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The Magic Factory

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“We have to stop them getting any further into the school,” Esther said.

“Your sonar shield!” Oliver said, remembering the pulse Esther had used in switchit practice.

A look of determination suddenly came over Esther’s face. She changed her stance so that she was rooted to the ground, then pushed her powers outward. Suddenly, it was as if a shield had been placed around them, like a protective glass cloak.

The bats pelted the protective shield, screeching, flapping their horrible black wings. But they failed to penetrate the protective barrier, slamming instead against it.

Esther pushed the protective shield outward. It ebbed out like ripples on water, driving the bats backward.

Oliver’s mouth gaped open. Esther used her powers with such beautiful precision it made his heart hammer.

“You’re amazing,” Oliver stammered.

“Thanks,” Esther said through gritted teeth. “But I can’t hold this forever. We need to warn the others. There’s a panic button.”

The strain was evident on her face. Oliver leapt to attention.

“Where’s the button?” Oliver asked.

With her full concentration on the shield, Esther called over her shoulder, “There, in the trees!”

Oliver turned and hurried for the large oak. When he reached it, he searched the bark, frantically trying to find anything that resembled a button. He noticed a raised knot in the bark, too perfectly spherical to be natural. Whispering a silent prayer beneath his breath, Oliver slammed his palm against the knot. Immediately, a shrill wailing sound pierced the air.

In just a matter of seconds, the once tranquil gardens were swarmed with teachers and security staff. Oliver saw Doctor Ziblatt amongst them, and Coach Finkle. There were also many guards, the Seers who dedicated themselves to defending the school.

Professor Amethyst emerged from the crowd. “Esther. Oliver. Get back. Leave this to us.”

Esther didn’t need telling twice. She let her shield down and slumped forward with exhaustion. Oliver caught her in his arms.

“Esther!” he exclaimed, alarmed.

“She’ll be okay,” Professor Amethyst assured Oliver. “She’s just drained herself by using up all her powers. Just get her to safety.”

Oliver nodded with determination. He slung Esther’s arm around his shoulder and heaved her up to standing. She had just enough strength left to support her weight, but she leaned heavily against him as they hurried through the grass and along the path.

When they reached the open door to the gardens, Oliver saw yet more guards holding back crowds of students craning their necks to see what was going on.

Oliver took a quick glance over his shoulder. Immediately, he wished he had not. An epic battle was taking place in the once beautiful gardens. The bats were transforming into humans. Their eyes flashed blue.

Then the guards reached inside and bundled Oliver and Esther out of the garden, blocking their view. But Oliver had seen enough to know that this was what Professor Amethyst had warned him of. Their enemies. Rogue Seers. Somehow, they had penetrated the School for Seers. They were under attack.


Oliver helped Esther to the bench under the kapok tree. She slumped down, her head hanging forward. Oliver sat beside her and secured his arm around her waist.

The whole atrium was full of confused students, their expressions ranging from shocked to terrified. The shrill alarm continued blaring.

“Oliver!” a voice called.

He looked up and saw Hazel running across the atrium toward him. Behind her followed Simon, Walter, and Ralph.

“What’s going on?” Ralph asked when they reached him. “Are you okay?”

“Oh no, Esther!” Hazel cried, her eyes round with fear. She crouched down to tend to Esther, tenderly wiping stray tendrils of hair from her face.

“We’re fine,” Oliver said. “The school is under attack from rogue Seers.”

Everyone gasped.

“We’ll be okay,” Oliver reassured them. “Professor Amethyst and the guards are dealing with it now.”

He tried to make himself sound confident and ignored the shiver that ran through his body as he recalled the eerie blue eyes of the rogues.

Hazel looked up from her crouched position. “What happened to Esther?”

“She drained her powers,” Oliver said. “She made a shield to hold back the attackers. She saved us. It was awesome.”

Esther raised her head slightly and allowed herself a timid smile. Then she croaked, “Not exactly the way I was expecting our date to go.”

Just then, the alarm shut off. The hubbub of the students in the atrium ceased immediately. Everyone turned to look at the door of the garden.

Professor Amethyst came striding out. The guards and teachers, including Doctor Ziblatt, Coach Finkle, and Mr. Lazzarato, followed him. All eyes watched with rapt attention.

“School meeting,” Professor Amethyst announced. “Now.”

No one needed telling twice. The entire school scurried toward a door Oliver had not yet entered. It was marked with a letter D, and the light glowed softly to indicate they could all enter.

Oliver and Hazel helped Esther to her feet. Although she was considerably more stable now, they supported her between them as they shuffled toward the D door. The three others followed behind.

“The D is for debate or discussion,” Ralph explained, defaulting to his teacher-mode. “Although I don’t think there’ll be much in the way of discussion going on today.”

As they entered the atrium, Oliver glanced about him. It felt like a cathedral, with large pews in a horseshoe shape and a stage in the middle upon which Professor Amethyst stood. The atmosphere was solemn and foreboding.

They took their seats. Not a moment later, Professor Amethyst began to speak.

“Rogue Seers,” he announced, projecting his voice across the vast expanse. It was met by rapt silence from the onlookers. “Those who have turned to the dark side.”

There was a collective gasp, followed by murmuring and hubbub. The head teacher cast his eyes downward. He looked ashamed, Oliver thought, as if he perceived the Seers turning rogue as a personal failure. It made his own determination to stay on the right path grow even stronger.

“They were trying to steal the Orb of Kandra,” Professor Amethyst continued. “In order to destroy the school. The crisis was averted thanks to our fearless security personnel and teachers. That, and the actions of our brave students sounding the alarm.”

He looked directly at Oliver and Esther. Oliver squirmed in his seat.

The headmaster continued. “I have sealed the tear in the invisible wall that protects us. But we’re not out of danger yet. For the rogues to have even found the school to enter in the first place, they must have been aided. I fear that amongst our midst there is a traitor. A spy.”

There was another large gasp. Oliver looked over at his friends. Ralph in particular looked very troubled at the news. Simon had turned an even paler shade of white. Esther grabbed Oliver’s hand for comfort and Oliver squeezed it reassuringly.

“Your timetables will be disabled for the next forty-eight hours,” Professor Amethyst added. “To give the faculty and myself time to strategize. I’d like everyone to rest, eat healthy meals, and get lots of sleep. Normal classes and schedules will resume in two days’ time.”
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