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Apple Blossom Bride

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“G’night.” She yawned, then curled into a ball under the pink bedspread covered with ballerinas. “Tomorrow for dress-up I’m going to be a lifesaver,” she murmured just before her eyelids dropped closed.

“You already are.” He flicked off the lamp so the nightlight shed its pale glow. He checked the window, made sure it was locked, cleared a path in case she got up in the night. Then Michael left the room, pulling the door almost closed, so he could hear if she called out.

He reached out to get the monitor from the dining room table, realized he’d left it in his studio. Again.

Michael unlocked the workroom door, pushed it open and flicked on the light. He paused for a moment, studying his work.

His critical focus rested on the last two carvings he’d done. These faces were his best. It had taken more than four years to get comfortable with his own particular style, but it had been worth the effort and time he’d spent to perfect his craft. His carvings now were nothing like those from his New York days, ones his mockers had called kindling.

He’d need another six or seven months to get enough of them to mount a showing in the city. Of course he had no idea how to go about something like that, but Ashley Adams might. Maybe that’s why God had sent her here, put her into his path—so he was one step closer to make his dream of working as a full-time carver come true.

The telephone rang.

He hurried to answer it, praying it wouldn’t wake Tati and regretting the intrusion, but happy to hear Piper Langley’s voice.

“Hello, Piper. It’s nice to hear from you. I enjoyed the fireworks display you organized for Labor Day. You received high praise from my daughter, too.”

He listened as she spoke, outlining a plan that, even for her, was big.

“Sounds like fun,” he agreed when she’d finished describing her winter festival ideas.

“I’m hoping I can persuade you to get more involved.”

“Me? How?”

“I’m using the history book of the area as a resource guide to organize some of the events. It was done several years ago and though we don’t have many trappers or woodsmen around anymore, I’m bringing in some people who can show folks what it was like.”

“Sounds like a lot of work.”

“Eventually we want to have dogsled races, trapper contests, the whole thing. For this first year, though, we’re counting on a few big names, maybe make some spectator events like snow sculptures and dogsled pulls for kids.”

“Okay.” He still didn’t get how it involved him.

“As a windup for the week of the festival, we plan to have a live theater event in the school auditorium on the last night.”

“Piper, I can’t act worth a hoot. And when it comes to costumes—”

“We need a set builder,” she interrupted. “For the play. There aren’t a lot of sets to be built and the hardest work will be painting them, for which I’ve already found volunteers. But we need someone to put them together. Jason and I thought that since you’re the shop teacher and already at the school, you might be able to help.”

“Harmon McTaggert would be a lot better at it than me,” he muttered.

“He’s willing to help you whenever he can, but a recent health scare has him taking things easy.”

“Morley French?”

“He’s organizing two of the events. And Steve Garner is working the publicity end.” She sounded apologetic. “I’ve exhausted my list, Michael. The only person I haven’t asked is you.”

“It’s a great idea, Piper, and I’d really love to help.”


“But I’m going to have to refuse,” he added quickly, before she got started thanking him. “I’m sorry, I wish I could take it on but it’s just not possible.”

“You’re sure?”

“Sorry, but yes.”

“I see. I’m sorry about that. I’d really hoped to persuade you.” She sounded tired. “I was just telling Ashley about the bins you helped the kids put together for the recycling program. It’s a great project.”


Ashley. Her name kept coming up. In his mind’s eye he could see her, slim and elegant, her hair looking tousled and windblown around those big gray eyes, though it had probably taken a salon hours to create the effect.

“Really, I wish I could do it, Piper. But with Tati to take care of and working at the school—I think I’ve bitten off just a little more than I can chew.”

She laughed, a soft musical sound that carried across the wires.

“Tati’s a sweetheart. One look from those big brown eyes and I’d be lost. I don’t know how you can ever say no to her.”

“I can’t,” he admitted.

They traded a few more words then Piper let him go, but not before asking him to dinner after church on Sunday.

“Nothing big, just a few of our friends. Jason and I want everyone to meet Ashley.”

“Oh, we’ve already met,” he told her. “Didn’t she tell you? She was going to call the cops on me.”

When they hung up Michael was grinning.

Let Ms. Ice explain that.

Chapter Three

“Everything for the winter festival is coming together so well. If I could just figure a way to get those sets built.”

“You will.”

Piper tossed her briefcase on a chair, flung off her shoes and smiled at Ashley.

“Such faith. Thanks, pal.” She sniffed. “Something smells wonderful. I love it when you cook on Fridays. Jason says it’s like the kickoff to a great weekend.”

Jason says this and Jason says that. During the month Ashley had been at Cathcart House, barely a sentence had left Piper’s lips that didn’t include her fiancé. Ashley felt a faint prick of envy for the couple. Theirs would be a wonderful marriage.

“Shrimp cocktail for starters. Prime rib and roasted potatoes. Corn from the farmer’s marker. Coleslaw from the cabbage in your garden, and apple betty crumble for dessert. How does that sound?”

“Like I should have brought another three guys.” Jason walked through the door, kissed Piper, then waved a hand. “Come on in, buddy. Hey, Ashley, I found Michael heading for his mother’s coffee shop and invited him to join us. Since he missed our Sunday get-together, I figured we owed him. Is that okay?”

Like she could say no now, with him standing there, grinning at her.
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