Find a place to set up your altar. Put the shelf, cover it with the tablecloth and put the image of the Holy Death in the middle. Clean the image with the lotion. Place the candle in front and say the following prayer:
Oh, Most Holy Death,
bless this candle to light my path,
may all my projects be granted
without any difficulty,
and prostrated I come to you
so that you fulfil my needs.
May the eyes of men see me with good will,
and let their trust deposit in me.
Thank you, my Lady,
for the favours received.
On the brown paper, write your full name and the name of the person who can help you to find a job, your future boss or the name of the company you would like to work in. Wrap together the piece of paper, the coins, the piece of Chain Breaker stick, the key and the banknote, and tie them with the strip. Place the sunflower seeds on the clay plate and on top of the seeds, the package you have prepared. Place all the ingredients on the altar, one by one, but not the cigar. Light the cigar and leave it beside the Most Holy Death. When your wish has been fulfilled, make a small offering, such as a candle, a cigar, a bottle of wine, some flowers, etc. Leave the wrapped package in that same place for some time. If anybody has a similar problem, repeat the whole procedure. Try to keep your altar clean and full of light to obtain results.
Spiritual development
If you are developing spiritually and you want the Most Holy Death to be your guide, you must set up her altar in order to heal or to leave your works.
– 1 natural colour statue of the Most Holy Death
– 1 candle for Health, Money and Love
– 1 bottle of essence of the Holy Death
– 1 shelf
– 1 white tablecloth
– 3 white roses
– 3 red carnations
– 1 glass of water
– 1 cigar
– 1 piece of chocolate
– cane sugar
– 3 red apples
– 1 maguey leaf
– 1 piece of Road Opener and Chain Breaker stick
– 1 magnet stone
– 1 jet stone
– 1 handful of twelve different seeds
– 1 clay plate
– 3 needles
– 1 glass of tequila
– 12 coins and 1 banknote
– scissors and used keys
Find an appropriate place to set up the altar. Put the shelf with the tablecloth and the Most Holy Death on top, but wash it before with the essence. Light the candle and say the following prayer:
Oh, my Lady,
welcome to this your home,
prostrated before you
I come with my faith and spiritual firmness,
so that you guide me
to the path of clairvoyance
and that you grant me
the power to help my fellows,
I ask you, my Lady,
to protect me from any misfortune,
natural or provoked disease, salation, witchcraft,