Vanessa paused, her chest tight with indecision. Despite Jack’s instructions to divulge as little as possible, she wanted to share. Yesterday, no. Out by the poolside, no way. But this man had shown a new consideration, in fetching the letter so promptly, in whisking her away to a private room without question, in standing aside and letting her read in peace.
Besides, telling him about the letters would take the focus off her and the secret she didn’t want to share. This one he would probably hear anyway, if he hadn’t already, on the town grapevine.
“A couple of months back,” she commenced slowly, decision made, “two people I know here in Eastwick each received an anonymous letter. I thought … I had thought … this one might be connected.”
“Now you think not, because the paper’s different?”
“And there’s no demand of any kind.”
He went still. “Are you saying these other letters contained extortion demands?”
“Demanding what? What’s the link?”
“Did you know Bunny Baldwin?” she asked. “Lucinda was her real name but everybody called her Bunny. She was married to Nathan Baldwin, a friend of Stuart’s. I thought you might have known them when you lived here.”
“It’s been twenty years.”
“You remembered Frank Forrester.”
“He and his first wife spent a lot of time at our house.”
Oh. She looked away, unaccountably stung by the sudden hard cast to his eyes. Our house. Did he still feel that attachment? Was that why he was so bound and determined to win the estate back?
She wanted to ask, to know his true motivation, but he cut through her thoughts and reminded her of the subject at hand.
“I take it this Bunny Baldwin is the link between the letters?”
“Yes.” A sick, tight feeling twisted her stomach as she thought about poor Bunny. Although the woman had been fearsomely intimidating—and had cast some speculation about Vanessa marrying so spectacularly well—she’d also been mother to one of Vanessa’s closest friends. “She passed away a few months ago. They thought it was a heart attack but Abby, her daughter, discovered her journals missing. Long story short, the police are now reinvestigating her death.”
“Because of some missing journals?”
“Have you heard of the Eastwick Social Diary?”
His answer was a noncommittal, “Refresh my memory.”
“It’s a gossipy newsletter and Web site column about who’s who and doing what—” or whom “—in Eastwick. Bunny was the writer and editor, and the journals contain her notes and sources plus all the material she chose not to print.”
“Chose not to?”
Too agitated to sit, Vanessa rose to her feet and slowly circled the seating arrangement. This connection to his letter and its allegations had to be broached, as much as she dreaded how the conversation would go down. “I gather she thought some stories were too scandalous or damaging or potentially libelous to print.”
That’s all she had to say. The sharp speculation in his eyes indicated he’d joined the dots without needing further clues. “These journals were stolen and the thief has attempted to blackmail persons named in the journal?”
“That seems the likely explanation.”
“And you think it’s possible the same person sent the letter to me?”
“I thought so.” She lifted her hands and let them drop. “But then it’s not the same stationery.”
“You think a blackmailer uses the same paper every time?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what to think. Do you?”
“There’s no hint of extortion,” he said after a moment’s pause. “And if this person did have blackmail in mind, he’d have sent the letter to you. To entice you to pay hush money.”
She exhaled on a long note of resignation. Yes, he was right. Although … “Do you believe there’s no connection to Bunny and the journals? Because this is rather a big coincidence, a third anonymous letter whose source could have been the same as the first two.”
He regarded her silently for a long second. “What are you trying to sell me here? What’s your angle?”
“I don’t have an angle. I’m just trying to work out the motivation behind this letter.”
Surprised he’d detected the nebulous hint of more in her words, she looked back at him warily. Then, she decided to tell him. “What if the thief read something in the journals and misinterpreted? What if the person referred to as having an affair wasn’t me at all? A lot of the diary pieces are guess who, don’t sue. Names are not named. What if he has the wrong person?”
“That doesn’t explain why he sent the letter to me.”
Vanessa narrowed her eyes. “You aren’t prepared to listen to my side at all, are you?”
“I listened.”
“And now what? You’ll have me investigated?”
“Yes,” he said, that blue gaze unflinchingly direct. “I will continue to investigate. I also think we should speak to the police.”
“The police?”
“You said they were investigating Bunny’s death and, I imagine, the extortion demands. Whether it’s connected or not, they should see this letter.”
“I heard a whisper that Tristan Thorpe’s in town.”
Felicity Farnsworth’s casual comment dropped like a brick into the calm pool of after-lunch conversation, bringing all eyes straight to Vanessa.
She’d rather hoped the drama surrounding Emma’s upcoming wedding—she wanted small, while her parents had invited half of Eastwick—would keep the focus off her. That’s the way she preferred things anyway, including at the regular Debs Club luncheons. These women—Felicity, Lily, Abby Talbot, Emma Dearborn and Mary Duvall—were her friends. Smart, warm, kind, inclusive, they’d invited her into their group, onto their charity committees and into their confidence.
Now, more than ever, she felt the weight of guilt because she hadn’t been so forthcoming. In six years of regular get-togethers she’d tiptoed around her past and her reason for marrying Stuart and becoming part of Eastwick society.
Although she had shared much of her angst in battling Tristan over the will, hence the girlfriends’ questions now.
“Is he here about the will contest?” Abby asked.
“Where is he staying?” Caroline wanted to know. “Have you met him, Vanessa?”