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Marsha Hunt

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Год написания книги 2018
“All families got secrets, but Joy’s had more than their fair share. So while I’m able to tell you what she did, ain’t no use me pretending that I know why … they was just born under bad moons.”T…
Real Life
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
First published in 1986, «Real Life» gives the full background to Marsha Hunt's astonishing rise from Philadelphia ghetto girl to become the 'face' of the cult 60s rock musical «Hair» and the gir…
Like Venus Fading
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
A great rollercoaster rags-to-riches-to-rags tale about the first black Hollywood sex goddess.• Like Elvis, like Marilyn, the first black film superstar didn’t die tragically, but lives among us …
Real Life
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2018
First published in 1986, «Real Life» gives the full background to Marsha Hunt's astonishing rise from Philadelphia ghetto girl to become the 'face' of the cult 60s rock musical «Hair» and the gir…