a) In employment law there are laws forbidding discrimination against people on the basis of their gender, race, religion or age.
Трудовое право включает нормативные правовые акты, запрещающие (= которые запрещают) дискриминацию по признаку пола, расовой принадлежности, религии или возраста.
b) He called for urgent legislation that would allow banks to close down accounts being used for dubious purposes.
Он выступил за скорейшее принятие законов, которые позволят банкам закрывать счета, используемые в сомнительных целях.
Participle II
Any decision reached by the arbitrator is binding on both parties.
Любое решение, вынесенное арбитром, является обязательным для обеих сторон.
1. The Bills to be adopted during the parliament’s three-day session, involve amendments to certain articles of the country’s constitution.
Вынесенные на рассмотрение трехдневной сессии парламента законопроекты содержат поправки к некоторым статьям конституции страны.
2. The quality of cigarettes to be shipped shall correspond to that of the samples approved and confirmed by the parties.
Качество подлежащих отгрузке сигарет должно соответствовать качеству образцов, утвержденных и подтвержденных обеими сторонами.
3. Authority of law enforcement officers to use deadly force is an awesome responsibility.
Право применять оружие летального действия накладывает на сотрудников правоохранительных органов огромную ответственность.
1. They were fully aware of the obstacles to be faced and the changes to be made.
2. Against the background of the falling living standards, the profits earned by the monopolists seemed particularly great.
3. A person being interviewed by the police can, of course, stay silent; they [citizens] do not have to answer any questions.
4. Laws to establish fair wages, limit the number of hours worked in a week, and prevent children from being exploited are some of the areas covered by employment law.
5. If you want to set up business under English law, the first question to consider is to form a limited company or not.
6. The quality of goods received must correspond to the specifications stipulated in a contract signed by companies.
7. The Chinese government has responded to a growing demand for better quality goods and set up special courts to deal with customers’ complaints.
8. The contract contains a clause providing that all disputes raised by the customers should be referred to arbitration.
9. The weight of goods to be shipped stated in the bill-of-lading is to be considered final and binding upon both Parties.
10. Many investigators carry a card that contains the Miranda warning
to be read before interrogating a suspect.
11. Any products failing to meet the agreed specifications will be returned to the supplier at the supplier’s expense.
12. In France, the judges sit together with the jury who are also involved in determining the sentence to be imposed.
13. The Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties 1969 provides that every state has capacity to conclude treaties.
14. A defamatory statement heard only by a person who does not understand the language in which it is spoken is not actionable.
15. The Lords can reject a bill to allow the Commons to extend a Parliament beyond 5 years.
16. The payments to be made are attached as Appendix 1A.
17. The basic aim of law is the attainment of justice in society. However, in some situations the degree of justice hoped for is not achieved.
It’s easy to be liberal when spending another’s money.
10. Причастия I и II в функции обстоятельства
Participle I
1. (While / When) Commenting on the resolution, he informed the deputies of the country’s critical situation. Комментируя резолюцию, он сообщил депутатам о критической ситуации в стране.
2. When drafting leases, attention to detail is of paramount importance.
При составлении договоров аренды крайне важно быть внимательным ко всем деталям.
3. Having looked at the nature of the adversary system and the key players, now consider the critical steps normally involved in the criminal justice process.
Проанализировав суть концепции и изучив характер участников состязательной системы правосудия, перейдем к рассмотрению основных этапов уголовного процесса.
4. Having passed the House of Lords the Bill is ready for the Royal Assent.
После того как законопроект был принят палатой лордов, он должен получить королевскую санкцию.
Participle II
Asked about the claim, he said the dispute would be settled out of the court.
Когда его спросили об иске, он ответил, что спор будет урегулирован во внесудебном порядке.
1. Because the American legal system consists of both federal courts and state courts, a plaintiff must make a choice of court systems when filing a suit.
2. Informed that it was impossible to sack such a number of employees the executive director suggested reducing the company’s running costs by some other means.
3. Asked to justify his decision to cut the R and D budget, the head of the company failed to sound convincing.
4. Working as a block, the opposition parties have been able to formulate demands for reforming the economic situation.