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North Country Family

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“I’ll have to walk home to get it, though,” Rick continued. “You’re still at the garage, right? Why don’t you stay put until I can pick you up?”

“I just collected one of the boys. How about if we meet you at the station? But before you leave could you find Cassie Crockett and her son and ask them to wait? She’s blond, short curly hair—”

“I’ve already met her and Noah. In fact, Cassie’s standing beside me.”

“Hi, Laurel,” Cassie called.

“Cassie! I can’t wait to see you! We’ll be there soon. Thanks, Rick.”

“No worries, Laurel. See you in a bit.” Rick tucked his phone back in his pocket. “You’d better wait inside until I get back.” He blinked at the number of boxes and containers on the dock. “Where’s the kitchen sink?” he teased.

“We—um, sold our house so we had to bring most of what was left,” she explained.

Rick nodded, seeming to sense her discomfort. He hailed a man and introduced Cassie and Noah. “I was wondering if you’d be willing to use your truck to transport Mrs. Crockett’s things to Lives Under Construction, George.”

“Happy to, Pastor, but it might take a second trip. Lucy Clow’s got me picking up a bunch of stuff she bought online.”

“Again? Wonder what deals she found this time.” Rick shared a grin of understanding with the other man then told Cassie, “Lucy’s infamous for her online purchases, which she always donates to something in town. Will picking up your stuff later work for you, Cassie?”

“Later is perfect.” Cassie noted the obvious affection between Rick and the older man. “Thank you, Mr. Stern.”

“Cassie’s going to be the new nurse at Lives Under Construction, George. She’s also hoping for some part-time work at the health center.” Rick gave her a small nod, as if to say, Wait for it.

“Well isn’t that a blessing?” George beamed. “Our health board has been trying to find another nurse for ages. You’ve got work whenever you want, Miss.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Stern.” Breathless at the speed with which she’d found a second job, Cassie turned to Rick as George left. “Thank you for doing that.”

“My pleasure.” He checked his watch. “My place is about three blocks away. I’ll have to let the car warm up so it’ll be a while before I return. But Laurel should be here shortly. You and Noah can wait inside.” Rick slid his hand under her elbow and steered her into the station. Noah followed without saying anything.

The peremptory way Rick directed her without waiting for her agreement triggered her dislike of being controlled. A host of memories of Eric’s constant advice and bossy ways filled her head. Eric had seemed to believe she was unable to think for herself. He’d always tried to steer her, literally, and she’d always hated that.

Cassie jerked her arm free once they were inside the depot. “I could have arranged things for myself,” she heard herself saying. “You didn’t have to ask a stranger—”

“There aren’t any strangers in Churchill, Mrs. Crockett,” Rick interrupted in a gentle tone. “Up here we try to help each other because we might be the next in need.”

“Of course,” she whispered, contrite that she’d allowed her past to cause her to behave rudely. “I apologize. Thank you for everything. And please, Rick, call me Cassie.” She forced herself to offer a tiny smile. “Noah and I will wait for you over there.” She pointed to a bench in the corner.

Rick’s good-natured grin returned. He pulled a pair of knitted gloves from his pocket and put them on. “See you in a bit.” Swinging his snowshoes onto his shoulder, Rick picked up his duffel and headed out of the station, toward the street that lay beyond the parking lot, obviously enjoying the brisk air.

Cassie glanced at Noah. Eyes closed, earbuds firmly in place, he swayed back and forth to his music, in his own world. She’d leave him alone, for now, but soon she’d have to find a way to get him to break free of his self-imposed isolation.

Her attention returned to the window and the minister who strode across the white-covered terrain. Rick Salinger unnerved her. Not only because of what he said or did but also because of who he was—a minister, like her father.

That was a very big hurdle in her book.

He’s also straightforward, full of life and interesting.

All the same, Cassie was determined to keep her distance. No matter how much Rick piqued her interest.

* * *

As Rick sauntered back into the train station more than half an hour later, his brain was still struggling to put together a puzzle called Cassie Crockett. One minute she was standoffish and defensive, the next her barriers dropped away and she was warm and engaging. Was that only with him?

And why did he still feel as if he’d met her before?

Cassie sat in the corner where she’d said she’d be, but this was a totally different woman from the one who’d yanked her arm from his grip. She was laughing at something Laurel said, blond head thrown back, eyes dancing. For the first time since he’d met her, Rick thought she looked truly at ease.

“So you met Rick,” he heard Laurel say.

“Yes.” Cassie’s low voice gave nothing away. Though her eyes widened when she saw him, her glance bounced off him, keeping his presence secret.

“He’s a great guy and an even better pastor,” Laurel said. Rick listened unabashedly while she spent several moments extolling his virtues. “You’ll never make a better friend than Rick.”

“Well, thank you, Laurel. I love you, too.” Rick grinned when the older woman squealed in surprise, turned and then hugged him, ruffling his hair.

Rick basked in the feeling of being cared for. Since a wife and family were never going to be part of his future, he cherished every friendship God brought into his life.

“It’s good to have you back, pal.” Laurel patted his shoulder.

“Thanks. Who’s this?” he asked, nodding at a boy who, like Noah, sat with earphones in his ears, swaying to music no one else could hear.

“This is Bryan.” Laurel nudged the boy’s shoulder.

In a desultory fashion, Bryan withdrew one headphone. “Yeah?”

“This is Rick, our pastor,” Laurel said.

“Dude.” Bryan slowly lifted his hand to shake Rick’s. His grip was weak, his palms sweaty. Duty done, he immediately replaced his earphone and closed his eyes.

“I’m overwhelmed by my welcome,” Rick joked.

“You got a better reception than I did,” Cassie complained.

“If he ignored a beautiful woman like you, I don’t feel so bad.” Surprised he’d spoken his thoughts aloud, Rick glanced at Laurel. The smug smile on her face bothered him, but Rick ignored it. He leaned nearer Cassie. “We’ll have to show him that we demand proper respect,” he whispered with a conspiratorial wink. Then he turned to Laurel. “On my way in I noticed George has already picked up Cassie’s things from the dock so I’m ready to leave here whenever you are.”

Noah and Bryan picked up some of the luggage. Rick took the rest. Somehow everything fit inside his small car. Laurel insisted Cassie take the front seat beside him so she’d have a better view of her new home, but Rick noticed Cassie sat just about as far away from his as she could.

“We’re off,” he said as he fastened his seat belt. He left the parking lot and turned the corner to the highway, noticing Cassie’s tight grip on her armrest when the tires slipped on a patch of ice before the treads caught.

“All this ice—” She made a quick glance over one shoulder at Noah.

“It’s okay, Cassie.” He smiled to reassure her. “Josephina will get us there safely. She isn’t the prettiest vehicle around, but she almost always gets where she’s going.”

“Josephina?” she said. One perfect eyebrow arched. “Why not Joseph?”

“Joseph was a truck, my last vehicle.” Rick made sad face. “He wasn’t reliable at all.”

“We won’t go there, then,” she said. The amusement on her face sent an unexpected quiver through him.
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