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My way. A journey through life from Johannesburg to Cape Town

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Marina E. di Cervini is a distinguished writer, documentary producer, speaker, lawyer, and coach with over three decades of expertise in storytelling. Her works reflects an enduring commitment to fostering understanding and inspiring transformation.
Her celebrated trilogy begins with FOLLOW YOUR HEART.
The journey continues with MY WAY. A JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE FROM JOHANNESBURG TO CAPE TOWN, where the transformative odyssey of Eugénie di Medici unfolds amidst the vibrant landscapes and cultural richness of South Africa. Through vivid storytelling and a profound appreciation for history and culture, Marina brings to life a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the enduring ties between people and place.
And the book "THE PRESIDENT'S ADVISER" completes the trilogy.
With her grace and wisdom, Marina E. di Cervini continues to uphold storytelling as a noble art—an enduring bridge between the human spirit and the world it seeks to transform.
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