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Big Sky Homecoming

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She smiled. “Thank you.” It was nice to be appreciated. “How’d you get to be friends with Duke?” It puzzled her no end that Duke would pick Billy for a sidekick. She’d expect a Caldwell to choose someone big and brawny. Perhaps Billy had done the choosing.

Billy’s chest puffed out. “He saved me from drowning.”

Rose stared. “He did?” She squinted at Duke a few feet away, his horse now reasonably calm.

Billy hung his head. “I jumped in deep water.” He gulped. “On purpose.”

His comments didn’t make sense, unless— “Can you swim?”

“No, I can’t.”

“Then why did you jump in?”

Billy hung his head and kicked at a lump on the ground until it dislodged and skittered away. “I wanted to die,” he whispered. “People always call me bad names.”

“Oh, Billy.” She squeezed his shoulder. “I’m sorry people say unkind things and I’m glad you’re okay.”

Billy’s eyes were awash with joy. “Me, too, ’cause now I get to meet you, and Duke is my best friend.”

Duke led his horse back to them and Rose studied him out of the corner of her eye. He’d saved Billy’s life, which made him a good man. So could she believe him when he said the feud was over? But no matter what, he was still a Caldwell. If she didn’t remain cautious and alert as to the goings-on of the Caldwell cowboys, someone might get hurt. Worse than last time. She wasn’t about to let down her guard.

Duke stood in front of her, his eyes watchful, as if he expected something from her.

Perhaps he expected her to greet his announcement with unbridled joy. She studied him, his strong features and his blue, blue eyes that seemed to see clear through her.

He smiled and his eyes danced with crystal light. “Have you decided you like what you see?”

Heat rushed up her neck and she jerked away to stare toward the river, hoping he wouldn’t see her cheeks coloring. Never would she admit she thought him handsome and considered the blue in his eyes as vivid as any sunny Montana day.

She shook her head. “I’m trying to decide if you truly believe the feud has ended or if you have some particular reason why you want me to believe it.” For years the Bells had hoped and prayed for this dispute to stop. She couldn’t believe it could end so easily—simply with his say-so. The doubts twisted through her thoughts.

“What do you hope to gain by saying it’s over?” she asked him. Would he make such a claim if he simply wanted to spend time with her?

Why would he?

All he had to do was ask. Would she agree if he did? Her head said no. He was a Caldwell and, as such, not to be trusted on the Bell farm. In fact—her eyes narrowed—it seemed likely he was looking for a weakness, an opportunity to drive them off.

But her heart pushed forward a protest. There was something about Duke that drew her like a moth to a flame. She’d always been attracted by his power, his energy, his happy spirit. Now, seeing Billy’s devotion, she was drawn even closer.

Moths got burned if they got too close to the flames, she reminded herself.

“Maybe I just want us to be friends and neighbors.” His voice carried a harsh note, as if her doubts offended him.

“We’ve been neighbors for eight years,” she pointed out. “But the Caldwells have never wanted to be friends.”

“Not all the Caldwells.” He spoke softly, but there was no mistaking the firmness in his words.

They considered each other, neither blinking. The air between them shifted and shimmered like a summer mirage. It seemed full of possibility.

With a great deal of effort she pulled her gaze away and stared into the distance. For the life of her she couldn’t explain what was happening between them. Nor could she pull a single word from her confused brain.

After a minute Duke turned with a muffled sound. “We better go.” He swung up into his saddle.

“Can I come and visit you again?” Billy asked.

Her voice returned, though somewhat croaky. “You’re welcome anytime, Billy.”

He cheered as if he’d won a goal as he trotted away on his horse.

She continued toward the house, which had been her initial intention before Duke and Billy had ridden into the yard.

He’d said the feud was over.

She hoped it was so, but she meant to wait and see. In the meantime she’d keep her emotions firmly under control.

She stepped inside to the welcome warmth, hung her coat on the nearest hook and turned to face her parents.

Pa was curled up on the cot across the room. She watched the covers rise and fall rhythmically. Her own breathing eased with relief.

“He’s fine,” Ma said. “I wish you’d stop worrying.”

But he hadn’t been fine since he’d caught a cold shortly after Lilly’s wedding. Ma figured his ribs had been hurt when the cows ran over him, which made it hard for him to cough and clear his lungs. Plumb wore him out, it did.

Rose crossed to the cupboard where Ma prepared vegetables to add to the pot of meat stewing on the stove. She draped her arm across Ma’s shoulders. “I’ll never stop worrying about both of you. After all, you’re all I’ve got.”

Ma patted Rose’s arm. “You’ve got Cora and Wyatt and Lilly and Caleb and a host of friends and neighbors.”

Rose gave a laugh, half teasing, half serious. “And yet here you are, stuck with me.”

“Not stuck, my dear. Blessed.” The look Ma gave her was so full of love that Rose had to blink back a sting of tears.

“Speaking of neighbors...” Ma continued. “Wasn’t that young Caldwell I saw you with?”

“It was.”

“His parents will no doubt be pleased to have him back.”

“Not so pleased they didn’t take the first train to Helena.”

Ma nodded. “I suppose they’re anxious to take part in some of the celebrations of Montana achieving statehood. Perhaps Mr. Caldwell will become a politician.”

Rose stared at her mother. “Would that mean he would live in Helena?” Her brain raced. Would he leave Duke in charge? Would that truly mean the feud was over? She could barely contain the hope bubbling inside her.

“Why, I don’t know. I suppose it would depend on the sort of position he fills.” Ma turned her attention back to the simmering pot. “But who knows? It’s pure speculation on my part.”

“It does seem the sort of thing Mr. Caldwell would do.” He could rule an even bigger portion of the world. Maybe thinking of it made him realize how small and petty a feud with the Bells was. If only it could be so.

“Who was the young man with Duke?”
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