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She wondered where her brother was and if he was safe in bed somewhere. She thought of her aunt, who hadn’t wanted two extra children to raise, and her cousin, who had tormented her until Adam bloodied his nose one day. She remembered her mother, who used to sing her to sleep with soft lullabies and old church songs.

Tears pushed upward from that deep place where she’d buried all painful memories. She couldn’t afford to think of home or family or the things she didn’t have.

Instead, she gazed at the night sky as the storm passed, heading east across the high desert, which appeared desolate to her eyes. A person could die out here and no one would know. Adam might never find out what had happened—

Stop it! There was no use in growing morbid. So she felt lonelier than a howling coyote, so what? There were worse things—like being dead.

She forced her eyes closed. Her muscles ached from fatigue, and her feet were slowly turning to ice. She slept, but she woke up cold and whimpering in fear.

“Honey? Wake up. You’re dreaming,” an oddly familiar voice told her.

“A nightmare,” she said in a hoarse whisper. “I was in the Arctic or somewhere. It was so cold. I thought I was freezing. My feet still feel like ice cubes,” she said, putting a humorous twist to the words.

“Do you have a coat or something?”

She retrieved her old trench coat from her duffel and slipped it on, then pulled the sleeping bag up to her neck.

“Hand me my bag, will you?” he requested. “I can’t sleep without a pillow.”

She heard the chain divider rattle, then in the dim light of a pale moon she saw he’d let one side down. She handed his nylon bag to him. He squashed it until he was satisfied with its shape, then snuggled down.

Zack was aware of his passenger’s unease and wariness. He knew fear could produce a chill and regretted the trip had turned into more of an adventure than he’d expected. “I’ll warm the truck.”

He cranked the engine and turned the air vents so the warm air would circulate into the back. He flicked on the radio and ran the tuner through the channels. Nothing.

“Has the water gone down?” she asked.

“Not yet.”

After a few minutes he heard her sigh and sensed the relaxing in her vigil. She was asleep.

A spark shot through him, causing heat to spear through his groin. It had been a while since he’d slept with a woman in a space this small. Not that they were actually sleeping together in a physical sense. But he was aware of her.

Work had kept him busy. Summers were harried because of tourists getting themselves into some jam or another. Winter heralded hunters who got themselves lost. A spring blizzard had brought its own woes. He hadn’t thought about dating in months, much less more interesting things.

So here he was, sleeping in the truck with a woman he’d found in the casino capital of the world, bringing her home to possibly become part of his family. He was worried about that. He didn’t want Uncle Nick to be hurt in case they were wrong to trust her.

He went over the facts. Gone was the shapely, thickly painted waitress. In her place was a slender female who had actually fooled him into thinking she was a boy. Well, only for a short time. Without makeup, she was prettier and softer-looking.

That was what bothered him. There was something vulnerable about her, as if she needed lots of TLC.

Huh, he’d always been a sucker for every lost dog or cat to cross his path.

Pushing his lumpy pillow against the door for a back rest, he stared into the night. From over the far peaks, he heard the rumble of the passing storm. He hoped it wouldn’t rain anymore so they could get on their way at the crack of dawn.

Honey stirred and gave a slight sound in her sleep. A bolt of hunger went through him like the heat lightning on the eastern horizon. Now he was more than hot. He was rock-hard and tense with needs that weren’t going to be met in the near future.

Damnation, she might be his cousin, he reminded his libido. Since he hadn’t grown up with her, it would be hard to think of her as such if that turned out to be the case.

If not, there were other possibilities.

Waitress, tomboy, lover. There was a certain irony in the chain of thought, but at the present he didn’t find it humorous. Too much need raged through him.

From the other side of the seat, she moved again, pushing the sleeping bag aside as she grew warm. He cut the engine. The silence closed around them. He heard her sigh.

An electrical current shot through every nerve in his body. The dark felt sweetly intimate as he listened to the wind outside and the quiet sound of her breathing. If he woke her now, who would she be? Waitress? Cousin? Tomboy? Or lover?

None of the above, he mocked the thought.

It was his last thought before he fell asleep, the odd bliss of some forgotten happiness filling his dreams.

Chapter Three

Honey awoke with a groan. Her companion chuckled. She realized his stirring had disturbed her.

“The truck makes for an uncomfortable bed,” he mentioned cheerfully. “Even with carpet and a sleeping bag.”

“I noticed.” She peered at the faint light in the sky behind the hills. “What time is it?”

“Late. A little after five,” he added when she frowned at him. “I want to get home before noon.”


“Work,” he explained patiently. “I have to take you to the ranch, then head back to town.”

“You wouldn’t be going to the ranch if it weren’t for me, would you?”

“That’s right.”

“You don’t live there with your uncle?”

“Not all the time. I have a room in town.”

Combing her fingers through her hair, she watched him get out and walk to the rear of the SUV.

“Sorry about the cold,” he said, opening the rear door. He removed, then set up a little camping stove, poured water from a plastic jug and put it on to boil.

“Tea or coffee?” he called.


“Sugar? Powdered milk?”

“One sugar, please.” She cautiously pushed the covers down, creeping tentatively from the warmth of the sleeping bag. The temperature felt frigid to her.

“I’ll bring it to you.”

When he handed her the cup, she was almost too surprised to thank him. “It’s nice to be waited on.”
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