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A Ring and a Promise

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“You don’t have to date her,” Winifred sniffed. “But it might be nice if you two could get rid of the barriers.”

“We’ve done that already.” Because he was watching Winifred so closely, Donovan saw the slight rose flush that colored her delicately powdered cheeks. “Don’t matchmake, Grandmother. Whatever was between Abby and me in high school died five years ago.”

“I wouldn’t dream of matchmaking,” Winifred sniffed. “I know you’re trying to be responsible. I know you’re working hard to be a good father to Ariane and I applaud you. But being a father can’t and shouldn’t become your whole life. Reese can tell you about that.” Winifred asked Art for some punch, then threaded her arm through Donovan’s and drew him toward a table where he helped her sit.

“Are you all right?” he asked, worried by her pale color.

“I’m fine. Listen to me. Abby’s become as precious to me as if she was my own granddaughter. I want her to achieve all of her dreams. I believe she has the capacity to reach great heights.”

“So do I,” he agreed.

“I don’t want her to feel awkward about working here just because you’re back, Donovan.”

“I don’t think Abby’s that easily upset,” he murmured, watching as she danced with the twins, laughing at their antics. So she did dance.

Abby detests kids. It hadn’t rung true then and it didn’t now. Her eyes sparkled with fun, her smile spread across her face.

“Abby hides her feelings. She’s had to. Talk to God, Donovan. Find out how he wants you to respond to Abby.”

Having said her piece, Winifred signaled Katie who asked everyone to have a seat. Donovan beckoned Ariane to sit beside him as the others all found places. Art sat next to Winifred.

When the room was silent again, Katie took the microphone.

“Welcome to our welcome-back party,” she said, grinning. “It is our greatest pleasure to have Grandmother with us tonight and my special pleasure to tell you that come Monday morning, she expects to be seated behind her desk, making sure we’re all hard at work.”

The room erupted in cheering. Katie waited until there was relative silence.


Thomas Woodward rose, lifted his glass.

“I’d like to propose a toast to my mother. May she be behind that desk for years to come. Welcome back, Winifred.”

“To Winifred.”

Donovan tinkled his glass against Ariane’s and waited for her to taste the apple cider. She wrinkled her nose after a sip, but gamely gave it another try. Katie turned to him.

“My brother Donovan has at long last returned from Europe to head up our own in-house marketing department. We’re glad he’s back and thrilled he brought his goddaughter Ariane with him. Welcome home, Donovan and Ariane.”

Slightly embarrassed, Donovan rose, bowed and promised he’d do his best for Weddings by Woodwards while Ariane stared at everyone with her huge dark eyes. Finally, Fiona rose to say a blessing over the food. When Donovan looked up, Abby had slipped into the seat across from them.

“There wasn’t anywhere else,” she apologized in a whisper.

“No problem.”

“I saw Winifred talking to you earlier. Is she all right?”

“She’s fine.” He waited until their salads had been served. “Ariane’s been admiring you.”

“Oh.” Abby blinked, then glanced at his goddaughter. “Why?”

“I think it’s your earrings. She loves all that sparkles. Your design?”

Abby nodded.

“They’re lovely.”

“Thanks.” She averted her eyes and concentrated on eating.

“Abby makes lots of jewelry, Ari. She’s a quite-famous jewelry designer.”

“Not yet, but soon, hopefully.” Abby smiled at Ariane who seemed intrigued by the bracelet Donovan had given Abby. “Do you like jewelry, Ariane?”

The little girl nodded eagerly and after signaling that she needed a pen from Donovan, she drew an altered picture of the bracelet she’d helped Olivia form.

“Ah, I see you’ve had a change of idea. That’s what we designers do.” Abby smiled at her. “The bracelet’s in my office, waiting for you.”

Ariane seemed happy to hear that and settled down to dinner, like everyone else. Donovan couldn’t reconcile the easy camaraderie she and Abby shared, with what he’d been told. As the meal drew to a finish, his suspicions about that conversation multiplied, but Donovan stuffed them away and focused on enjoying the evening.

Reese took his turn as MC. Sara sang a song about homecomings and Cade announced their pregnancy. Once congratulations had died down, Katie had her parents act out a charade about the Chicago store.

Donovan took it all in like a bystander and realized that his sisters, his brother, Grandmother, his parents were all genuinely enjoying life, friends and family. Only he felt as if he had to work to smile. Even though Ariane was beside him and Abby across from him, even though the room was full of his family, he suddenly felt lonely. In that moment, he realized something else.

Abby wasn’t the only one with a pressing goal.

He wanted to be an integral part of his family’s lives now. He wanted to be the one they turned to when they needed to talk things over, the one they called on when they needed a shoulder to lean on. He wanted to be the son they counted on.

The prospect both terrified and tantalized Donovan. He’d never been good with long-term anything, especially commitment, although he’d wanted to try with Abby. A few hours talking to God might help him figure out how to become more than the carefree role he’d always defined for himself.

Maybe then Abby wouldn’t look at him with that funny little smile that clearly said she felt sorry for him for having missed so much.

Chapter Four

Monday mornings were always hectic.

Today leaned more toward crazy.

Anticipating the furor, Abby had arrived early. She filed her approved sketch for a newly commissioned diamond engagement ring, made changes another customer had requested on an anniversary ring and released the delicate tiara she’d created for a local fashion show.

Then she allowed herself a coffee break and a few moments to study the ring she wanted to send in for her contest entry. It was almost ready. A tweak or two and—

A child’s wail erupted from the front of the store. Assuming it was Brett or Brady, both of whom knew exactly how to create disaster at Weddings by Woodwards, Abby hurried toward the sound. She found Donovan kneeling in front of Ariane, his face taut with worry.

“It’s okay, Ari. Just tell me what’s wrong? Are you sick?”

One negative head jerk.

“Is it your clothes? But this is the school’s uniform.”
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