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Her Handyman Hero

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Eddie was right—he’d been undercover so long he’d lost touch with who he really was. He didn’t want to lie to Tori any longer, because he was beginning to see the extent of damage his ill-conceived deception might cause. He suddenly dreaded the look of condemnation he’d see in her pretty eyes when he came clean. Oh, what a tangled web—it needed to come down today.

* * *

Tori hurried back into the main kitchen, stopping briefly on the porch to check on Lily. She was still sitting on the glider swing with her book. Tori studied her a moment. She seemed subdued today. Not her usual cheerful self. Was she missing Judy? Since bringing Lily here to Dover, the little girl had experienced several setbacks as she grieved. The incidents had rocked Tori’s already shaky confidence, making her question again if she was suited to raising her friend’s child.

Lily must have sensed her watching because she glanced up, then waved. Tori waved back, praying Lily would eventually accept her mother’s passing and embrace her new life here in Dover.

Reassured, Tori moved into the kitchen. The newly remodeled room met all the codes for a professional kitchen and, with the help of her decorator, still reflected its 1870 origins. The small breakfast room off the back connected with the sunroom and would provide a cozy dining space when there were few guests. The formal dining room at the front of the house would be used when the rooms were full, hopefully during most of the fall and winter. Today she planned on going through the three sets of fine china the girls had left with the house and decide which one would be her statement pattern.

Light tapping on the back door pulled her around. Shelley waved and stepped inside, followed by two little ponytailed girls. Lily skidded to a stop, vibrating with excitement.

“Can I show Emily my new bookcase?”

Her new lavender scalloped-edge bookcase had arrived a few days ago, and she’d spent an afternoon putting the books in just the right spots. “Yes, but Mr. Reid is up there working on the doors so don’t get in his way, and then come back down and play in the sunroom so I can see you, okay?”

Lily tossed a “’kay” over her shoulder as she and Emily dashed toward the living quarters.

Shelley settled on a stool at the counter. “Mr. Reid?”

“The handyman.”

“You hired him?”

“Sort of. We agreed he’d work for room and board temporarily. He’s going to stay in the apartment. This way he’ll be available whenever I need him.”

Shelley frowned and leaned forward. “You’re telling me you hired a stranger, who’s also going to live in your apartment? Tori, what were you thinking?”

“He’s not a stranger exactly. Floyd recommended him. He’s nice. A bit solemn and mysterious, but he does good work and he’s eager. He finished painting my floor without being asked.” Tori pulled a glass from the cupboard and filled it with the Smiley girls’ famous mint iced tea and set it before her friend. “It’s only for a few weeks. Once I have some funds I’ll pay him and hire a professional to finish the work.”

Giggles and thumping sounded before Lily and Emily burst into the main kitchen. Reid was right behind them. He stepped into the room and nodded. “All the doors work. They only needed a little adjusting.”

“Oh, Reid, this is my friend and neighbor, Shelley Vinton.”

Reid nodded. “Emily’s mother. Nice to meet you.” He faced Tori. “What’s next on your list? I can’t start the windows until I pick up replacement materials.”

“How are you with pocket doors? The one between the two parlors is wedged into the slot. Floyd wasn’t sure they could be restored. I’ll show you.”

Shelley’s expression was beyond curious when Tori returned. She braced herself for a flood of questions.

“That is your handyman? Tori, he may be a lot of things, but a handyman? Really?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ve hired a few in my day and they never looked like him. Did you notice the biceps on the man?”

Not only had she noticed, she had firsthand knowledge from when he’d plucked her from the makeshift bridge he’d used to rescue her. “He used to be in law enforcement, so of course he’d be strong.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing. That man is dangerous.”

“What are you talking about?”

Shelley placed her hands over her heart as she batted her lashes. “Guard your heart, girlfriend.”

Tori rolled her eyes. “You forget this heart has been closed for business for a while now.”

“If you say so. Oh, I saw the list of volunteers for this weekend. With all that help, we should have those flooded homes ready for carpenters by the end of the day. Maybe you should ask for volunteers to help with the B and B.”

“In exchange for what?”

“A free night’s stay when you open, or a romantic night for two.”

“Not a bad idea, but the clock is ticking and I’m nowhere near ready to open. I still have decorating to do, a registration desk to set up, marketing, the menu. I don’t know when I’ll be able to reopen the tearoom.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t. You said the girls had shut it because business had dried up.”

“The Camellia Tea Room is part of the home’s history. I’d hate to see it end.”

“And when would you have time to run that and the B and B, too?”

Tori sighed. “I know. Too bad I can’t clone myself.”

Shelley patted her arm. “What you need is a partner. Someone to work with you here, to share the load and give you moral support. Someone who would care as much as you do.”

Tori sent a warning glare at her friend. “Stop right there. I know what you’re doing. Every time you see an attractive man you start hinting. I’m not going down that path again. Third time wasn’t a charm, it was a disaster. He lied to me about everything. Lily is my life now. There’s no room for anyone else.”

Shelley smiled and picked up her purse. “Not even a very intriguing handyman who’s right under your nose?”

Tori pointed to the door. “Take your sweet child and your sweet self and move along please. There’s nothing to see here.”

“Fine. I’m going.”

Her friend’s heart was in the right place, but her suggestion wouldn’t work. Although now that Shelley had planted the seed, the idea of having a partner began to take root...

* * *

Reid aimed the flashlight into the slot encasing the old pocket door. Something was jammed between the door and the wall, but he couldn’t see it or reach it. He tried tugging the door back and forth to dislodge the blockage. When the stubborn door refused to budge, he stepped to the opposite door and applied the same technique. His efforts were rewarded when the door slid outward a foot, bringing with it a thick strip of insulation.

A little more tugging produced more insulation and a few more inches of exposed door. If insulation was the culprit on the other door, and if he could remove it all, the doors might slide closed. Barring any mechanical problems, in which case he’d have to do more research. For some reason he wasn’t quite sure of, it was important for him to fix one of Tori’s concerns.

It was obvious, even in the short time he’d been around, that Tori was determined to get her bed-and-breakfast open on time. And her motivation, to give Lily a stable home where she could spend as much time with her as possible, was reassuring. His conscience flared again. He had to come clean and tell her who he was and why he was here. His concerns about Tori being a suitable guardian had all but disappeared.

Reid cocked his head when he heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. It sounded like crying. Then he realized—Lily was sobbing.

He hesitated, then made his way down the hallway to the kitchen door. He stopped, catching his breath at what he saw. His employer and her little girl were seated at the round breakfast table. Lily was sobbing uncontrollably as Tori cradled her in her lap, making comforting noises.

“But Miss Shelley said Emily was going away. I don’t want her to go. Mommy went away.”

“Emily isn’t going away, sweetheart. She’s going to her grandma’s, the same way you go to visit yours. She’ll be back in a few days.”
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