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A Kiss for Queens

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It was a good question, but then, her brother had a knack for asking good questions.

“I hope so,” Sophia said. “I hope they’ll remember who we are, and what things were like before the Dowager.” She looked over to Hans. “You’ll lead the forces there. I need someone who can keep the men disciplined, and not slaughter ordinary people.”

“I will see to it,” Hans assured her, and Sophia knew that he would.

Sophia turned to Ulf and Frig. “You two will take a small force close to the river gates. If the men I sent made it inside, those will open. Your job will be to help them hold it until the rest of us can attack. The main fleet will land, and we’ll move in under cover of the ships’ cannons.”

It sounded like a good plan. She hoped it was, at least. The alternative was that she’d just condemned men she commanded to death.

It is a good plan, Lucas sent to her.

I just hope it works, Sophia replied.

A third voice joined them then, coming in across the water. It will. I’ll make sure it does.

Sophia turned and saw a smaller cluster of ships approaching. They had a disreputable look to them, seeming like the kind of things mercenaries or bandits might have chosen. It was her sister’s voice that rang out from them, though.

Kate? You’re here?

I’m here, she sent back. And I brought the most disreputable free company there is with me. Lord Cranston says that he will be honored to serve.

That thought cheered Sophia almost as much as the presence of her sister there. It wasn’t just the extra fighting men, although Sophia would take all she could get right then. It was the fact that her sister was back with the fighting company she’d enjoyed being part of so much, and…

Is Will there? Sophia asked.

He is, Kate replied. Sophia could feel the happiness there. I will see you soon, my sister. Save some enemies for me.

I’m sure there will be plenty to go around.

“Kate is coming,” Sophia said to Lucas.

“I know,” her brother said. “I felt her thoughts. I’d thought I’d have to wait until we returned to finally meet her.”

“And find our parents after that,” Sophia said. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking so far ahead yet. She should be concentrating on the battle to come, but it was almost impossible to keep her thoughts there. She was too busy thinking about everything that might flow from it. She would get Sebastian back. She would free the Dowager’s people from the crushing weight of her rule. They would find their parents.

“Kate will be as excited as we are to find our parents,” Sophia said. “More. I’m not sure she even has memories of them to keep her going.”

“Soon, we’ll all have more than that,” Lucas said.

“I hope so,” Sophia replied. She couldn’t help worrying though. “Do you have it?”

Lucas nodded, obviously understanding what she meant. He brought out the flat disc made from interlocking bands of metal, glowing with bright, jumbled lines as he touched it. When Sophia brought her hand to rest on the metal too, the segments of the device spun into place, revealing the outlines of landmasses, from the Dowager’s kingdom to distant shapes that must have been the Far Colonies and the Silk Lands. It was tantalizingly close to telling them what they needed to know; there just wasn’t anything to tell them where their parents might be now. Sophia guessed that would come when Kate joined them. She hoped it would.

“Keep the device safe,” Sophia said. “If we lose it…”

Lucas nodded. “I have protected it this far. I’m more concerned about keeping you and Kate safe.”

Sophia hadn’t thought about that. The three of them were about to head into the middle of a battle. If one of them were to fall in that battle, they might never find their parents. It would be a double blow, losing the promise of their mother and father even as they mourned a brother or sister.

“You have to stay safe too,” Sophia said. “And I’m not just saying that because I want to find our parents.”

“I know,” Lucas said. “And I will do all I can. Official Ko had me trained well.”

“And Kate learned plenty from the witch who tried to claim her,” Sophia said.

“If she’s half as deadly alone as she was when she was throwing me around the castle, she’ll be fine,” Lucas said. “The question is you, Sophia. I know you have Sienne, but will you be safe in the middle of a battle?”

“I won’t be in the middle,” Sophia promised. She put a protective hand over her belly. “But I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure my child has a father.”

“She will,” Lucas said, and there was something about the certainty of it that made Sophia look at him. She knew that she’d seen glimpses of things in her dreams. She wondered if Lucas had too.

“Did you see something?” Sophia asked.

Lucas shook his head. “I have some talent for it, but I think you got more of it. What I mostly see for tomorrow is blood.”

That was easy enough to see even without the magic that brought dreams to both of them. Sophia looked out again, and now there was a coastline on the horizon, a speck of a city sitting in it.

“Ashton,” Sophia said. She hadn’t seen it in what seemed like forever.

The city spread out like a stain on the landscape, its buildings old, its expanse sprawling beyond its walls. Part of their fleet was already breaking off, Hans moving to land further along the coast and take the outskirts.

The rest of them moved closer, signal flags flying to coordinate their movements. They anchored well out of cannon range, and small boats lowered, complete with messengers and the demand to surrender. Sophia knew that Ulf and Frig would be preparing their own small boats to sneak close to the city before the battle started, ready for the river gates to open to them.

Sophia could see the ships waiting there, ready for war in response to whatever messages had reached them. Not enough to stop a fleet their size, not pinned against the shore like that. As they approached closer, Sophia could hear trumpets sounding, see signal fires being lit.

She looked past it all to the palace and the noble quarter. Sebastian was somewhere in there, held in a cell, waiting for her rescue.

“We could still charge in, the way Cousin Ulf wants,” Lucas said.

Sophia looked at the sky. The sun was already falling, sending red fingers across the horizon. She had to force herself to shake her head. It was one of the hardest things she’d ever done.

“We can’t risk a night attack,” she said. “We need to stick to the plan.”

“Then we attack at dawn,” Lucas said.

Sophia nodded. At dawn, everything would be determined. They would see if she got her family’s kingdom back, along with the man she loved, or if they were all condemned to death.

“We attack at dawn,” she said.


Kate stood with the sea breeze running across her face, feeling truly free for the first time that she could remember. Seeing Ashton approaching in the distance brought back memories of the life she’d had there for so long as one of the Unclaimed, but those memories didn’t own her anymore, and the anger that came with them felt more like a dull ache than anything fresh.

She felt Lord Cranston approaching before he reached her. That much of her powers had come back. That was hers, not something that Siobhan or her fountain had given her.

“We’re attacking at dawn, my lord,” she said, turning.

Lord Cranston smiled at that. “A traditional time for it, although there’s no need to call me that now, Kate. We’re the ones sworn to serve you, your highness.”
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