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Chase's Promise

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Chase lifted his bottle and drank, his gaze sweeping the room and its occupants. Beside him, Raine swiveled her bottle in a slow circle on the tabletop, her fingers trembling.

“He wasn’t here.” She felt numb with disappointment, only now realizing how desperately she’d been counting on Chase uncovering a lead tonight. “The police said they couldn’t find any evidence he’d been in Billings that night but I didn’t believe it. I was so sure he must have met the letter writer here and left with him.”

“Before we check this place off our list, I’m going to show Trey’s picture to a few more people.” Chase slid out of the booth. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

He strolled across the room and joined the group of men leaning against the wall to watch the pool shooters. Raine saw him exchange words with a cowboy on his left, then he showed him Trey’s photo.

She took a sip of beer, swallowed and shuddered. She didn’t like beer and if she hadn’t been so intent on Chase and the response of the men now looking at Trey’s photo, she wouldn’t have lifted the bottle and drank.

“It can’t taste that bad.” A cowboy slid into the booth opposite her, grinning as he nodded at the bottle in front of her. “But since it apparently does, how about letting me buy you something better. A shot of Jose Cuervo, maybe?”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” Raine nearly groaned when she met Chase’s gaze across the room and registered the grim set of his mouth as he started toward her. “I have a personal rule against letting strange men buy me drinks.”

“I’m not a strange man, honey. I could get downright friendly if you’re willing.”

“She’s not.”

Both Raine and the cowboy looked up. Raine’s stomach lurched. Though Chase didn’t move, he emanated a lethal threat that stole Raine’s breath.

The young cowboy eased out of the booth, mumbled an apology and headed quickly over to the bar.

“Let’s go.”

Raine slid out of the booth, her body brushing Chase’s as she moved past him. Heat bloomed everywhere they touched, prickling her skin and setting off warning signals. She knew he was dangerous. She’d known before she’d asked for his help in finding Trey that he would probably be difficult to work with. She’d never expected to be physically attracted to him.

She walked ahead of him across the room, aware of him following her.

They stepped out into the night.

“Did any of the men around the pool tables remember seeing Trey?” Raine asked.

“No.” Chase took her arm and guided her down the sidewalk toward his SUV.

“Then he wasn’t here?”

“Hard to say. I don’t think he was inside the bar but it’s possible the letter writer approached him outside.” Chase stepped off the curb, hit the control button to unlock the vehicle. “Or maybe he never made it to Billings.”

Chapter Three

“B ut if he didn’t arrive here, then where is he?” Raine heard the thread of rising panic in her voice and struggled to control the fear squeezing her chest and throat.

“That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?” Chase gently urged her into the car.

If I had a million dollars, I’d gladly give it all to know you’re safe, Trey, she thought bleakly.

In the seat behind her, Killer woofed softly when Chase pulled open the driver’s door and slid behind the wheel.

“Does Trey spend much time in Billings?” Chase asked.

Raine couldn’t read his expression, though his face was turned toward her.

“Off and on. He comes down for the occasional weekend when he wants a break from Wolf Creek—sometimes I ride along and go shopping, maybe catch a movie.”

“What hotel do you use when you’re here?”

She gave him the name.

“I know where it is.” He backed out of the parking slot. “We’ll check in, show the photo to the bartender at the hotel lounge, and then you can get some sleep.”

“What will you be doing while I’m sleeping?” Raine asked, suspicious that he hadn’t said we can sleep.

“I’ll probably spend most of the night working on my laptop, checking whether there’s been any activity connected to your brother over the last couple of weeks.”

“What kind of activity?”

“Anything—if his credit cards have been used I want to know the location. And if anyone’s cashed checks on his account or used his ID for any purpose, I want any information available on the user. I’ll also run a scan to find out if his car’s license number is on abandoned vehicle records anywhere in the U.S.”

“You think he may have been robbed and his ID stolen?” Raine asked, mulling over the possibilities, trying to control the sick fear knotting her stomach.

“Maybe, maybe not. It’s standard procedure to check everything.”

Raine was silent, absorbing not only Chase’s listing of details, but also what she felt he was omitting, maybe on purpose. If someone else were using Trey’s identification, his credit cards or his checking account, or if his car had been found abandoned, what did that say about Trey’s safety?

She squeezed her eyes shut, silently repeating to herself the essential truth she couldn’t forget, the only thing she had to hold on to: Trey wasn’t dead. He was her twin, their lives were inextricably linked together. If his soul departed this world, she’d feel his leaving as if part of herself were being ripped away.

He’s alive, she told herself fiercely. And we’ll find him.

The SUV slowed and she opened her eyes, startled to realize they’d reached the entrance to the Paramount Hotel. Chase took their bags and his laptop from the backseat, told Killer to heel, and handed a vehicle key to the parking attendant.

“Will they let your dog stay here?” she asked as they crossed the sidewalk to the double glass doors edged in brass.

“Oh, yeah,” he drawled, a faint hint of amusement in his tone. “They like Killer.”

Raine walked beside him into the hotel lobby, the Rottweiler padding behind them.

The man behind the registration counter looked up as they approached, a broad smile instantly creasing his face in welcome. “Mr. McCloud. Good to see you. And you, too, Miss Harper.”

“Hello, Ken.” Raine managed a smile. Ken was a longtime employee of the Paramount; he’d checked her and Trey in and out of the hotel on more than one occasion.

Chase set the two duffel bags and his laptop in its leather case on the carpet next to Killer and took out his wallet. “We need two connecting rooms.”

Startled, Raine opened her mouth to object.

“Certainly, let me check availability,” Ken responded before Raine could protest, his fingers moving rapidly over the computer keyboard. “I don’t have two rooms together but I do have a suite on the third floor.”

“We’ll take it.” Chase handed him a credit card and moments later, scribbled his name on the registration sheet before accepting two key cards. “Will you have the bellman take our luggage upstairs? We’re going into the lounge for a nightcap.”


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