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Secrets of the Rose

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“Are you all right?”

After a moment she nodded. “How could he do it? I thought he loved her. Aimee’s always called him Uncle Dan.”

Tim said nothing, merely bent, picked up the folder she’d dropped.

“What is that?” she demanded, her shoulders straightening, eyes blazing with temper. “A ransom demand? To think he was here, pretending to be so concerned.” She opened the manila file, scanned it. “I don’t understand this,” she muttered after several moments.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why would he do this?” Shelby’s attention was locked on the documents she perused. “This can’t be,” she whispered.

Natalie was standing off to one corner, issuing orders into her cell phone like a drill sergeant.

Tim grabbed the opportunity, leaned close and asked, “What is it, Shelby? Tell me quickly before Natalie takes it away. I’ll help if I can.”

She looked up, blinked, focused.

“It’s about Russ,” she whispered. “These documents show he’s been detained by customs officials several times. Twice they’ve warned him about items he’s brought over the border. Apparently he’s been identified as a possible security threat by several governments.”

“Would this be natural, something to do with his job?”

“Finders, Inc. does not engage in illegal activities.” She glanced at the file once more, shook her head. “I can’t tell you more. Don’t have enough information. But I can’t understand why Daniel included it with the picture.”

“A mistake,” he suggested.

“Daniel doesn’t make those kinds of mistakes, Tim. Not ever in as long as I’ve known him. He holds everything close to his chest until he’s ready to reveal it.” Her words were automatic, her mind obviously on the picture Natalie still held. “He said he was sending me something but I never imagined, never even dreamed…” She drooped in her chair, her eyelids closed as she groaned. “Oh, Daniel, how could you?”

Esmeralda’s attention was so centered on the picture of Aimee that she barely responded when Tim poked her arm, motioned to Shelby and mouthed the word coffee. But being the devoted employee she was, she took one look and acted.

“That’s enough with you now, Shelby Kincaid. The good Lord didn’t bring us this far to dump us and you’d best not be doubting His ways or the friends He sent you. Into the library with you,” she ordered. “This fellow can light the fire. The evening’s chilly. I’ll bring some coffee.” She disappeared before Shelby could counter.

Since Natalie was still knee-deep in her phone call, Tim grasped Shelby’s arm and led her toward the library, fully aware that her fingers still clutched the file, evidence that Natalie would insist on seeing.

“Sit down. Breathe deeply. Let’s try to think this through.”

She seemed in a daze, confused yet angry. “None of it makes sense to me. First Russ hints that Daniel is hiding something, then Daniel sends over this file. He had to know I’d see the picture, that I’d be upset. So why—I thought he cared about us, but to do this….” The more she spoke, the more angry she became. “I want him arrested right now. I want him to tell me where he has my daughter and why. I want answers. Natalie!”

The police detective hurried into the room, no doubt at Shelby’s raised voice. Tim was prepared for her entrance. What shocked him was the appearance of the man behind her.

“What’s wrong?” Daniel demanded, scanning the room in a quick glance.

“You are wrong.” Shelby’s sense of betrayal leached through her voice. “If you think you can get away with this, you’re dead wrong. I want my daughter back, Daniel, and I want her now.”

“I know that.” He frowned, stared at her. “I’m trying to help, believe me.”

“Trying?” Shelby jumped up, ripped the paper from Natalie and shoved it under his nose. “Is that why you sent this to me? Because you’re trying? Detective, I want this man arrested for kidnapping.”

Tim had never seen Natalie move so quickly. She had Daniel in handcuffs before he could do more than sputter.

“Shelby, there might be some other explanation for that picture,” Tim offered, unable to believe a man who ran a company like Finders would be so foolish as to let himself be caught that easily.

“You think I sent that picture?” Daniel looked from Natalie to Shelby to Tim. “I didn’t. I’ve never seen it before. So will someone please tell me what is going on here?”

“Like you don’t know.” Shelby stared at the floor where the picture of Aimee had fallen, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Believe me, I don’t know.”

Tim took pity on him. “You sent a file to Shelby today, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” Daniel frowned. “What’s wrong with that? I wanted to keep her abreast of what I’m doing, especially now.”

“That picture was in the file.” Tim watched the other man’s thin face whiten.

“Why keep Mrs. Kincaid abreast now—especially?” Natalie’s eyes had narrowed to mere slits. She kept her focus on Daniel.

“We’ve had some items…disappear from our stock.”

“You lost things?” The slits widened. “I thought you had all this high-tech security to prevent that kind of thing from happening.”

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