Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Nikolay Lakutin, ЛитПортал
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IGOR: Yes, I "smoked" it. That's what I mean… What are you doing here? Who are you here? Well there… sister, the wife of one of Stasinowsky?

MASHA: I'm Gali's friend…

IGOR: Gali's Friend? And I'm Stas's friends!

Igor again begins to laugh hysterically in his throat, meanwhile getting closer to the basket of fruit, but at the last moment stops himself, Recalling such a recent bitter experience.

MASHA (assessing the situation): Better not…

IGOR: Yes … perhaps.

Igor turns to Masha, a sly March cat grin on his face.

IGOR: and what, Mashenka? How can I be without you? Who will save me now if something happens?

Masha is flattered and confused.

MASHA (hesitating): Well…, I actually have a boyfriend.

IGOR: Seriously?

Masha nods guiltily with a childish smile on her face.

IGOR: I don't have a boyfriend!

Igor bursts into a throaty laugh, shakes his head, being in utter delight at his next joke.

Masha smiles with restraint, looking at this Holy spontaneity.

Igor sits down on the sofa like a master.

IGOR: Listen, where is everyone?

MASHA: Well…, Stas is still at work, and Galya… She took a shower…

IGOR: In the shower?

MASHA: Well, Yes…

IGOR: In broad daylight?

MASHA: Well, what's wrong with that?

IGOR: that's a little weird… What were you girls doing without me, huh?

Igor looks suspiciously at Masha. He gets up and creeps toward her.

MASHA: Yes…, nothing special, so.

IGOR (dangerously hinting at upcoming events): So we're all alone here now?

MASHA: I have a boyfriend, Igor, don't forget.

Masha takes two steps back.

IGOR (advancing): We won't tell anyone…

Masha is distraught, and she stops moving back.

Igor approaches her as close as possible, with only a few centimeters between their faces.

MASHA (hesitantly): Well…, I don't know, it's all so sudden … so…

Masha already starts to reach out to Igor to kiss him, but he changes his face abruptly and starts sniffing sharply, recoiling back.

IGOR (sniffing Masha's lips contemptuously): What's it? (sniffs) Cognac?

Masha is confused, guiltily blunts her eyes.

IGOR (after several more sniffs): Yes, exactly cognac!

MASHA (sorry): Yes, there was a case.

IGOR (furiously): Where is he?

Igor rushes to look for the bottle, looks under the table, rummages in the shelves.

MASHA: It's not there…

IGOR (annoyed): How not? What? That is, completely?

MASHA: Absolutely (hiccups once).

Igor sits down on the sofa with a sad look.

Galina enters the room in a Terry-cloth robe and Slippers. She has a towel on her head and a Cup of tea in her hand. She doesn't notice Igor.

GALINA (Masha): You know, it's better! Dushik, gulls … normal.

IGOR (Galina): Congratulations! Is the shower free? Not everyone here feels better… Can also try a proven recipe.

Galina notices Igor on the sofa, but this event does not give her any joy.

GALINA (to Igor): I'll give you a try! Go to your house and try it. You, by the way, what is there to do?

IGOR (her): Yes imagine…, walked past, I hear-chpok!

GALINA (to Igor): What do you mean, ppok?

IGOR (Galina): I mean, they took the cork out of the bottle!

Masha and Galina look at each other.

IGOR (Galina): So I can smell the source, go in, and …

GALINA (interrupts Igor): And I'm leaving! Come on, you don't have to sit here.

Galina approaches Igor busily, pulls him by the hand and leads him to the door.

GALINA: Stas will come late, next time you will sharpen your blanks. You weren't invited today, so no offense!

Galina steps on the bone that Igor spat out.

Stops in confusion. Looks at what's under your foot.

Raises the bone, looks at the same time questioningly at the bone, Masha and Igor.

GALINA: What the hell is this?

IGOR (Galina): This is my death! Koshchei had it in the egg, and I have it in this bone. Almost moved the horse here. As soon as I get to your house, there's always some shit going on!

IGOR (Masha): Last time… I came to a friend to help with the electrics – this one (pointing at Galina with disdain) turned on the switch!

GALINA (furiously, justifying herself): I urgently needed a glass of boiling water!

IGOR (Masha): Aha! And the main thing just at that moment it was necessary, when I was fully confident about my safety doing twists on the wires. Of course – banged!

GALINA (to Igor): Fuck you already!

Galina pushes Igor out of the door and slams it shut. He takes a couple of steps away, the door opens again, and Igor is back in the apartment.

IGOR (Masha): Or this one, too! I chop nuts once. Walnut. In their kitchen, over there (pointing towards the kitchen). Kolya, I don't touch anyone, we communicate with Stas, everything is fine. And here I once again just raised the hammer, this one appears … (points at Galina with disdain). How the hell out of the box jumped out, and how he screams! (he shouts, mimicking Galina in a nasty squeaky voice) Where are you looking? All the cookies are burned!

GALINA (Masha): Yes, I asked these fools to watch the cookies in the oven, I was away on women's business. While this and that, I go to the kitchen, and there Chad is already. And nothing. Laughing, something there for fishing discuss. And the fact that the embers are already in the oven blush – do not care about the frost!

IGOR (to Galina, indignantly): your Embers were thrown out and everything was done, and my finger after being hit with a hammer then hurt for another week!

Igor dismisses Galina with disdain, approaches Masha, and puts his arm around Her.

IGOR (Masha, friendly, warm): In General, friend, be careful with it. This is Satan in a skirt. I'm more than sure that she ate most of the cognac, too!

Masha smiles absurdly, looking at her friend.

Galina is furious! She leaves her mug aside and pushes Igor out of the door with both hands.

GALINA (to Igor, fiercely): Get out of here before something else happens to you!

Galina slams the door with a Bang and leans on it.

GALINA (to Masha, with a languid, tired exhalation): Obnoxious man. At least take a shower again in time.

MASHA: I think so… I'll go too. Come on, girl. Have a nice evening… There's some fruit I washed, honey, rest. It was a nervous day.

Masha hastily gets ready and leaves the apartment, leaving her purse in the confusion.


The scene is not big. You can simultaneously conduct actions on the stage, where Galina, in a weak light (emitting a secondary theme), after seeing her friend off, closes the door and, being in a certain prostration, walks slowly around the room, tasting fruit without pleasure, carefully brought by her friend. After removing the towel from his head, drying his hair with a towel as much as possible, and sighing languidly, looking somewhere in the distance, he leaves, taking a bone out of his pocket before that, and tossing it on his hand, the one that Igor choked on.

At this time, on the proscenium, or in the aisle between the first row of spectators and the proscenium, there are actions on the street (the main theme of the moment).

Soft lyrical music plays.

Igor goes slowly. The light illuminates a romantic smile on his face. He stops and thinks. Turns around, takes a few purposeful confident steps in the opposite direction, but… Stops. Some notes of frustration and doom are betrayed by his facial expressions. Igor again slowly begins to go where he went.

Masha's faint, breathless voice calls out to Him from behind.

Igor turns around.

The music stops.

Galina leaves the stage at this point (if the actions go in parallel).

Masha catches up with Igor, wearily bent at the waist. Trying to catch his breath.

MASHA: Caught up… Hello again.

IGOR: hi-no drink?

MASHA: No…, but I would also not refuse…

IGOR (instructively and supporting, points at Masha with his index finger): Here!

MASHA: Why didn't you ask for my phone number before you left? Unscrupulous…

IGOR: Because I, like any unscrupulous person, knowing that the girl I liked has a boyfriend, did not interfere in existing relationships. Yes, I'm a heartless bitch, I admit it. But what can you do?.. thus was born…

Masha comes closer to Igor, almost close.

MARY (tenderly): It's so noble, so sweet. You know… I liked you, too. Truth. But with a guy… I've been thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend for a long time. The longer we meet, the more clearly I realize that we are not a couple. Our relationship has no future, I was only with him so I wouldn't be alone. I'm very afraid to be alone… One… Alone with your thoughts, with your own… not realized by the senses… With its feminine essence, which has not found someone who would accept all this without teachings, instructions and claims… I have never met such people before. I… of course, I'm not perfect, I understand everything, but…

Igor takes a step towards Masha and hugs her tenderly.

Masha hugs Igor in response.

IGOR: You know, Masha… I am well aware that my visits to Stas's apartment are not very welcome. I couldn't explain to myself why the hell I was always going there. Like I'm looking for something, like I'm feeling something… And now…

Igor and Masha open their arms and look into each other's eyes in awe.

IGOR: Now I know what drove me all this time… I was looking for you!

Igor and Masha hold hands and their loving couple continue their way to the passageway that is going out with a light switch to the pleasant soft music.



The room is empty.

The door opens and Stanislav returns from work.

The spouse undresses, takes out a mobile phone, looks around, reads the message, grins, writes something in response. Puts the phone away. Comes to the table with fruit, helps himself. He walks around the room in a masterly manner, checks the dust on the shelf with his finger, and looks hard and demanding to see if there is anything left on his finger. Looking for something to find fault with.

Galina enters the room in unremarkable home clothes.

GALINA (completely uninterested): Oh, you've come, hi. How was your day?

STANISLAV: Are you really interested?

GALINA: Actually, not really. Thought I'd ask… For decency's sake.

Galina starts making the bed (sofa).

STANISLAV (hesitantly, unaccustomed to himself, interrupting): Well… and you… how … are you?

GALINA: From me?

The wife looks back at her husband with incomprehension. She gives him a skeptical look and continues to prepare the bed for bedtime.

Stanislav does not know what to do with himself and can not think of a topic for conversation or carping. They don't have much to talk about.

Hands in your pants, a detailed scan with your spouse's eyes, and here it is! A spark appears in Stanislav's eyes! He made it up!

STANISLAV (crossing his arms over his chest in a businesslike manner, with a pretension): There! That's what I'm talking about!

Galina turns around in incomprehension, catches her husband's mood for a scandal.

GALINA (putting her hands on her hips, accepting the challenge): Well?

STANISLAV: Well, look at you! My wife, the mother of my unborn children!

Galina glances at herself, then looks reproachfully at her husband again.

STANISLAUS: What? Don't beep, what are we talking about?

GALINA (mimicking): Don't beep! Come on, enlighten me, since you're so smart… bibically!

STANISLAV: We've been together for… (forgets how many years) And the picture doesn't change!

GALINA: What do you want? Or haven't you figured out what to dig up yet? So wait and think. I'm not rushing you.

STANISLAUS: Does you that… you know what?


STANISLAV (furiously): The husband comes home from work, and he is met not by his wife, but by some roommate! What kind of rags are you wearing? Where is the joy in your eyes, where is the meeting of your beloved spouse, where is my fucking over-salted borscht!

Stanislav is gaining momentum, his eloquence has returned, and he does not lose this moment. Begins to actively gesticulate and make a disturbance in a quiet measured home environment.

STANISLAV: Nothing at all, no care, no attention! Is this even normal?

GALINA (with a sneer): Oh, I'm sorry, your Majesty, there are no peddlers, alas! My wife has been busy all day with household chores, household issues that you have not deigned to devote your attention to once in all these years of our beautiful, bright, colorful family life. Cleaning is done by itself, things are washed and ironed, lunch and dinner are prepared by itself, and Breakfast, by the way, too, in the morning you get up,and it is already on the stove. Only here is one roommate of something here goes-wanders in rags… Well, really, why didn't I think of taking care of my own household chores by dressing up in an evening dress? You don't know?

The husband looks away with displeasure, realizing that he has lost this battle.

GALINA: But I do know! Yes, if only because I do not have any beautiful elegant dresses. One for all occasions, including birthdays and weddings to friends and funerals to relatives. When was the last time you bought your wife any clothes? Don't you remember? That's it… So what do you want?

STANISLAV: Oh, that's it…

The husband begins to dress hurriedly and nervously, pretending that he is offended and ready to run away from this house anywhere, just not to be near the annoying wife right now.

GALINA: OH…, I ran – I ran… Look at this. Do you think I don't understand what this whole show was about? Again, probably, the message came from an unknown number: "I miss you wildly and wait!» I'm a fool, I don't know who's writing to you or why. Where you disappear for hours after the end of the working day and where you break out in the middle of the night… The air he urgently wants to breathe, then some scandal will start. And runs… here is so here is and runs. Artist of large and small theaters!

Stanislav with an unmasked dissatisfied expression looks at the audience, stops.

GALINA: Go, what is already … waiting for you very Much. And wildly bored.

Galina continues to prepare for bed. She whips up her pillow and pays no more attention to her husband.

Stanislav begins to undress with a drooping mood.

STANISLAV (implausible): And I'm not going anywhere. You'll figure it out, too… Simply… It was just a nervous day. Yes, I lost my temper a little, I'm sorry. You carry everything into the house. But about you, you know… There are also claims, by the way, that have good grounds!

GALINA: Concrete, my dear, concrete!

STANISLAV: Yes, please … On!

GALINA: Well, well?

The spouse begins to undress, preparing for bed.

STANISLAV: Well, at least the way you take off your clothes now!

Galina freezes in incomprehension, with her blouse half off.

GALINA (with interest): What do you mean? Is there a way?

STANISLAV: You undress like a miser, as if there isn't a man around right now. Go back in your imagination to our first month of Dating and imagine that you are now undressing for the first time in front of me.

Galina thinks for a while.

The corresponding music starts playing.

Galina fancifully, playfully smiles with a share of squeezed modesty and begins to undress sexually and attractively.

Stanislav looks at this first with humor, then with interest, then with excitement. And now he is ready to pounce on his wife feeling sexual attraction.

The music stops abruptly, and Galina immediately changes the mood, as if this seductive action did not happen.

GALINA (calmly): that's It… I rest, good night, dear!

Stanislav throws up his hands.

STANISLAV: Here! That's what I'm talking about! No respect for your spouse! No tribute to the call of nature! Zero attention, pound of charity!

The wife smiles contentedly and falls asleep.

The husband, with an offended wave of his hand, goes to the kitchen.



Late the next morning.

Stanislav has already left for work, and Galina is lying on the sofa alone.

The doorbell rings.

Galina tosses and turns.

The call is repeated again and again.

Galina looks at the door with displeasure, gets up, and goes to open it.

Enter Masha.

MASHA: hi, friend. Are you still sleeping? It's past ten o'clock.

GALINA (stretching): Yes… I thought a lot yesterday… I couldn't sleep… I pretended to be asleep so that my husband wouldn't ask unnecessary questions, but I kept thinking and thinking. You've done a lot of business with this Herman. I lived quietly, I didn't know any worries, and now… like a bolt from the blue. And I can't stop thinking about him now!

Masha nods her head understandingly.

GALINA: and this Igor, he came here, a piece of a goat. I can't stand him!

Masha suddenly, sharply grabs her friend by the Breasts with a stern look, then gently lets go, pressing her index finger to Gali's lips. Her mood is not a joke.

GALINA: don't you understand? What do you mean? So it was you who ran to catch up with him yesterday, so you even left your purse…

Masha shakes her head.

GALINA: Understood…

Galina abruptly changes her strategy.

GALINA: and you know, Igor after all… not really a bad guy. Yeah. Yes, he told me something… well, we do not have a good relationship with him, but so I look at him from the outside, he is both rukastyy and humorous. And a good worker and a family man, probably not a bad one. And his figure is nothing and he is generally even prettier than mine will be… So you're together now?

MASHA: Well … sort of.

GALINA: And Vitya?

MASHA (playfully): Vitya? Who is it?

GALINA: You what? Have you already slept together?

MASHA: how Long, how well…

GALINA: Well, you, friend give…

MASHA: I Give…

GALINA: You know… I even envy you. I would sometimes, too, as if gave-gave…, but…

Galina sighs sadly.

GALINA: Everything is so fast, so interesting… No everyday life, all emotions… I saw how you looked at Igor yesterday… Seen.

MASHA: Well, I looked! I have reasons for this, you know that Vitya is a temporary option… was.

GALINA: Guessed.

MASHA: Well. Okay. It will be about me. Tell me, what are you thinking about Herman?

GALINA: Oh, Masha… What I just did not think…

Soft lyrical music plays.

GALINA: Of all my exes, he is the only person who is pleasant to remember. He always somehow managed to give not only everything that is not alien to everyone… He could bestow what was beyond the pale. This is a very rare feature. Very peculiar feature, very… a very dear feature of the heart. He appeared yesterday for a moment, and turned everything inside me, even though he almost didn't say a word… so more and more… common phrases addressed to you… I stood and listened, and my soul wept… Crying like a baby, you know, Mash?

Galina covers her face with her hands.

MASHA (sympathetically): What are you going to do?

GALINA (with tears in her eyes): I don't know… I Don't want to forget it, I don't want to leave it in my past…

MASHA (sympathetically): And Stas?

The music stops.

GALINA (wiping away her tears): And Stas… And Stas is my husband.

Masha nods understandingly, passes, takes her purse, and returns to the door.

GALINA (upset): What are you? Leaving already?

Masha turns to her friend with an ambiguous shrug.

GALINA (upset): Don't leave me alone, please don't leave me. Come on, would you like some tea? Coffee? Why don't we go to the store for some cognac?

MASHA: Yes, no, no…, we already indulged in cognac yesterday, that's enough. And a Cup of tea… Galka, Igor is waiting for me at the entrance…

GALINA (distressed, drawling): Mmmmm… all clear.

MASHA: I'm Sorry… I need to run…

MASHA: Come on… Good luck with Igor…

Masha leaves with her purse, leaving her lost friend at the door…



Minimal furniture. Clean, nothing superfluous. Bachelor's quarters.

Soft lyrical music plays.

Dimly lit, with a Cup of tea in his hand, his other hand in his trousers pocket. Herman comes out slowly and thoughtfully.

He walks up and down the room. Stops, thinks, remembers with warm feelings, walks again.

The music stops.

HERMAN (to the audience): Aren't you a fool? What the hell happened? After all, it is clear that someone else's family has been there for a long time, that you are not expected there, that you are at least not welcome… And here… I wanted to see it. I saw… I Thought it might get easier… It just got harder.

Herman sighs, walks across the room, puts the mug on the table (dresser, shelf – it doesn't matter).

HERMAN (to the audience): Galya… Dear Galya… She hasn't changed a bit… It's exactly the same… And as if all these years of separation hadn't happened. It's as if only yesterday we parted from her, and this morning we met. Everything about her is what a woman should be. And the mystery and restraint, and the extent of promiscuity, and of course that is impossible to explain in words. That's what happens… After all, there are many women, but for someone you feel some invisible thread connecting you both, and for someone nothing at all. And this thread does not matter who has what position, what social or civil status…

Just as you imagine… how many threads… these most invisible threads permeate our space, so much chills takes from delight. Can you imagine? A whole world invisible to the naked eye twisted threads. And so it would be all right, but these threads tend to tighten… shrink. They pull closer and closer… They attract two objects completely, regardless of the circumstances. And no matter how much you resist, no matter how well you know you can't… not supposed to, wrong and wrong, wrong! And this thread… it tightens and tightens. You are getting closer and closer…

So everything is interesting in this world…

Herman takes a few steps

HERMAN (viewer): In General, it is probably correct that these threads are invisible to the eye. After all, they have a mass character, but at the same time they are very personal, very individual. What would it be like if everyone could see these threads stretching from one another? The collapse would have occurred. No families, no relationships… and no excuses. It would only get more complicated. No, after all, how everything in this world is thought out…

At the door of Herman bell rings. He looks at the door with interest. He thinks for a short time, looks at the door again, goes to open it.

Enter Galina in the same dress that she has for all occasions.

HERMAN (surprised, delighted): What a surprise…

GALINA (timidly): As you can see, I haven't forgotten this address… Long stood at the door…, did not dare to call.

Galina and Herman look at each other, both feeling shy, shifting from one foot to the other.

GALINA (timidly): I probably shouldn't have come… Should I leave?

Galina turns and goes to the door, but Herman stops her by grabbing her hand.

HERMAN: This is the second day I've been asking myself the same question… Don't go… please, Galya…

GALINA (timidly): Me… I really want to stay…

HERMAN: What if I ask you to stay forever?

GALINA: Is that really what you want?

HERMAN: I really want it… but is it possible?

GALINA: I don't know what to do… I really don't know… But… But let's do something! (through tears) Do something, please… Do something!!!

Loud final music sounds.

Herman and Galina embrace with all their strength, putting everything they have into this hug.



The terms of the play are negotiated individually.

Nikolai Lakutin


June 2020g

All of Nikolai Lakutin's plays are publicly available on the author's official website section «Plays»

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