YANA: are You awake? Here you go, eat the rice you like sweetened.
Yana gives the plate to her husband, he looks at his wife in a dazed way, accepts the plate, thinks something to himself, and begins to eat.
YANA: Well, tell me. What happened to you yesterday?
Philip looks up from his meal and looks at his wife strangely.
PHILIPP: What happened to me yesterday?
YANA: I don'T know… You came in late, all wet and drunk… It looks like you ate some raw mushrooms that you picked, and who knows what you picked there, because in the basket that you brought, there were only a few bitten White legs, one red leg, a couple of spat Buttercups that didn't seem to be to your taste, and a hat of Aspen.
YANA's voice in THE recording: But you didn't get poisoned, you bastard, you just gave me hope for nothing…
Philip shudders. He looks around with wide eyes, then looks at his wife. He scratches his ear and shakes his head.
YANA's VOICE in the recording: Aha, it looks like a couple of toadstools did shoot. It's kind of slow… there's something wrong with the rumors. Maybe there's still a chance…
Philip shudders again. He looks directly at his wife. The porridge from the plate in his hand begins to fall to the floor, Philip doesn't notice, his mouth opens in surprise, and he begins to understand what is happening.
Yana looks at him as if nothing has happened, with the humble, decent look of a wife.
YANA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (Joyous) So… So… well,well,well,well… It looks like my prayers were answered after all. Well, come on, honey, well davaaaaay....
YANA: I say, I was worried about you, no matter how poisoned. I don't know where I went, what I did. He came home looking strange and thoughtful. I was even afraid to approach you. I looked around the corner as you struggled to undress and fell asleep. So I ask… What happened, my dear? How are you? The porridge is falling on the floor, be careful… Everything okay?
PHILIPP: (sighs) Phew… I don't understand it myself. Some kind of haze. So I got drunk last night? Probably because of this. I was in such a downpour yesterday. All the world was cursed. It would be better to sit with his beloved wife at home, watch a movie. Why didn't you stop me?
YANA's VOICE in the RECORDING: (Annoyance) Why the hell would you give me up here, sit with you and watch a movie? I think it's a false alarm. Held by a cucumber. Know neomails.
YANA: (trembling) I… didn't think of it. I respect your choice. A man must have his own space, well… I thought you would relax, gain strength, come home happy, rested…
Philip looks doubtfully at his wife, strokes his chin with the palm of his hand, puts the porridge aside.
YANA's voice in the recording: (indignantly) What are you looking at, goat?
YANA: Something wrong, my love?
PHILIP: (holding back feelings) Hmm… uh-huh… all clear… favorite means…
YANA: (Gently) Yes, my love…
YANA'S voice in the recording: (indignantly) Favorite – favorite… was once… my mother's, I guess… Who else would love you, a poor one… However… there was one fool… How did I fall for it? I don't know.
Philip shakes his head, trying not to show his angry, angry look.
IAN: (thoughtfully) Will you be late for work, dear?
YANA'S VOICE in the recording: (indignantly) Get out of here…
PHILIP: (holding back his feelings) NDA… I think it's really best for me to go to work now… (With insight) Oh… by the way… work… we'll clear it up there now… Well, guys… keep.
Philip is furious, and hastily puts on his work clothes, grabs his bag, and slams the door, leaving the house.
The wife looks at all this with interest and incomprehension.
YANA's voice in the recording: What's wrong with him? No, something is happening…
Yana sits down, puts the porridge that has fallen on the floor back into the plate on her knees, and stands up.
YANA'S voice in the recording: Okay, we'll figure it out. Gone and, thank God. So I belong to myself until tonight. (Intricately) And maybe not just for yourself…
Yana goes into the kitchen, dancing in a great mood.
The picture is already traditional. A small office sofa for visitors, on which, snoring, huddles heavy driver Gennadievich. Desktops, laptops at which the Manager Yuri and logistician Anton sit impressively, they are again passionate about the computer game of tanks, playing with each other over the network. The noise of gunfire and the roar of engines comes from their computers. Accountant Natalia is engaged in this time manicure, sipping tea, does not ignore a large box of chocolates standing on her Desk, open and partially eaten, while talking on a mobile phone with a friend, holding the phone shoulder to ear.
The work office phone is broken, but there is no one to pick up the phone, everyone is again "very busy".
Anton defiantly presses a button on his laptop, leans back in his chair, stretches, yawns.
ANTON: (To Yuri) eh… let's take a break. Let's get some tea or something. (Natalia, loudly) Natasha do you have any more candy in there?
NATALIA: (distracting from the conversation, "through the teeth») Yes, but not about your honor.
The accountant continues to go about his business, conversation, candy, manicure.
Anton and Yuri get up, smiling sweetly. They take their mugs, throw in a tea bag, go to the cooler, take water, stirring with spoons, clink mugs, going to Natalia's table. They look at me almost hypnotically. Very intently, but with a touch of irony. Begin to mix the tea more diligently, the ringing of spoons in mugs increases.
Natalia winces and writhes, but doesn't give up.
The phone continues to ring on the accountant's Desk with small interruptions to re-dial the number.
Yuri picks up the phone and answers it himself.
YURI: Hello, am I listening? That's right. Who is needed? (He looks at Natalya with his lip stuck out) On what issue? (Outstretched) Oh, from naloooooogovoy…
Natalia throws the phone of her personal phone to the side, gestures to indicate that she is not there, so that the Manager does not give her the phone.
Yuri understands everything, shows his colleague the " Ok " gesture.
YURI: (into the phone) You know, she literally just left with the reports, I think, to redirect you. (Listening to the phone) Oh, that's what you're talking about? Well, that means everything is in order, soon all the documents will be in place. (He listens to the phone) Yes, Yes, of course I understand. We just have so much work to do, Natalia Viktorovna comes before everyone else and leaves later than everyone else, all in reports, in documents. Still on it, does not have time, but she tries very hard, believe me.
Yuri hangs up the phone with a dissatisfied face.
YURI: (to Natalia) She didn't seem to believe me… and hung up. In General, the report is required quarterly…