tolerable.”
And then Becca was out the door. She stuck her head in the doorway of the next room over. Two girls were chatting and unpacking.
“Hey, I’m Becca.” She smiled winningly at them in an omg-we-r-about-2-b-bffs! kind of way.
“I’m Julia.” The taller of the two girls ran a hand through her caramel highlights.
“I’m Madison.”
“Great. So, what’s going on tonight?”