misses to the said John Eaton his heires & assignes paying for the same vnto the said Nathaniel Ward his executo
or assignes the full sum̅e of twelve pounds of wheate & pipe-staves six pounds worth of one & six pounds worth of the other to be deli[ver]ed to m
Richard Russell or Maior Sedgwick at Charles Towne before the end of September Next ensuying the Dat hereof; such as shalbe good & merchantable at the currant price at that tyme & place
In witness whereof I have set to my hand & seale.
Nath Ward Wittnes
Thomas Howlett
Edman Bridges
All the Counties and shires of England have had wars in them since the Conquest, but Essex, which is onely free, and should be thankfull.
Victrix causa Diis placuit, sed victa Catoni. Lucan.
I speake in termes of Divinity not of Law and am deepely grieved that I am forced to such necessary over boldnesse.