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The Baby Compromise

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Holly chuckled. “Aren’t schoolteachers supposed to be experts on everything? Besides, I helped care for babies when I was younger. Now tell me about this little fellow.”

Rebecca repeated the story of Colton finding him at the orphanage site. “Gabriel was crying when I came and Colton begged me to make him stop.” Strange how they had gone from him asking for her help to him trying to take over. Apparently, she’d made a bad impression when she hadn’t realized the baby needed a new diaper. Now he didn’t seem to think she was capable of doing anything useful.

A quick knock sounded on the door and Charlotte Reed burst into the room. “What’s this about Rebecca finding a baby?” The woman’s strawberry blond hair was a bit windblown and her porcelain skin was flushed. Clearly, she’d rushed over as soon as she heard the news.

“How did you hear?” Rebecca jostled Gabriel, who had stopped eating after only a few ounces.

“Likely he needs burping,” Holly said.

Rebecca knew what to do from watching Heidi. She cradled the baby to her shoulder and patted his back. He rewarded her with a gentle burp. She could do this. She could care for this baby. She turned back to Charlotte and repeated her question.

Charlotte chuckled. “I stopped at the store. Mr. Gavin told me. His wife was all atwitter about the news.” She bent over the baby. “He’s so sweet.”

Rebecca smiled down at Gabriel and her heart gave a strange tug. Would she ever have a baby of her own? Once she’d dreamed of it. Before she was left at the altar with her hopes dashed.

“Where’s Sasha?” Holly asked.

“She’s playing with the others.”

Charlotte had fallen in love with the raven-haired four-year-old orphan the moment she laid eyes on her when Rebecca and the children had first come to town. She’d persuaded her husband, Charlie Miller, to agree to take in the child, but then he’d died suddenly, leaving her a widow and Sasha’s placement in jeopardy—the policy of the Orphan Salvation Society didn’t allow for a single woman to foster a child on her own. Fortunately, Charlotte had persuaded Wyatt Reed, a new arrival in town, to marry her so she could keep the little girl. It hadn’t taken long for Wyatt to fall in love with this quiet, gentle woman—and with the little girl they had formally adopted. In fact, Wyatt had become so committed to the cause of helping orphans that he’d taken on the appointment as U.S. marshal so he could track down and rescue the children Felix Baxter had endangered.

Rebecca allowed herself a moment of rejoicing in knowing all the children she’d brought west had been placed in good homes with loving families...all, that is, except Heidi.

“Give us all the details,” Charlotte said, bringing Rebecca’s thoughts back to the present.

Rebecca repeated her story about the baby.

“Are you going to keep him?”

Both ladies leaned closer, waiting for her answer.

“The note his mother left asked for him to live at the orphanage, so I’ll care for him until it’s finished. Though it would be ideal if we could locate his mother and help her.”

The pair nodded. “So you’ll take him to the hotel?”

“No. I’ve agreed to go to the Hayes ranch.”

Charlotte gasped, “Why?”

Rebecca laughed at her friend’s surprise.

“See this quilt?” She repeated Colton’s story. “He’s convinced it means the baby is part of the Hayes family and insisted that, as a relative, he would care for the baby.” She shook her head. “We’ll share the baby’s care and he’ll help with building the orphanage.”

Her friends stared at her in disbelief.

Then Holly chuckled. “You’re going to live with that big, handsome rancher?”

Rebecca’s cheeks burned. “Not in an indecent way. His parents live in the house, too.”

Holly's cheeks flushed red. “Of course. That’s what I meant.” She brightened. “But Colton Hayes? By my calculations the man is twenty-eight years old and not married. It amazes me. I would think every mother in the county would be parading their daughters before him.”

Charlotte asked to hold the baby, and Rebecca relinquished a now-content Gabriel to her. Charlotte snuggled him close. “I guess Colton has his hands full with his parents. Neither of them is well. Have you noticed how gentle he is with them when he brings them to town?” She sighed expansively. “He’s so devoted to them. Such a sweet man.”

“Not that sweet,” Rebecca muttered. Her friends turned to stare at her. “We argued,” she said.

“About what?” Charlotte asked.

“He thinks he has to tell me what to do. That I’m nothing but a spoiled little rich girl.”

Holly patted her hand. “Well, you are a rich girl.”

“My father is rich.”

“Same thing.” Holly waved her hand in a calming gesture. “But that doesn’t mean you’re not capable. You’ve done a good job of looking after the children and getting them placed.”

“All except Heidi.” How could she leave this child in the orphanage? For that matter, how could she leave her behind? Over the weeks of the trip west, she’d grown close to the child who had lost her parents in the fire that left her scarred. Despite her misfortunes, Heidi had a sweet spirit. But she had grown extremely shy, her tender heart wounded by the horror and shock many didn’t bother to disguise when they saw her face.

“I wish I could take her back to New York with me. I might be able to persuade my father to give her a place in the household, even if it is just as a helper in the kitchen. At least she’d be with someone she knew rather than in an orphanage full of strangers.” It wasn’t what she wanted for Heidi. The child deserved to be part of a loving family. “But I’m sure Jakob is trying to find her.” Rebecca had been opposed to separating the pair, but Mr. Arlington had dismissed her concerns. And Heidi had been so determined for her brother to find a family. She hadn’t had the heart to tell the girl about the telegram that had reached her, informing her that Heidi’s brother had run away from the family they’d placed him with so that he could rejoin her.

Booted steps sounded in front of the house. Even before he knocked and Holly opened the door, Rebecca knew Colton had arrived to take them to his ranch.

A frisson of doubt skittered up her spine. Why had she agreed to this arrangement? Her alarm swelled until she almost choked. How would his parents react when she arrived with Heidi and the baby?

“Good day, ladies.” Colton favored them all with a smile that brought in sunshine and joy.

“Colton Hayes,” Holly said. “You take good care of this baby and be nice to my friend.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Rebecca didn’t know how to interpret the look he gave her. Was it challenging? She bristled at the thought. “We’re working together.” She hoped everyone understood her meaning. She would not let Colton order her around, make her decisions or take away the chance for her to finish the task she meant to complete.

“Heidi is out playing with the others,” she told him. Maybe he would take the hint and go call her.

“Yes, ma’am.” He ducked out the door.

Charlotte kissed Gabriel then tucked him into the basket. “Goodbye, sweet baby.” She hugged Rebecca.

Holly hugged her, too. “If you need any help, remember that I’m the teacher. I’m an expert on most anything.”

The three women laughed as they headed out the door to where a buggy waited. As soon as Rebecca stepped outside, Heidi ran to her and grabbed her free hand.

Colton took the basket holding Gabriel and set it on the ground, then faced them.

Rebecca turned to Heidi. “Honey, we have to get into the buggy.”

Heidi looked up, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.

Rebecca caught the child’s chin. “I thought you wanted to go.”
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