Mistress & a Million Dollars / Satin & A Scandalous Affair: Mistress & a Million Dollars
“Briana, you want the money. Don’t deny it.” He waited a moment. “And I want you.”
She cleared her throat and ignored an inward shudder of heat that couldn’t be attributed to the brandy. “Who said I want the money?” she asked, trying to put him off the scent of her father’s trail.
“You don’t? Then it must be me you want,” he mocked, his smirk saying he’d backed her into a corner.
Mentally kicking herself, she raised her chin. “I’m not denying the money wouldn’t come in handy.” She saw the hard look that entered his eyes. “And I don’t deny that sleeping with a man such as yourself wouldn’t be a—nice experience.”
He smiled sardonically. “I’m glad you think so.”
“But a month does seem a bit too long.”
He swirled the brandy in his glass, then looked up at her. “Take it or leave it. But let me tell you, if you leave it, there won’t be another chance.”
Suddenly a feminine power settled over her, giving her confidence. “You might want to rethink that, Jarrod. After all, I’ve got something you want—my body. And if in a month’s time I say I want you, I’m pretty sure I won’t have to beg.”
His nod acknowledged her words. “Oh, I don’t deny that. But next time there won’t be any money involved, sweetheart. It’ll be just you and me. I won’t be offering a million dollars again.”
She gritted her teeth. He was a clever devil. Somehow he sensed she wouldn’t walk away from the money. What he didn’t know was that she couldn’t walk away from it. Not if she wanted to help save her father.
So what if she accepted Jarrod’s extended offer? The month would go fast. She had quite a few modeling engagements around the country to give her a break from Jarrod’s overwhelming presence. At least there was that.
And perhaps she could even prove to him that she wasn’t like her sister, she thought, then immediately rebuked herself. Why would she even want to? She owed Jarrod Hammond nothing.
She placed her glass of brandy on the coffee table in front of her. “I’ll give you until the end of the month. That’s three weeks. Take it or leave it,” she said, putting the ball back into his court.
A moment crept by.
Static crackled the air between them.
Then he drained his glass and put it down next to hers. “I’ll book a room,” he said, about to get to his feet.
Her eyes widened. “What? Here?”
He stopped with a frown. “I thought it might be easier for our first night together.”
“For whom?”
“You.” He watched her in silence for a moment. “If you like, we can go back to my apartment…or to yours.”
That was the last thing she wanted. “No,” she said quickly. “A room here will be fine.”
“Good.” He stood up. “Wait here. I’ll send you a note to say what suite I’ll be in.” He glanced around at the other patrons, then back at her. “I’m sure you don’t want your reputation to suffer if somebody sees us going up together.”
“Not to mention yours,” she managed to say, still reeling from what tonight’s outcome would be.
His eyes darkened. “I don’t give a damn about my reputation, Briana. It might be wise to remember that.” He strode off.
It was silly to feel so nervous, Briana told herself as she tapped lightly on the door to the room fifteen minutes later. Heavens, she’d paraded in front of prime ministers and heads of state, done photo shoots in the middle of huge crowds, stood practically naked backstage at fashion shows, yet nothing made her feel as exposed as she did right now.
And was it any wonder, she decided when Jarrod opened the door to the deluxe suite and she met the full power of those intense blue eyes. Her stomach did a slow somersault.
And just as slowly, he reached out and curled his hand around her wrist, drawing her into the room before closing the door behind them. There he stood looking down at her, his hand still holding her, his palm warmly touching her skin, his thumb resting against the tender inside of her wrist where her pulse raced. She could feel him through every living cell in her body.
And then his gaze dropped to her mouth. He was going to kiss her. She could even feel herself lean just the barest hint toward him. Suddenly she wanted those lips on hers…wanted that body against hers.
“Have you eaten?”
His words snapped her out of her trance. Dismayed at how easily she would have succumbed, she stepped back, letting his hand drop away from her. “Just some finger food at the cocktail party,” she said, walking casually into the suite. A wall of floor-to-ceiling glass drew her attention to the city lights below, but Briana only gave the view a quick glance. The world was out there but tonight that’s where it would stay.
“You look disappointed a moment ago.”
Her heart slammed against her ribs as she glanced across at him. “I did?” She shrugged. “I thought—”
“That I wouldn’t waste any time getting you into bed?” A seductive glint entered his eyes. “Briana, being in your company, looking at you, isn’t wasting time. Far from it.” A smile touched his lips. “The ravishing comes later.”
Her breath quickened. He made it sound so…ravishing! “Yes—well—”
“Unless you’d like me to start now instead of ordering you some food?” he drawled.
She sent him a wry look. “No thanks. I’d prefer soup.”
His lips twitched. And then his gaze swept over her and awareness danced between them again, and for a moment she thought he really was going to come over to her and ravish her on the spot. And she wanted him to. Dear Lord, she did.
He broke eye contact and strode toward the phone. “I’ll order room service,” he said, his voice sounding gruff.
Knowing she had affected him, her heart skipped a beat. “I’ll just go and freshen up.”
He indicated across the width of the room. “The bedroom’s that way.”
The bedroom.
Carrying her small purse, she took her time to walk across the room, while fighting every instinct to break into a run and lock the door behind her like some frightened virgin. Wouldn’t that go down well, she mused with a dash of humor.
The problem was that’s exactly how she felt. This was her first time with Jarrod and she was feeling overwhelmed. Despite knowing him for years, despite now acknowledging to herself that she had wanted him for years, there was a difference in the doing. A huge difference. She doubted she could ever have prepared herself for this.
Needless to say, seducing women was par for the course for him. He would have done all this before. He certainly seemed to know his way about the suite. He’d probably even met some other women here, just like he’d met her tonight. Had he brought them up here, too?
No, she wasn’t going to think about that. She had enough to worry about tonight, she decided as she entered the lavish bedroom, her eyes immediately fastening on the huge bed and her heartbeat skidding to a screeching stop. She and Jarrod would make love on that bed tonight. The thought made her go weak at the knees.
She hurried into the equally giant bathroom and freshened her lipstick. Then she combed through her wavy tresses that bounced along her shoulders as she moved, though why she bothered she wasn’t sure. Jarrod would only mess her hair up, just like he would mess with her dress and…
She took some deep breaths. Okay, so she could stay in here and act like a coward, or she could go out there and face the music. She’d made a deal with the devil, but that deal still stood. And unfortunately so did the devil.
She didn’t stay in there long. There was no reason to hide from him or their situation, though she had a few things to say to him first.
“I hope I can count on you not to tell anyone about this,” she said, once back in the main area, her chin held high.
He scowled as he stepped away from the bar, carrying two glasses of wine. “Why would I? What we do is our own business.”
“As long as we’re clear on that.”
He handed her a glass and gestured for her to sit on the sofa. “I’m a grown man, not some high-school kid. I don’t need to prove anything by telling the world.”
She sank down on the soft leather lounge and hoped she could believe him. Patrick had been different, a fact she’d only found out after she’d ended their affair. Apparently he’d often boasted about bedding the face of Blackstone’s. She wished Jarrod was the same type, then she might have the strength to leave right now, but she instinctively knew he wasn’t.
He sat down on the chair opposite. “But first, tell me why.”
Her throat almost closed up, knowing instantly what he meant. “Er…why?”
His eyes said she wasn’t deceiving him. “Why you’re willing to sleep with me now and not in the last four years.”
She took a sip of her wine before answering. “You never asked before.”
And she knew the reason for it. He considered her the same as Marise and hadn’t wanted a bar of her. She knew that, and had felt protected by it. Until today.
“Oh, I wanted to ask. But you knew that, didn’t you? There’s always been an attraction between us.”
Her mouth went dry. “You’re imagining things.”
“The only thing I’m imagining is you in bed with me. And soon I won’t need my imagination for that.”
Her breath suspended for a full five seconds.
His eyes held hers captive. “Why now, Briana?”
She slowly released her breath and pasted on a cynical smile. “How can I refuse a million dollars and the chance to have sex with a man like you?”
He sent her a measured look. “Don’t try and pick a fight by insulting me. You’re here of your own free will. If you don’t want to go through with it, then say so now.” A heartbeat passed. “I want you with every breath I take, but I won’t force you.”
Her heart bumped against her ribs. Oh, how she wished she could blame him for all this. But he was right. She’d made the choice to be here tonight, if only for her father’s sake.
“It won’t be force,” she agreed, then saw him visibly relax, but he kept his eyes trained on her.
“Tonight is the beginning of our three weeks together, Briana. Nothing more. Are you clear about that?”
Her body immediately tensed. “Very clear. And by the way, you were the one who wanted the full month together,” she reminded him. Oh, how she’d love to tell him where to shove his money.
“I’m not talking about a month. I’m talking about anything beyond that. I’m not after a long-term relationship.”
She gave a derisive snort. “Long-term relationship? With you? I’d rather put my head in an oven.”
His hard sensual mouth lifted at the corners. “Now, that would be such a waste.”
“Not from where I’m sitting.”
He gave a light chuckle as someone knocked lightly on the door and called out, “Room service.”
Jarrod pushed himself to his feet and went to let the waiter in. Briana got a good look at the cut of his tailored trousers and blazer from behind. Superb. And so was the masculine body beneath it, she grudgingly admitted, even as she realized something else.
“Wait!” she hissed just as he went to open the door. She jumped up and almost ran across the room to the bedroom and out of sight. She didn’t want anyone seeing her there.
A couple of minutes later, Jarrod called to her, “You can come out now.”
Feeling slightly foolish, she straightened her shoulders and calmly walked back into the living area, constantly aware of his eyes on her every movement, and trying to keep her own eyes off him. He’d taken off the blazer, and the white T-shirt underneath exposed the muscles of his upper torso.
“Ashamed to be seen with me?” he mocked, holding out a chair for her at the small dining table.
She shrugged. “Don’t take it personally. I’d do the same with any man.”
His eyes hardened. “Is that so?”
She ignored the implication in his eyes and sat on the offered chair. “Don’t you know? The media would love to catch me in a compromising situation such as this.”
He walked around the table and sat opposite her. “I’d have thought you’d revel in media attention,” he said, showing his low opinion of her.
She flinched inwardly but on the outside, she arched a brow. “You really think I would welcome bad publicity?”
“No, I guess not,” he admitted, and she felt the tightness inside her unwind a little. “No doubt bad publicity wouldn’t look too good for the face of Blackstone’s,” he said, lifting the lid off his plate of food.
Briana felt the words sting.
Then he looked up and caught her staring at him. “Aren’t you going to eat?”
She shook her head.
He watched her with an observant eye. “Are you okay?”
Suddenly it all got the better of her. “Okay?” she choked, throwing her napkin aside. “I’m about to make love with a stranger, Jarrod. Is it any wonder I’m on edge?”
“I’m not a stranger, Briana,” he corrected calmly.
“For all intents and purposes, you are.” Unable to sit still a moment longer, and knowing she couldn’t eat now anyway, she walked over to the windows. “Can we please get this over and done with?”
Silence hung in the air behind her.
“Don’t sound so eager,” he drawled, but a moment later she heard movement. “Let’s have some privacy, shall we?”
Tension rattled inside her as the suite flooded in darkness, leaving only a faint glow from the city lights beyond the glass. She still didn’t turn around. She needed to focus on those city lights, to remember she was here for a purpose.
“Will you respect me in the morning, Jarrod?” She heard herself mutter the cliché, but needed to say it all the same.
“Yes,” he said quietly, close behind her, so close his breath stirred strands of her hair. “But will you respect you in the morning?”
She thought about that, surprised by his astuteness. His question had dispelled any hint she was selling herself, and she was grateful to him for that. “Yes,” she murmured.
And then his hands cupped her bare shoulders, the thin straps of her dress were little protection against him. “I’ll make this special for you, Briana.”
She could see his reflection as if they were standing in front of a mirror, the gleam in his eyes seeming to pierce the glass to reach her, seeming to suspend them in time.
Her throat thickened. “I know.”
All at once he slid his hand under her golden-blond hair, held it up as if loving the feel of it, then letting it fall like sparkling champagne over her shoulders.
“You’re stunning,” he murmured, admiration in his voice as he pushed some strands aside to kiss her nape in a gesture that was simply and deliciously sensuous. “A natural beauty.”
For a split second she tried to stay in control…tried but soon weakened when his kisses continued to caress her skin. She lowered her lashes, silently shocked at how easy she was succumbing to his touch.
Yet it wasn’t just this moment between them. Jarrod was right about there having always been an attraction between them. And that attraction had been unrelenting in its pursuit of them. Tonight, right now, was the culmination of it all.
She couldn’t help herself. She tilted her head to the side to allow him easier access—and she gave in. There was no going back now. Nor did she want to. She wanted to be in his arms.
Slowly he undid the zipper at the back of her dress, his lips whispers of sensation as they followed the lowering zipper, making their way down her spine, kissing her where no man had ever kissed before. It was a seduction of the senses that made her head spin.
At the base of her spine he let go of the zipper, and her dress plummeted to the floor and pooled around her ankles. She held her breath, frozen in this instant, watching in the glass as he straightened behind her, all the while admiring her lacy black bra, matching high-cut panties and thigh-high silk stockings.
“My very own model.” His hands splayed over her hips as he moved closer, letting her feel his arousal.
A moan escaped her but she managed to say, “Supermodel,” and was proud of herself for still having some sort of fight left in her.
He gave a husky chuckle, then lowered his head. He placed his lips against her shoulder and began to nibble at even more pleasure points she never knew she had. When his hands slid around to capture her lace-covered breasts and his fingers lightly squeezed her nipples with the sweetest torment, she moaned with wanting him.
“Too much?” he muttered.
He scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom, spreading her across the thick bedspread as if she were a pleasure to be savored. She lay there in the lamplight and stared up at him. His eyes glittered as he took in her half-naked state, her breasts eagerly straining against the lace, the V-shape of her high-cut panties a sensual delight.
His gaze soaked her up, then landed on her face. “Do you realize I’ve never kissed you?” he muttered roughly, his eyes focusing on her mouth.
She inadvertently moistened her lips. “Same here.”
Neither of them smiled. The moment was too intense.
He pulled the T-shirt over his head, his chest bronzed and sprinkled with hair. He kicked off his shoes and slid onto the bed next to her. And then he claimed her mouth in a kiss that was so passionate it made her head spin. This first touch of his firm lips against her softer ones was more than she had ever expected, more than she’d ever wanted from a man—until now.
And then his tongue parted her lips and stole into her mouth, stole the breath from her, demanding she give him everything of herself. When she capitulated, his groan of appreciation sent a thrill through her as she clung to him like there was no tomorrow.
Right now there was no tomorrow. There was only him and her, and the wonderful sensations he was stirring inside her. He undid her bra and eased back, the lace falling away, and she quivered when his fingertips brushed her bare breasts.
“Aah, something else that needs kissing,” he murmured as he lowered his head and took a nipple in his mouth, playing with it with his tongue, then sucking in the sweetest of tortures.
Needing to touch him, to be a partner in this, her hands cupped the back of his head and held him to her. She loved spreading her fingers through the short hair, loved it even better when she slipped her hands down to his sculpted shoulders, then the length of his back to the waistband of his trousers.
He shuddered and muttered low in his throat, “You’re distracting me.” Then he took a deep breath and got to his knees beside her. “Now, what else needs my attention?” he teased, though his eyes were dark with desire as his palm glided down over her stomach, farther down where he dallied and stroked her through her panties, until heat washed over her and made her limbs tremble.
And then his gaze dropped to those trembling limbs, covered by the sheer silk stockings. “I love these things on you,” he rasped, slipping his finger under the band of one stocking, and ever so slowly peeling it down her smooth leg. His lips followed the trail until she breathed his name through parted lips.
He repeated the process with the other leg, and when she breathed his name again, his lips trailed back up to her thighs, up the center of her panties where he paused to inhale her.
He turned his head and looked up at her. “Are you sure?”
Tender warmth entered her heart. He was giving her another chance to back out, another chance to say no to all this. As if she could now.
“Yes, I’m sure,” she said on a whisper, and that was all the encouragement he needed.
He rolled off the bed and shed the rest of his clothes, and he was suddenly, magnificently, naked. She stared at his unashamed erection, the hardness of him, the powerful male perfection, and she knew that she had to have him inside her. She put out her hand to reach for him, then stopped.
Instead, she lifted her bottom off the bed, pushing her panties down and off herself. Her eyes connected with his as she held them in the air with one finger before dropping them on the floor like a flag of surrender. It was a surrender she willingly made tonight. There was no tomorrow after all.
Something smoldered in the depths of his eyes, and a pulse leaped along his jaw, making her hold her breath. A moment later, he didn’t say a word as he reached for the condom from the bedside table and sheathed himself, before coming back to her, kissing her deeply, the full length of his body pressing her down against the mattress.
She kissed him back, loving the feel of his hair-roughened chest against her own tender breasts, the heat of his arousal as he melded into her femininity, filling her completely. She felt like she had never made love before. Not like this.
And then he stopped kissing her, and his eyes captured hers with a look that was undeniably male. It was a triumphant look that said he was here, he had conquered and now he would take.
She thrilled to the silent communication, allowing him his moment of masculinity. And then he began to move his body inside her with long, slow strokes that had her own body raising to meet him with a feminine power of her own. Together they built pleasure upon pleasure, until slow was no longer enough, and fast and deep became a necessity, an essential part of their lovemaking. Of them.
And together they came as one.
If any woman in the world had been worth a million dollars, it was the woman next to him, Jarrod reflected the next morning as he lay facing Briana sleeping on the pillow next to him. They’d made love three times throughout the night. Three times and he still hadn’t had enough of her.
She was dazzling, this golden glamour girl with her velvet eyelashes fanning her smooth cheeks, and her blond hair tousled so sexily over her naked shoulders. The sweet scent of her gorgeous body drifted up beneath the sheet and reeled him in, making the blood pulse in his temples, rush through his body.
Suddenly he wanted her a fourth time.
And a fifth.
And he would have her, too.
Just not right now, he thought regretfully as he glanced at the clock and saw the time. Dammit. He had a meeting with a client in an hour. A very important one, or he would cancel it. But the guy was going overseas later today, and needed a Sunday morning appointment.
Sighing with regret, he slid his hand off Briana’s slim hip. It was probably for the best anyway. Despite his body’s urges, he needed a moment to himself. Why, he wasn’t sure, except that having Briana in his arms had been fulfilling in a way he’d never felt before. And that just didn’t make sense. Why did he have to feel this way about a woman beautiful enough and sexy enough to eat?
Yet it was more than a physical sexiness. It was something in her. Something that drew him to her. Drew many men, no doubt, he thought as cynicism gnawed at his gut. How many lovers had seen her like this? Probably too many to count. She may have put on an act about accepting the money, but she’d still accepted his offer.
She was definitely a gold-digger, even if something wasn’t quite right here. His lawyer’s instincts told him there was more to her taking the money than she was letting on. But what?
His dark brows knitted together. Perhaps he just wanted to believe she had a motive that wasn’t attached to the money. More fool him. In his experience, beautiful women couldn’t be trusted. They’d always wanted something, always had an angle. The only exception was his adopted mother, Katherine Hammond. She was lovely inside and out.
But his birth mother, an ice-cold beauty whose looks had started to wear thin, was out for all she could get. She’d given him up for adoption to remain footloose and fancy-free. She’d told him so the first time she’d come looking for a handout. The times he’d seen her since hadn’t changed his mind.
She and Briana would get on well.
Or would they, he wondered, his eyes resting on Briana, her sheer beauty making him doubt himself. But he had to remember she was the sister of his dead sister-in-law. She and Marise were the same breed of women. Out for all they could get. Marise had proved it with his brother. Briana had just proven it with him.