Интересный и захватывающий антиутопический Роман. Интересная анаграмма - Аркадий Ренн - Айн Рэнд, видимо автор почерпнул антиутопичный настрой из ее п...
Шейх небольшой страны Марвани, Явар, переживает не самые простые времена: после тяжелой аварии, смерти отца и предательства женщины он никак не может прийти в себя. И все же, понимая свою...
Король Азраил запрещает себе увлекаться учительницей Молли Карлайл, которую похитил его брат-подросток. Чтобы защитить девушку от скандала, он предлагает ей временный брак, не подозревая, к чему...
Король Азраил запрещает себе увлекаться учительницей Молли Карлайл, которую похитил его брат-подросток. Чтобы защитить девушку от скандала, он предлагает ей временный брак, не подозревая, к чему...
Крупный бизнесмен и арабский принц Джасим заподозрил своего старшего брата в любовной интриге с няней его дочери, англичанкой Элинор. Стараясь помешать этому, он очаровывает и соблазняет девушку. Она...
Алисса постоянно выручала свою легкомысленную сестру-близняшку из щекотливых ситуаций, в которые та умудрялась попадать. Но в этот раз сестренка явно перешла границу – ради крупной суммы заключила от...
Когда-то Кэролайн бросила Валенте прямо перед алтарем, выбрав более обеспеченного жениха. Прошли годы, Валенте разбогател, но старая обида не забылась. Он жаждет отомстить, а также вернуть себе то,...
Когда оскорбленная Джемайма уехала от мужа – испанского графа, обвинившего ее в измене, – она думала, что больше никогда не увидит его. Но не прошло и трех лет, как они вновь встретились, чтобы...
Когда в результате автокатастрофы маленькая Маришка осталась сиротой, ее решили удочерить сразу двое – магнат Анджело ван Заал и Флора Беннетт. Анджело нисколько не сомневается, что победит в этом...
В жизни Билли Фостер произошло грандиозное событие – она наконец-то вышла замуж за мужчину, которого любила и от которого родила ребенка. Но вот беда – получив травму, Алексей не помнит, что когда-то...
Работа полностью поглощает молодого ветеринара Джесс Мартин, и на личную жизнь у нее не остается времени. Зато она очень любит родителей. Однажды отец признается ей: он невольно способствовал краже...
Сержио Демонидес считал, что кое-что понимает в жизни, пока Беатриса Блейк среди бела дня не вошла в его кабинет и не предложила ему вступить в брак по расчету.
Самоуверенный миллионер Алексиус Ставролакис, выполняя просьбу своего крестного, знакомится со скромной уборщицей Рози Грей, чтобы узнать о ней все. Расследование заводит его очень далеко – Рози...
Топси покинула любящую, но чересчур ее опекающую семью, чтобы пожить самостоятельно и раскрыть тайну своего происхождения. Однако, отправляясь из туманного Лондона в солнечную Италию, Топси не...
Король Захир узнает, что его бывшая жена, супермодель Сапфир Миллер, приехала в его страну на съемки рекламы. Если верить средствам массовой информации, после развода у нее было множество любовников....
Цель жизни Тэбби Гловер – добиться права удочерить маленькую Эмбер, оставшуюся без матери. Однако органы опеки не спешат дать право опекунства женщине, не имеющей ни мужа, ни работы, ни своего жилья....
Кристо Равелли, банкир из Лондона, приезжает в Ирландию, чтобы раз и навсегда расквитаться с позорным прошлым своего покойного отца, который оставил после своей смерти пятеро незаконнорожденных...
Эмми Маршалл приходит в ярость, когда ее начинает шантажировать красавчик-босс. Она действительно не понимает, как ее фото попало на сайт агентства эскорт-услуг, однако он уже оплатил ее услуги, и...
Билли с трудом пережила предательство Джио, когда тот женился на другой. Спустя два года он захотел вернуть ее. Она твердо решила не поддаваться искушению. Тем более Билли было что скрывать от...
Миллиардер Чезаре Саботино, не знающий отказа у женщин, не спешит заводить семью. Однако волей судьбы ему предстоит вернуть семье фамильный остров в Средиземном море, а для этого, по условиям...
Праздничные дни итальянский миллиардер Вито Заффари проводит в заснеженном английском коттедже, ожидая, когда утихнут страсти после громкого семейного скандала. Но его уединение нарушает прелестная...
Безжалостный и циничный Аполлон Метраксис – неисправимый холостяк. Однако после смерти отца он обязан жениться и родить наследника, чтобы вступить в права наследования. На роль своей жены он выбирает...
Безжалостный и циничный Аполлон Метраксис – неисправимый холостяк. Однако после смерти отца он обязан жениться и родить наследника, чтобы вступить в права наследования. На роль своей жены он выбирает...
Успешный, богатый и чертовски красивый итальянец Лучиано Витале отправляется в Англию на поиски своего украденного суррогатной матерью ребенка. Его спецслужбы находят малыша, но с каждым новым шагом...
Красавица Элли Диксон однажды отвергла страстного итальянца Рио Бенедетти, но он не забыл ее оскорбления. Элли – врач и все свое время посвящает любимой работе. Но однажды она возвращается в Италию,...
Макс Леонелли, плейбой и богач, оказывается в непростой ситуации. Его покровитель, Эндрю Грейсон, просит исполнить последнюю волю: Макс должен жениться на внучке Эндрю, живущей в одном из монастырей...
Макс Леонелли, плейбой и богач, оказывается в непростой ситуации. Его покровитель, Эндрю Грейсон, просит исполнить последнюю волю: Макс должен жениться на внучке Эндрю, живущей в одном из монастырей...
Мерри Армстронг забеременела, проведя ночь с начальником – красивым и избалованным греческим миллиардером Ангелом Валтиносом. Грек щедро заплатил, чтобы она держалась от него подальше и хранила в...
Мерри Армстронг забеременела, проведя ночь с начальником – красивым и избалованным греческим миллиардером Ангелом Валтиносом. Грек щедро заплатил, чтобы она держалась от него подальше и хранила в...
Зак да Роша – наследник огромной империи алмазных рудников. Но по условию завещания он не может вступить в права наследства, пока не станет отцом. Приходится поразмыслить над непростым выбором – ведь...
Зак да Роша – наследник огромной империи алмазных рудников. Но по условию завещания он не может вступить в права наследства, пока не станет отцом. Приходится поразмыслить над непростым выбором – ведь...
Алессандро Россетти вынужден встретиться с малоприятной ему Айлой Стюарт, которой его брат завещал все свое имущество. Он намеревается проучить мерзавку, хитростью получившую богатство семьи. Однако...
Винни Мардас, молодая мать-одиночка, желая помочь приемным родителям выкупить дом, обращается к богатому влиятельному деду. Стамбулас соглашается решить финансовые проблемы внучки при одном условии –...
Тоуни работала горничной в отеле и даже не помышляла о романе с богатыми постояльцами. Но один неосторожный поступок, который она совершила, желая помочь подруге, круто изменил ее жизнь. Она вдруг...
Успешный бизнесмен Николай Дракос одержим жаждой мести за поруганную честь сестры. Орудием мести он выбирает Эллу Палмер, потенциальную невесту своего заклятого врага. Девушка влюбляется в него,...
Чтобы покарать Монти Блейка, виновника гибели его сестры и ее нерожденного ребенка, Витале Рокканти готов играть против правил. И начнет он с дочери Монти, Зары…
Богатый итальянский плейбой Данте Лукарелли поклялся не жениться, чтобы отомстить своим жестоким родителям, лишив их наследника. Но для покупки участка покойного брата для соблюдения приличий ему...
Лео Зикосу надо только радоваться, что нашел для себя идеальную невесту, вот только к ней не испытывает никаких чувств. Он встречает незнакомку Грейс Донован и узнает, что такое безумное влечение....
Алисса постоянно выручала свою легкомысленную сестру-близняшку из щекотливых ситуаций, в которые та умудрялась попадать. Но в этот раз сестренка явно перешла границу – ради крупной суммы заключила от...
После бурного романа греческий миллиардер Джакс Антонакос оставил Люси Диксон с разбитым сердцем. Теперь девушка полна решимости начать новую жизнь со своей маленькой дочерью, но когда Джакс...
Алессандро Россетти вынужден встретиться с малоприятной ему Айлой Стюарт, которой его брат завещал все свое имущество. Он намеревается проучить мерзавку, хитростью получившую богатство семьи. Однако...
Красавица Элли Диксон однажды отвергла страстного итальянца Рио Бенедетти, но он не забыл ее оскорбления. Элли – врач и все свое время посвящает любимой работе. Но однажды она возвращается в Италию,...
Топси покинула любящую, но чересчур ее опекающую семью, чтобы пожить самостоятельно и раскрыть тайну своего происхождения. Однако, отправляясь из туманного Лондона в солнечную Италию, Топси не...
Самоуверенный миллионер Алексиус Ставролакис, выполняя просьбу своего крестного, знакомится со скромной уборщицей Рози Грей, чтобы узнать о ней все. Расследование заводит его очень далеко – Рози...
Крупный бизнесмен и арабский принц Джасим заподозрил своего старшего брата в любовной интриге с няней его дочери, англичанкой Элинор. Стараясь помешать этому, он очаровывает и соблазняет девушку. Она...
International Bestseller Lynne Graham’s DRAKOS BABY books – together at last!THE PREGNANCY SHOCKWhen his PA asked for extended leave, Greek billionaire Alexei Drakos’s glittering existence lost its...
Single mother of twin boys, Katie didn't want their father, Greek billionaire Alexandros Christakis, back in her life.But poverty pushed her to ask for his help. Alexandros demanded that Katie marry...
Steamy SeductionsDante LeonettiUnimpressed by his mother’s new companion, shrewd Italian billionaire Dante Leonetti thinks she’s a gold-digger. Topaz Marshall’s search for her father has brought her...
Had supermodel Lydia Powell really stolen money from a charity for disadvantaged children?Cristiano Andreotti hoped so. This was his chance for revenge on the woman who'd rejected him. He'd pay back...
A wife on his terms? It's been eight years since Prudence's arranged wedding to Nikolas Angelis. Their relationship was never consummated and they have always lived apart. But now Prudence longs to...
Possessed by the SheikhThe Sheikh’s PrizeDefying his kingdom, Sheikh Zahir married Sapphire Marshall, causing outrage amongst his people. But when Sapphire fled with part of his fortune, he realised...
Jewel in His CrownSheikh Raja al-Somari knows that sacrificing his freedom for the good of his country isn’t a choice; it’s a duty. But he’s going to have to use more imaginative tactics to convince...
SULTRY SECRETS AND SIZZLING SEDUCTION Once Erin Turner and Cristophe Donakis set the bed sheets alight during a scorching affair, but he unceremoniously kicked her out of his life. Now, Erin’s world...
The billionaire’s discovered her secret…She’s had his son!Learning of tycoon Eros Nevrakis’s betrayal, personal chef Winnie Mardas walks out of his life, determined never to look back—or reveal the...
A marriage full of secrets – stormy, sexy and set to implode? Billie’s wedding day should have been the happiest of her life. She was marrying the father of her baby…her secret baby. But tycoon...
The flaw in his jewel When Sheikh Zahir Ra’if Quarishi took a Western woman as his wife it caused outrage amongst his people. And marrying Sapphire Marshall turned out to be the biggest mistake of...
Twin royal heirs!Prince Jaul of Marwan’s royal duty is to marry a suitable bride. But first he must divorce the woman who betrayed him. Locating his estranged wife… ? Easy. The intense passion still...
Begging for Prince Tariq Shazad ibn Zachir's mercy was the last thing Faye wanted to do. She hadn't seen Tariq for a year…since their wedding. But Faye's brother was imprisoned in Tariq's homeland,...
When trouble comes to stay…Unimpressed by his mother’s new companion, shrewd Italian billionaire Dante Leonetti is determined to oust the cuckoo from his castle. After all, what could this beautiful,...
Beholden to the enemyWhen Harriet Carmichael's world comes crashing down, she's determined to count her blessings. Forget London, her failing career and her unfaithful fiancé—an unexpected legacy of...
Knight in shining armour… or avenging angel?International businessman Luciano de Valenza saved the Linwood family's failing wine business and swept beautiful Kerry Linwood off her feet. Yet Kerry...
Her first assignment is. .. to sleep with her boss! A misunderstanding leads Pippa Stevenson into Andreo D'Alessio's bed. He is a fabulous lover, but all the same, Pippa is overcome with shame...
Their vows have been broken, yet neither is prepared for what this tempestuous reunion will bring…Tally Spencer is an ordinary girl with no experience of relationships; Sander Volakis is an...
Careless passion, pregnancy surprise…Sander Volakis goes his own way. He’s forged his reputation in business, rather than relying on the family fortune, and indulges his darkly passionate, wild...
The convenient bride…with a shocking secret When his PA asked for extended leave, Greek billionaire Alexei Drakos was extremely inconvenienced. He relied on Billie Foster for everything – running his...
Bedroom bargain…baby deal… Cesario di Silvestri isn’t just fast with women, he’s supersonic. After mere minutes spent in his charismatic presence, many of Europe’s most glamorous women tumble into...
Women fall over themselves to say yes to anything Angelo van Zaal wants – so he’s shocked when proud redhead Flora Bennett says no to his plans! Flora is determined to adopt her baby niece, despite...
A virtuous wife is worth more than rubies…Sheikh Raja al-Somari knows that sacrificing his freedom for the good of his country isn’t a choice; it’s a duty. But he’s going to have to use more...
Billionaire in need… Sergei Antonovich, a Russian billionaire, was famous for being knee-deep in stunning supermodels and aspiring actresses. But not one was suitable bride material. Would he ever...
The right mistress…but the wrong bride!Lindy was amazed when shipping tycoon Atreus Dionides made her his mistress. Her – with her fuller figure and lowly lifestyle, making candles and pot-pourri!...
For one year onlyOnce, Ella Gilchrist had the gall to turn down playboy prince Zarif al-Rastani’s proposal. To ensure peace and stability in his country Zarif must now marry, so when Ella returns...
From making his bed… On a mission to steal Navarre Cazier’s laptop to save a fellow chambermaid’s reputation, Tawny Blake is caught red-handed! Blushing brighter than her flame-coloured hair, she’s...
From the embers of their passion…Erin Turner and Cristophe Donakis set the bed sheets alight during their scorching affair. But Erin’s hopes of a diamond ring turned to ash when he unceremoniously...
Engaged heiress risks all with mystery man! Vitale Roccanti’s plan was simple – sleep with the daughter to get to the father. What could go wrong? But staring at the black and white headline that...
She had run away…and her husband wanted revenge!Alejandro Navarro Vasquez, the Conde Olivares, has long desired vengeance… His wife betrayed him with an act that by the proud Spaniard’s code was...
On his arm… What is his intern’s photo doing on an escort website?Bastian Christou doesn’t know if he’s more surprised by her double life or her stunning photo – she’s kept those curves well hidden!...
His unexpected wife!Cristo Ravelli paces the floor of his father’s Irish country estate, ruing the day he heard the Brophy name. That his father died and left a brood of illegitimate children is...
Nine months to save their marriage!Nik Christakis was once her Prince Charming – the indecently rich and devilishly handsome tycoon who took Betsy away from her life as a waitress and did the...
Abandoned by her boyfriend and family after the birth of her son, Holly Sansom collapses in the street. Rio Lombardi, M.D.of Lombardi Industries, comes to her rescue. Rio insists that Holly stay at...
The magic of the desert… A seductive sheikh…JEWEL IN HIS CROWNYesterday Ruby Sommerton was an ordinary girl, now she’s a princess – and is waiting nervously in the bedroom of the Prince’s desert...
Handsome Daddies!After one incredible night with a sexy businessman, cleaner Rosie Gray finds out she’s pregnant. She demands to see Alex Kolovos, the father to her unborn baby. No one knows of this...
Chosen by the Greek…Nik Christakis was once her Prince Charming – the indecently rich and handsome bachelor who whisked Betsy off her feet and made her his wife! But, on the brink of divorce, one...
Sizzling nights in the Spanish sun!Antonio Rocha is horrified that Sophie Cunningham is raising his orphaned baby niece in a trailer! However, Antonio soon sees how loving, kind, and beautiful Sophie...
He’ll make her pay…in his bed!Millionaire and Venetian aristocrat Valente Lorenzatto never forgave Caroline Hales for jilting him. And now he’ll have his revenge. He’ll ruin Caroline’s family…unless...
Leandro Carrera Marquez, Duque de Sandoval, was as aristocratic, proud and arrogant as his name… And darkly handsome in an impossible, breathtaking way. What would this billionaire Spanish banker...
Purchased by the ruthless tycoon From the moment he sees Abbey at a charity fashion show, Russian tycoon Nikolai Arlov wants every inch of that curvy, creamy body. When she refuses him, he ruthlessly...
Bought: one house, one wife! It amazed Ophelia that Lysander Metaxis – a Greek billionaire notorious for his harem of adoring women – wanted to marry her, a humble gardener with a crumbling old manor...
Forced to marry a desert prince! His Royal Highness Prince Jasim bin Hamid al Rais was concerned that his weak, womanising elder brother was bewitched by his child’s nanny – the throne of Quaram...
He wants her in his bed – but will she stay there…? Aristandros Xenakis is like a panther poised to pounce. Sleek, dark and utterly powerful, soon he’ll taste the sweet victory of revenge… Ella...
A month with Mikhail…Kat Marshall has sacrificed everything for her younger sisters. And with money tighter than ever she’s in desperate need of help. Innocent Kat has always hidden her dreams away –...
Her indecent proposal! Having pulled himself up from the streets of Athens, Sergios Demonides thought he had seen it all. Then Beatriz Blake walked into his office and asked him for a marriage of...
Already haunted by a youth of illegitimacy and poverty, Valente Lorenzatto has never forgiven Caroline Hales' abandonment of him at the altar.But now Valente has made millions and claimed his...
‘Don’t Be Silly, Leo. Strangers Don’t Get Married.’Leo Zikos should be celebrating securing a perfectly convenient fiancée, but it’s left him cold. Instead it’s stranger Grace Donovan’s impeccable...
To love, honour…Cesare Sabatino never intended to marry. But if his thoughts did ever stray in that direction, the lucky woman’s answer would have been a resounding ‘yes’. Imagine his surprise when...
PASSION in Greece…Tabby Glover needs Greek Acheron Dimitrakos to support her adoption claim for his young cousin, but the arrogant billionaire only agrees if she will marry him. Accepting the...
One Night of Consequences…The Secret His Mistress CarriedIrresistibly gorgeous Greek Giorgios Letsos has one thing on his mind: finding Billie Smith, his mistress before his marriage. But the sweet...
Brooding BillionairesCristo RavelliCristo Ravelli must silence any scandal about his father’s illegitimate children! Belle Brophy, the children’s guardian’s only concern is giving them security. So...
Jewel in the CrownZarif’s Convenient QueenPlayboy prince Zarif al Rastani has proposed to Ella Gilchrist once before so when she comes begging for his help for her family, he has one condition – a...
The Billionaire’s Trophy by Lynne GrahamOn his arm…What is his intern’s photo doing on an escort website? Bastian Christou doesn’t know if he’s more surprised by her double life, or her stunning...
An unforgettable book featuring three stories of ruthless revenge!Ella Palmer has neither the money nor the connections to warrant the interest of Nikolai Drakos’s arch enemy. Yet the unassuming...
The Secret Valtinos Baby by Lynne GrahamHis seduction had life-changing consequencesNow her boss is back—with marriage in mind!Personal assistant Merry Armstrong couldn’t resist Angel Valtinos’s...
Da Rocha’s Convenient Heir by Lynne GrahamAn heir for the Da Rocha legacy…Secured with a ring!Tycoon Zac’s wedding to innocent waitress Freddie is pure convenience. Dark-hearted Zac will help keep...
An innocent…Tia Grayson has never known life outside the Brazilian convent she calls home. Until Max Leonelli arrives with the shocking news that she is heiress to an English fortune – and ignites a...
An heir for the da Rocha legacy…Secured with a ring!Tycoon Zac’s wedding to innocent waitress Freddie is pure convenience. Dark-hearted Zac will help keep Freddie’s family together, if she provides...
His seduction had life-changing consequencesNow her boss is back—with marriage in mind!Personal assistant Merry Armstrong couldn’t resist Angel Valtinos’s sensual charisma. The Greek awakened her...
Castiglione’s Pregnant Princess by Lynne GrahamExpecting royal twins can only mean one thing…She must wear the Castiglione crown!Royal responsibility has been drummed into Prince Vitale since...
Expecting royal twins can only mean one thing…She must wear the Castiglione crown!Royal responsibility has been drummed into Prince Vitale since childhood—but his hunger for Jazmine crushes all sense...
A good Greek wife…Coldly ruthless and deeply cynical, Apollo Metraxis has made a career of bachelorhood. But when the inheritance of his father’s estate is conditional on a marriage and a child, he...
I always get what I want…and I want you.Making billions and bedding beautiful women couldn't make Bastien Zikos forget the lustrous dark hair, haunting eyes and outrageous defiance of Delilah...
Unlocking Her InnocenceOne Christmas, Ava Fitzgerald stole what was most important to Vito Barbieri. Three years later, Vito’s latest business merger brings Ava back into his life – as his new...
A Christmas ConsequenceItalian tycoon Vito Zaffari is waiting out the festive season while a family scandal fades from the press. So he’s come to his friend’s snow covered English country cottage,...
A smouldering seductionThe last thing Gaetano Leonetti wants is to be shackled in marriage but, to become CEO of his family’s bank, his grandfather has decreed Gaetano must find a nice, ordinary...
Three fabulously rich, handsome and ruthless men…Three ordinary girls…Desert prince Jasim bin Hamid al Rais ruthlessly seduced his brother’s child’s nanny! Only afterwards did Jasim discover Elinor...
?Lynne Graham & Maisey Yates Intense, exciting novelists! Blackmailed into Bed Ella desperately wants to care for her baby niece, but the child’s guardian is Aristandros Xenakis – her ex-fiancé! She...
With this ring…Beautiful doctor Ellie Dixon once rejected Rio Benedetti’s passionate advances – and the fiery Italian hasn’t forgotten the insult! Ellie’s arrival in Italy, bearing an antique...
With this ring…When naive Polly Dixon lands in the desert kingdom of Dharia clutching an ornate ring – the only link to her hidden past – she never expected to be arrested and deposited at the feet...
Wife—by royal declaration!Language teacher Molly Carlisle is furious when she's kidnapped by an impulsive young sheikh and taken to the kingdom of Djalia. Until she meets her abductor’s brother and...
With this ring…After a whirlwind affair, Greek billionaire Jax Antanakos left Lucy Dixon heartbroken and – although he didn’t know it – pregnant! Lucy is determined to make a new life with her tiny...
Race to the altar—Maxie, Darcy and Polly are The HUSBAND Hunters!The terms of the will: Maxie, Darcy and Polly have each been left a share of their godmother's estate—if they marry within a year and...
At da Silva’s command…Crashing into the car of gorgeous international financier Rico da Silva was an accident. Being kidnapped alongside him? A terrible misunderstanding. But the passion that ignites...
How could he have got it so wrong?For five years Leah’s marriage to the man her father chose has been as cold as the empty bed on her wedding night. But now, finally free from her father’s...
It started with a ring… Cesar Valverde is the man with everything – wealth, looks and a determinedly single existence. So when Cesar’s beloved godfather takes ill and begs him to marry Dixie...
She was still his wife!Frankie thought she'd seen the last of her husband, Santino Vitale—until he breezed back into her life with some earth-shattering news. Their marriage wasn't annulled, and now...
A storm of passion and pleasure!Once, Luc Santini's inherent sensuality had been Catherine Parrish's downfall. For two years she had loved him unconditionally, until she realized that this impossibly...
The Night that Changed Everything… Luc Sarrazin has finally found her. His beautiful wife, Star, who left with more than just his ring… Convinced that she committed fraud, he's determined to recover...
From punishment to proposal!Joaquin Del Castillo is as proud as his Latino heritage, and he instantly acts to right the wrong done to his elderly, loyal employee. He plans to lure Lucy Paez – the...
Sleeping with the enemy?Sarah Hartwell’s sister died in childbirth leaving a son she’s determined to protect him. So when Greek tycoon Alex Terzakis comes to claim his brother’s child Sarah stands...
You finally came backAfter her brief but passionate affair with Veterinarian Jake Tarrant ended in heartbreak – and his marriage to someone else! – Kitty Colgan left her home vowing never to return....
A Demanding PropositionVito di Cavalieri is the last man Ashley Forrester ever wanted to see again, but her brother's fate lies in his hands. So she has no choice. To save her brother and protect her...
Destination revenge!Once upon a time, Mina Carroll fell in love and into the bed of her powerful boss, Cesare Falcone —only to find herself dismissed as a gold-digger, accused of misconduct, and very...
Race to the altar—Maxie, Darcy and Polly areThe HUSBAND HuntersThe terms of the will: Maxie, Darcy and Polly have each been left a share of their godmother's estate—if they marry within a year and...
A deal with her husband!Olympia has no choice. She must beg Nik Cozakis to reconsider a marriage of convenience, if her mother is to get the medical treatment she needs. Nik agrees, but on his terms:...
Imprisoned in paradise!Women in uniform weren't Cristos Stephanides' thing, until he saw Betsy Miller, in her chauffeur's outfit at the wheel of his limousine. She’s the perfect distraction for the...
Race to the altar—Maxie, Darcy and Polly are The HUSBAND Hunters!The terms of the will: Maxie, Darcy and Polly have each been left a share of their godmother's estate—if they marry within a year and...
Pregnant with the Greek’s heir!Greek Billionaire Giorgio Alexiakis is furious. He’s caught the beautiful industrial spy who has been passing on company secrets red handed, posing as a cleaner....
From virgin… Two years ago, Lily Harris basked in the light of Rauf Kasabian’s considerable charm and attention. She also hid in the shadows of his disbelief and absence. But now, accused of stealing...
From mistress…As the butler’s daughter, Angie Brown knew shipping tycoon Leo Demetrious, was out of her league. But his rejection after their earth shattering night together still broke her heart.And...
From innocent…Glory Little thought she’d never see Rafaello Grazzini ever again, but her brother’s foolish behaviour has thrown her straight back into the lion’s den. To avoid her brother’s...
Ex-wife, current mistress…and soon-to-be mother of his child!With their unexpected wedding-day split plastered across the newspaper headlines everyone wondered just what went wrong between Sholto...
Damiano Braganzi is back! Five years after Eden James was cruelly driven from her home by her missing husband’s family, her gorgeous Italian husband has returned. Despite the fact their marriage was...
You go to pieces when I touch you…Four years ago Rafael Bernanza devastated Georgie’s emotions and her pride when he spurned her, and she vowed never to let him get that close again. But now,...
'The days of your innocence are long gone.’Top model Kelda Wyatt is thrilled at the prospect of a photo shoot in Tuscany, until she learns Angelo Rossetti hired her. Caught in a compromising...
I am a close acquaintance of Crown Prince Razul's!Rash words indeed… Dr Bethany Morgan is desperate to stop her deportation from Datar, and only Razul can help her. For two years, she’s tried to...
Mistress to her husband! When fiery Vivien Saracino heard that her billionaire husband was having an affair, she walked out on him, pregnant with his child!Two years later, Vivien discovers that...
The aristocrat’s fair lady?Children were a distant speck on the horizon for bachelor Antonio Rocha, Marques de Salazar, until he unexpectedly becomes guardian to his niece. In order to protect the...
Desert prince Shahir has three simple rules: never sleep with a virgin, never get involved with an employee and never get married…But rules are made to be broken! Kirsten is innocent and penniless,...
Bargaining with her body…Angelo Riccardi doesn’t do emotions. He’s never known love in his life and he has no intention of finding out the depth of its passion. But when Angelo seeks his long-planned...
Check mate!Waitress by day, office cleaner by night, Kathy Galvin has put her painful past behind her. Until her impossibly rich, ruthless and handsome Sergio Torrente wrongfully accuses her of...
Blackmailed by the sheikh!Tilda Crawford can’t regret the short-lived romance she once had with Rashad, the Crown Prince of Bakhar. But now, having gained possession of her impoverished family’s...
A Secret Son…Maribel Greenaway was a shy virgin when she and handsome shipping tycoon Leonidas Pallis shared a night of passion. But Maribel knew Leonidas was driven by his need for comfort, rather...
Beware a sexy Greek… Maddie idolised sinfully gorgeous Giannis Petrakos, who had lavished money on the charity that had cared for her twin. Maddie has a lowly job at Petrakos industries and soon...
From mistress to mother!Greek billionaire Andreas Nicolaidis had never kept a mistress for longer than three months… until Hope Evans entered his bed. But even after two years together, Andreas has...
From innocent in distress… To convenient princess To escape her overprotective family, sweet-natured Zoe Mardas heads to the desert kingdom of Maraban for an adventure. But she’s kidnapped on...
A night in the Italian’s bed… Now she’s pregnant with his babies! To counter a media scandal, billionaire Raffaele di Mancini must marry fiery Vivi Mardas. But when she rejects his convenient...
All the billionaire wants for Christmas is…a wife! Greek tycoon Leo is a businessman, not a family man. Yet becoming guardian to his orphaned nieces and nephews leads him to make the ultimate...
With this ring, he will claim what’s his! Arriving in the kingdom of Dharia clutching an ornate ring – the only link to her hidden past – Polly Dixon never expected to be arrested and deposited at...
From the Italian’s temporary temptation… …to his pregnant Cinderella! Billionaire Dante Lucarelli’s fake relationship with penniless waitress Belle Forrester was only supposed to last two weeks, to...
He can't remember why he wed her–but he'll still bed her!Italian-Swiss banker Roel Sabatino has suffered partial memory loss after a car crash. It seems he has a wife. . . but he can't remember...
Seduction and Passion Guaranteed Will the Frenchman discover he has a secret son? Tabby fell in love with Christien Laroche, but then tragedy struck and Christien wanted nothing more to do with her....
Maddie idolized Giannis Petrakos, who had lavished money on the charity that had cared for Maddie's twin sister–and was sinfully gorgeous.Now Maddie has a lowly job at Petrakos industries. Soon...
Caterer Misty Carlton is in serious trouble.Her business is on the rocks and the only man who can save her butt is Leone Andracchi– an arrogant, infuriating and temptingly hot Sicilian tycoon. Leone...
In the gossip rags, socialite Lizzie Denton's situation looks pretty ugly–Lizzie meets boy, Lizzie dumps boy, brokenhearted boy dies in horrific car crash. Suddenly she's public enemy number one.And...
Her first assignment is. . . to sleep with her boss! A misunderstanding leads Pippa Stevenson into Andreo D'Alessio's bed. He is a fabulous lover, but all the same, Pippa is overcome with shame...
Nanny Frederica Sutton was living happily with toddler Ben, the son of her deceased cousin. But the minute that Jaspar Al Hasayn stalks into her apartment–all smoldering gorgeousness and...
Business tycoon and infamous playboy Alexio Christoulakis wasn't the marrying kind. Then one of the most powerful and wealthy men in Greece offers Alexio his daughter's hand in marriage, and Alexio...
Six magnetic Mediterranean millionaires are impossible to refuse in this thrilling collection by fantastic star author Lynne Graham.THE ITALIAN’S INEXPERIENCED MISTRESSTHE GREEK TYCOON’S CONVENIENT...
Four years ago, Alex Veranchetti ended his marriage to innocent Kerry when he believed her to have cheated on him. But Kerry had no memory of that night and the hurt caused by Alex during their...
Not in the job description! Being PA to Alex Rossini is never going to be easy – especially given the sizzling attraction Sara Lacey feels for her enigmatic boss. But when she desperately needs his...
From untouched virgin…To the Italian’s mistress!Yearning for a fresh start, Isla Stewart escapes to her recently inherited Sicilian villa. The last person she expects to meet there is Alissandru...
His inherited brideBoth Constantine Voulos and Rosie Waring are horrified that the terms of Anton Voulos’s will decree they must marry. Convinced that all he has to do is arrange for a quiet marriage...
At the Sicilian’s bidding…and bedding!The only link Jemima Barber has to her troubled late twin sister is her nephew. So when the boy’s father storms into their lives, to reclaim the child who was...
‘I do have an option to offer you.’Three months between the Greek’s sheets!Blackmailed into the billionaire’s bed? Elvi can’t believe her attempt to appeal to heartless Xan’s benevolent side has gone...
Why had Rafael Alejandro come back?In the five years since her marriage ended, Sarah Alejandro has kept herself and her beloved twins out of the lime light and away from men like her husband. But now...
Beholden to the billionaire…Daisy Thornton’s memories of her brief marriage to Alessio Leopardi thirteen years ago have never waned. Their whirlwind affair was passionate and deep but soon after the...
Revenge is a dish best served red-hot!When Chrissy Hamilton came face-to-face with the man who cruelly rejected her four years before, she loses her self-control…and her job! It takes racehorse...
Claire has been taken advantage of as a caregiver for her grandfather, who adopted her as a young girl. When her grandfather passes on, he leaves his fortune in her hands.But there is one...
A four book series about the Marshall sisters by international bestseller Lynne Graham.Four linked books where passion, glamour and drama are guaranteed…A Rich Man’s Whim – Enigmatic Russian Mikhail...
When the temperature rises past boiling point..!Six years ago, Jessica made a decision that would change her life forever. The prospect of being Carlo Saracini's mistress was too hot for her to...
His innocent wife…The last thing Gaetano Leonetti wants is to be shackled in marriage, but his grandfather has decreed that if he’s to become CEO of the family’s bank Gaetano must find a nice,...
A virtuous wife is worth more than rubies… Sheikh Raja al-Somari knows that sacrificing his freedom for the good of his country isn’t a choice; it’s a duty. But he’s going to have to use more...
Bedded for the Greek’s pleasure!Ella Davies has neither the money nor the connections to warrant the interest of Nikolai Drakos’s arch enemy. Yet the unassuming beauty has done just that – and...
Hiding from the Greek…The ink is barely dry on Giorgios Letsos’s divorce papers and there’s only one thing on this unstoppable Greek’s mind: finding Billie Smith, his mistress before his marriage....
Hiding her boss’s baby…Receptionist Susie Marshall never expected to see Greek business magnate Leos Kiriakos again. After their passionate affair ended with his supposed infidelity, Susie swore to...
Polly Barrington must uncover the true nature of her new husband. Because heÂ?s not the autocratic, arrogant, controlling man she thought she married for the sake of her family. Instead, Prince...
A man she can’t say no toSharp-tongued independent firestorm Tabby Glover will do anything to get Greek billionaire Acheron Dimitrakos to support her adoption claim over his cousin’s small child. But...
Tilda owes Rashad, the Crown Prince of Bakhar, a great deal and she’s expecting him to demand she settles her debt by becoming his mistress. But Rashad plans to collect his payment by claiming her as...
An unexpected glitch in his plan…Working late is nothing new for tycoon Alex – and it’s the perfect excuse to get close to office-cleaner Rosie Gray. He’s promised his ailing godfather he’ll discover...
These two powerful Spanish men are impossible to forget! NAIVE BRIDE, DEFIANT WIFE Alejandro Navarro Vasquez has long desired revenge. His wife betrayed him with an act that, by this proud Spaniard's...
There’s always a deal to be done…After mere minutes spent in Cesario di Silvestri charismatic presence, many of Europe’s most glamorous women tumble into his bed… Shy vet Jessica Martin is an...
Marriages are arranged…MysteriousVitale Roccanti’s plan was simple – sleep with the daughter to get to the father. But Zara Blake was shattered by the night she risked it all – and lost. She took...
International bestsellerLynne Graham’s THE VOLAKIS VOWS novels – together at last!A marriage made of secrets…A pregnancy surprise…Impossibly rich and handsome Greek entrepreneur Sander Volakis...
A Christmas with Consequences…Italian tycoon Vito Zaffari is waiting out the festive season while a family scandal fades from the press. So he’s come to his friend’s snow covered English country...
Giving in to ultimate pleasure!The only link Jemima Barber has to her troubled late twin sister is her nephew. When the boy’s father storms into their lives, Luciano Vitale has a proposal for her....
What these ruthless Italians want, they get! And now they want…MISTRESSESWhen Angelo Riccardi set out to get revenge, he had financial devastation in mind. But innocent and pretty Gwenna Hamilton...
Gorgeous, hot-blooded Latin millionairesOnce upon a time, handsome, privileged and sexy Rafaello Grazzini made the gardener’s daughter, Glory, feel like a princess! Sadly, the fairytale came to an...
Успешный бизнесмен Николай Дракос одержим жаждой мести за поруганную честь сестры. Орудием мести он выбирает Эллу Палмер, потенциальную невесту своего заклятого врага. Девушка влюбляется в него,...