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Сама Мархабо закончила университет и сейчас у нее два высших образования. Она учит иностранные языки: английский и турецкий. У нее мечта попутешествовать и работать в международной организации.

Но попасть в иностранную компанию – не легкое дело. Очень большая конкуренция. Мархабо проваливает собеседования и с каждым разом руки ее опускаются и умирает надежда.

Но тут вдруг ей звонят с центра инвалидов центрального района. Она там числилась несколько последних лет…

– Алло, Мархабо? Это директор центра «Сафо». Вы у нас в списках по трудоустройству. Хотим предложить вам работу у нас в центре в регистратуре. Что думаете?

? Хммм… я не знаю … я только получила диплом… и пока не определилась.

? Я вас понял. В любом случае запишите мои номера, 772 41 48 Мизроб. Звоните, если решитесь.

? Хорошо, спасибо. До свидания.

Это не было работой ее мечты. Но так как нужны были деньги. И нужно было помогать маме прокормить еще двух сестренок. Мархабо соглашается на эту работу.

Проходит пару месяцев. Звонок. Мархабо отвечает: центр «Сафо», я вас слушаю. Чем могу вам помочь?

? Здравствуйте, вас беспокоят с компании Кока Кола. С кем мы можем поговорить по поводу трудоустройства людей с ограниченными возможностями? Мы знаем, что у вас есть данные и контакты. И вы можете нам помочь?

? Да. (Растерянным голосом отвечает Мархабо). Я могу передать ваш номер нашему директору.

Проходит еще пару месяцев. Директор цента «Сафо» все время на связи с международной компанией Кока Кола. В результате интервью и долгого отбора кандидатов, все-таки один кандидат получает предложение о работе. И этим человеком оказалось Мархабо. Ура! Еще одна победа в ее копилку! Мечты сбываются.

Мархабо активно участвует в жизни компании. Честно трудится. Всегда на позитиве. Всегда рада помочь коллегам. Ее все любят и уважают. Мама Мархабо очень гордилась своей доченькой. Она говорила, что Мархабо всегда была умницей дома. Рассудительной. Отзывчивой.

Проходит 3 года…Мархабо заболевает. Болезнь никогда не оставляла ее в покое. С каждым днем ей становилось хуже и хуже. Последнее время она чаще болела. Органы работали медленнее обычного. Она не уже не могланормально есть и пить. Силы оставляли ее…В один день…Бог забирает ее душу к себе.

Талантливая Мархабо прожила достойную жизнь. Разнообразную. Особенно в стенах международной организации как она и мечтала. За все ее усилия и веру в лучшее Бог одарил ее благами. Хоть ей пришлось пройти тяжелые испытания с раннего возраста. Зато она научилась жить полной жизнью, жить и добиваться своих целей. Она успела побывать и в Москве. Она могла позволить себе купить айфон. Она часто меняла свой образ. Любила красиво одеваться и красить волосы.

Вот такой яркой и сильной духом могут быть таджикские девочки! Несмотря на боль физическую и психологическую, она добилось немалого в своей жизни. Этим можно гордится. История Мархабо заслуживает быть прочитанной и услышанной. И быть примером другим девочкам!



She is nineteen. Her parents wish her to marry. In our society, girls are immediately married off as soon as they reach the age of majority. Otherwise, people would call her «Peer Dukhtar” meaning that you are a girl who is old enough but not married yet. And this sounds insulting.

Sitora was informed about her wedding date. She did not want to marry. She ran away and started crying. The skies cried with her. She was standing behind the doors. She could smell the fresh air right after the rain mixed up with the smell of just baked bread in the neighborhood. She thought: “I would miss this yard”.

She did not know anything about life, but she knew everything about housekeeping. Sitora and her younger sister used to live in a big apartment with their parents. Girls were thought how to do housework. By the age of 9 Sitora could prepare food, bake, and watch after her little sister. Once her mother told her: “One day you will get married. And you would live with your husband and his parents. Remember. You must treat them very well. To take care of them like you do it for us”.

Once Sitora was coming back from the school. Her classmate Daud walked her home. They were standing and talking. Suddenly, a neighbor passed by them. He saw two of them holding hands. Sitora noticed the neighbor and ran home. Daud left. Sadly. Sitora was afraid that her parents would know about this case. And she could be bitten up again. Her father was so strict in anything related to boys. He didn’t want people think badly about his daughter. Usually father said: “You can do anything you want when you get married. And you can wear whatever you want when you get married. Until then you must listen to me and follow my rules”. No boys, no friends, no parties!”

Since Sitora got a husband, her life had not changed much. It was like she never left parents’ house. In a new family, she was again like in a prison. She was not allowed to meet friends, to work, to visit her own parents. All her time she was doing home staff, helping mother – in- law around the home. The only place she could visit was her university. At least her father could arrange for her education issues with the new relatives.

Mother -in-law was controlling each step of Sitora. Every day she was preparing a to do list for Sitora. And at the end of the day, she was checking up on everything. Sitora was feeling herself as a slave. Whatever Sitora was doing was wrong for her mother -in-law.

– “You cut it badly. You put it incorrectly. You have mistaken and etc.” This adult woman was attacking Sitora as if she was a cat, and Sitora was a mouse.

After one year Sitora delivered a babe boy. Now, not only Sitora but also her son needed food, cloth and other things. Every time Sitora asked her husband to buy something for her or her son. The mother-in-law would get mad, saying “You eat too much. You would be fat. No need to buy sausages. It is waste of money”.

One evening, mother -in-law said to Sitora: “You don’t earn money, so please, be kind, stop asking my son to buy for you unnecessary stuff”. Sitora's heart swelled with resentment and it was ready to explode from the pain like sausages do when they are overboiled. She said nothing. Just left the room.

Years passed. Sitora decided to divorce. She got a job. Rent an apartment and left her husband. Her son left with her. Being a divorced woman in our society is something bad. But it is another story to write about.

Few years later. Sitora’s son was already 21. He graduated university. He met a girl and fell in love with her. Wedding. New bride at home. This time Sitora is a mother-in-law herself.

One evening Sitora came home after work. She noticed that food was not prepared. The house was not cleaned. She said to her son and his wife: “Why food is not served? Why is it so dirty at home? In the morning you both sleep. You both should respect me more. I work hard to feed us. And you too just watching movies all night long. And sleeping in the morning instead of making a breakfast for me. It won’t work like this.”

Her son looked straight into her eyes. And asked his mother: “Mom, did you like the way my grandmother used to treat you when you were young? You should not do the same mistakes with my wife. Please, accept and treat her as if she was your own daughter”.

Friendship. Love. Forgiveness.

This is a story about a brave and kind bear. Throughout his life he used to meet different kind of other animals. Some were his besties, other were enemies. At some point, he lost his loved one. But despite of difficulties he had; he could overcome them. His pure heart helped him to express his mercifulness and be patient.

Here is how it started.

A small cute bear was walking in the forest. His name was Tom. His parents were from the Central Asia. Asian bears are strong and brave. They can climb and swim well. They run very fast. But our bear Tom was born in the West. As his family moved here long time ago for better life.

The weather was so nice. And Tom decided to enjoy it. While taking a walk. He was sometimes happily jumping and dancing. The smile was always on his face. On his way, he met his friends. They played together. Talked. His best friend, another bear. Shared with him: “Our family is moving to a new place. Soon we will be apart from each other”. Tom’s smile immediately disappeared from his face. And he asked:” When will I see you again?”. His friend, hugged Tom and said: “Don’t be sad. You can come visit me any time”. That day, Tom stayed with his friend until late night.

When he came back home, his parents were so worried about him. “Where have you been so late, Tom?” He answered: “I was at friend’s house…he is leaving soon”. Bear mom said: “oh, honey, I am so sorry to hear that. Let me take you to the bed. I will tell you story about “three bears”. And they went to sleep. Once the small Tom was asleep. His mother returned to her husband to sleep too.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night. Tom heard strange noises coming from parents’ room. He quickly jumped out of the bed. He went to the door of his parents' bedroom. And again, he heard terrible sounds. As he was a small bear. He thought his mother was suffering. He asked himself: “Is my father beating her?”. Tom ran to his room. He knelt down and began to pray: “Please, God! Help my mother. Save her from my father. Please, let them be happy. And not fight”. And he started crying… “Please, I am ready to give out my soul to the devil. If you save her life.”

Next morning. Everything was fine. His parents were happily talking. They made a breakfast for the family. Tom saw his mother smiling. And he felt relaxed and thought “God heard me”.

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