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Family to the Rescue

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“Excellent,” Kim said. “You’re a smart man, Seth.”

He wasn’t really sure about her assessment of his smarts, but he was too worn out to apply more mental force to the question. Hopefully being helpless would be a temporary affliction.

Summoning every bit of strength he had, he stood again. Vertigo overtook him and he sagged. Kim was there instantly. She took one arm, her touch at once gentle yet solid. Awareness zinged through him. He tried not to think too much about how much he liked the combination. What would be the point?

Lily came up on his left side and took his other arm. He couldn’t help but notice her touch didn’t cause any zings. But, then, he’d known Lily forever; she was like his cousin or something.

Seth fought the urge to lean on Kim as they walked toward the sliding doors leading to the parking lot, reminding himself that he only needed her for the next twenty-four hours. And then everything between them would be dead even. Strictly casual. And definitely disconnected.

No matter how much the pretty newcomer intrigued him.

Chapter Three

Kim, Lily and Seth made their way up the crushed-shell path that led from the gravel driveway to the wooden stairs that ascended Aunt Rose’s back porch. A stiff breeze blew Kim’s hair into her face and the fresh scent of the sea filled her lungs. She could hear the roar of the waves breaking on the beach just one hundred yards or so from the ranch-style cottage.

Like a trooper Seth went up the stairs by himself, although Kim noticed he used the handrail, which she was pretty sure an in-shape guy like him wouldn’t normally do. When they reached the porch, he turned, his blue eyes shining bright against the backdrop of his pale face. “You’re sure Rose won’t mind?”

“I’m sure,” she said, sounding amazingly normal considering she almost melted every time he looked at her. Not good. At all.

And even if by some wild stretch of the imagination Aunt Rose did mind, Kim would convince her otherwise. She had caused Seth’s injuries with her careless foray into the ocean. Taking care of him was the least she could do.

Before they reached the door, it opened. Kim’s maiden aunt Rose stood there, her round face wreathed in a smile. Her gray hair was pulled back into its customary bun, her wire-rimmed glasses were shoved up on the top of her head. She had a spatula in her hand and what looked like flour on her cheek.

Rose’s eyes darted from Kim to Lily to Seth, obviously taking in their injured, drowned-rat appearances. Her face fell. “Oh, goodness me,” she said, her forehead creasing. Her concerned gaze held on Seth’s bandaged head. “What happened?”

“Kim almost drowned and Seth saved her,” Lily blurted.

Aunt Rose’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped open.

Kim glared at Lily, then held up a hand. “Don’t worry. Everyone is okay, but Seth needs to lie down and isn’t supposed to be alone for a while, so I brought him here. Let’s go in and I’ll tell you the whole story once he’s settled.”

Aunt Rose, bless her heart, didn’t argue. She was a deeply practical woman, and knew when to ask questions and when to just go with the flow. She stepped back, gesturing them inside. “Of course.” As soon as Seth was in the house Rose hurried over and had him sit on the sofa.

Kim followed her aunt into the house, drawing her eyebrows together. “Where’s Dylan?” she asked. He was usually first to answer the door when someone arrived.

“He’s at Benny’s,” Aunt Rose replied. “The puppies needed exercise.”

“Ah. Of course.” Kim looked at Seth. “Aunt Rose’s neighbor has a dog who gave birth to seven puppies a month or so ago.”

“Nothing like puppies to keep a kid interested,” he replied.

“Dylan could hardly wait to get over there after you left,” Rose added.

“Not surprising.” Dylan loved all animals, but dogs in particular. Kim had promised him that he could have a dog as soon as they had their own place. Another reason, among many, that Kim needed a job and her independence.

“I can’t keep him away,” Rose said. “Good thing Benny loves having Dylan around.”

Kim was pretty sure Benny, a retired widower, had a bit of a crush on Rose, too. He blushed and stammered like a schoolboy every time he talked to her. Truth be told, Kim was envious of the awkward attention Benny paid to Rose. It made her yearn for someone of her own…but that would be a mistake.

Kim turned and noticed Lily holding back on the porch.

“Um…now that everyone is here safe and sound, I think I’m just gonna head home,” Lily said, rubbing her eyes. “I’m pooped.”

Kim knew that feeling. “All right.” She went out onto the porch and hugged Lily. “Thank you so much for all your help today.” She stepped back and gave Lily a gentle smile. “I appreciate it. I haven’t really made friends since I got here and, well, I’ve been a bit lonely. Even though we only met today, it’s nice to know I have a new friend.” Kim was a social butterfly at heart, and had joined the church’s singles group for friendly fellowship; it was high time her social life arose from the dead. Well, most parts of it, anyway. The safe parts.

“I’m glad I could help out,” Lily replied, returning Kim’s smile. “Call me if you need anything. I’m in the phone book. And remember, the singles group is having a progressive dinner in three weeks. You should definitely come.”

“Sounds good,” Kim said. Spending time with people her own age was definitely on her To Do list.

Lily waved goodbye and headed back to her car.

Kim noted it was raining now, the fine drizzle coating everything in gray mist. Funny how fast the weather could change in Moonlight Cove.

She shut the front door, noting that Seth and Aunt Rose had left the living room. Expecting to find them in the kitchen, she made her way through the cozy living room.

The smell of freshly baked cookies permeated the air—snickerdoodles was Kim’s guess. With fatigue rolling over her in a wave, she headed through the arched doorway that led from the living room into the kitchen to the left, determined to see to Seth’s care before she gave in to her exhaustion.

The homey blue, white and yellow kitchen was the heart of her aunt’s house. Remnants of her aunt’s cookie making session sat on the tiled counters…but Rose and Seth weren’t there.

Frowning, Kim headed back out into the living room, turned left and went down the short hallway that led to the house’s three small bedrooms.

Sure enough, Aunt Rose and Seth were in the first bedroom on the right, Dylan’s room. Seth was already stretched out on Dylan’s twin bed, and Aunt Rose was spreading a handmade patchwork quilt over him.

Rose turned when Kim walked in. “He wasn’t looking good at all, so I decided it would be best if Seth, here, got some rest right away.” She smiled serenely. “This seemed like the best place for him.”

Kim was so glad her aunt had seen what needed doing and had simply done it. She silently thanked God for making her aunt so intuitive, nurturing and levelheaded. A blessing, really, and a much-needed balancing force in a life turned upside down by Scott’s desertion.

“Thank you, Aunt Rose,” she said. “As usual, you’re right.” She turned her attention to Seth, who definitely looked worse for wear. He must feel really rotten if he’d let her aunt put him to bed without any fuss.

Kim moved closer, resisting the urge to sit on the bed the way she did when she said good-night to Dylan. This wasn’t her son, here. No, this was a full grown, very handsome, masculine man.

Warning bells clanged in her head.

She remained standing. “How are you doing?” she asked Seth.

He shrugged, then winced. “I’ve got a headache.”

Her heart tugged at his obvious discomfort. “After the hit your head took, I’m not surprised. So rest is just what you need.”

“I won’t argue,” he said, his eyelids drooping. Obviously the trauma of the day was catching up to him in a big way.

“Good.” She smiled down at him. “Get some rest.”

She turned away, but before she could leave, he reached out and grabbed her hand. His touch sent sparks shooting up her arm. Her breathing snagged.

“Thank you for letting me come here,” he said, squeezing her hand, looking right at her with those gorgeous eyes of his, pinning her in place.

Kim’s tummy flip-flopped. His eyes were so blue, like the sky in summer, clear and beautiful. Completely compelling.
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