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A Baby by Easter

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“Unfortunately I do remember. What an entrance.” She tilted her head back to rest it as she studied him.

Her eyes were a deep, vivid green. Their shadowed intensity reminded David of the Amazon forest—he’d once taken a trip there with Wade and their friend Jared. Before his world had become consumed by responsibility.

“My name is David Foster,” he said. “This is my sister, Darla.”

“I’m Susannah Wells. So this isn’t Connie Ladden’s home?” She looked defeated.

“Oh, yes. Connie and Wade Abbot live here,” he assured her.

“They’re having a party,” Darla butted in. She frowned. “Did you come for the party? You don’t have a party dress on. You’re not supposed to come to a party if you don’t dress nice,” she chided.

“Darla.” David frowned at her.

“She’s only saying the truth. You’re not supposed to show up at a party dressed as I am.” Susannah smiled at him tentatively then turned to Darla. “But I didn’t know it was a party, you see. Anyway, I don’t have party dresses.”

“Not even one?” Clearly this mystified Darla. “I have lots.”

“Lucky you.” Susannah frowned. “Maybe I should leave and come back tomorrow.”

“You can’t.” Darla flopped down beside her.

Susannah blinked. “Why can’t I?”

“’Cause you don’t have any place to go. Do you?” Darla asked.

David tried to intervene but Susannah merely waved her hand at him to wait.

“How do you know that, Darla?” she asked, brows lowering.

“I’m a detective today.”

“Oh.” The visitor glanced at him, her confusion evident.

David shrugged but didn’t speak.

“I’m Detective Darla Foster. You don’t have any suitcases. All you have is a backpack.” Darla trailed one finger over the frayed embroidery work on the bag. “If you had a hotel, you would go there and wash first. But you came here dirty. I washed your face.” She lifted the wet washcloth off the floor and held it out to show the grime. “See?”

A ruby flush moved from the V of Susannah’s neck up to her chin and over her thin cheeks.

“There was a wind,” she muttered, avoiding David’s gaze. “It was so dusty.”

“It’s none of our business,” he assured her hastily, giving Darla a warning look. “Except that I don’t think you’re well. Should I call a doctor?”

“You actually know doctors who make house calls?” Her big eyes expressed incredulity.

“Dr. Boo came to my house. She asks too many questions.” Darla’s bottom lip jutted out. “Detectives don’t like Dr. Boo.”

“Dr. Boone,” David clarified, interpreting Susannah’s stare as a query. “Actually she’s here. Shall I call her?”

“No.” The word came out fast. Susannah donned a quick smile to cover. “I’m not very good with doctors. I’ll be fine. I think I caught a little cold, that’s all. But they never hang around for long.”

“You’re shivering.” David didn’t miss the way she hugged the coverlet around her shoulders as if craving warmth, or the way her stomach issued a noisy rumble. “And hungry, by the sounds of it. Shall I go get Connie?”

“Oh, please, I don’t want to disturb her party.” Susannah shook her head. “Can’t I just stay here quietly until everyone’s gone?”

“You don’t want to go to the party?” Darla frowned, then grinned. “Me, neither,” she declared. She patted Susannah’s arm. “Let’s have our own party. Davy, you get Silver,” she ordered.

“Silver?” Susannah looked horrified. “I don’t want money!’

“Silver is Wade’s daughter.” Darla giggled. “She’s nice.”

“I think Connie took Silver up to bed a while ago.” David held his breath, wondering if that would engender another explosion.

And that was exactly his problem. He worried too much about Darla’s temper and not enough about insisting she modify her behavior. But it was so hard to be firm with her. She was his baby sister. She’d lost so much since the accident. All he wanted was to make her world easier, to see her happy.

Still, it was his job to take care of her, no matter what. Which meant that tomorrow David would start scouting the agencies—again—to find someone to be with his sister when he couldn’t be.

Lowered voices drew him back to the present. Two heads, one dark, one blond, bent together as his sister laid out her plans for their impromptu party.

“Darla?” David waited until she lifted her head and smiled her dazzling smile at him. “I’m going to find something for Susannah to eat. Will you stay here?” He emphasized the word so she’d understand she wasn’t to leave the study.

“Okay.” Darla tore a piece of paper off the pad by the telephone and began scribbling. “Here’s our order, Davy. Crackers and cheese and soup. Chicken soup. Eighty-six percent of doctors say chicken soup is an effective aid in treating cold and flu.”

Darla had a knack for reciting television commercials verbatim.

“Cold and flu—is that what I have?” Susannah asked, tongue in cheek. “How do you know?”

“I’m a nurse. We just know.” Darla pulled the cover tighter around her patient’s shoulders.

David hid his smile at Susannah’s surprise.

“I thought you were a detective,” he said.

“Not anymore.” Darla glared at him. “Food, Davy. This child is starving,” she said in her bossy grandmother voice.

“Yes, ma’am.” He choked back his laughter. Darla had always been able to make him laugh. He headed for the door. “I’ll be right back.” He thought he heard a giggle from the blond woman before he closed the door, but it was quickly smothered.

David went searching for Connie and caught her between guests.

“There’s a woman in the study, a Susannah Wells,” he began, but got no further.

“Really? Suze? How wonderful.” Connie beamed with happiness. It faded a little as she glanced around the room. “We’re about to eat dinner. I can’t leave right now.” She thought a moment. “Bring her to the table, will you, David? I’ll get another place set.”

Before Connie could continue, David stopped her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said softly. “I don’t think she’s well. She fainted when I opened the door and she’s been shivering ever since.”

“Oh, dear.” Connie looked distracted. “Cora just gave me the nod. I need to get everyone seated.”
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