woulde do it, theye shuld bye it dere, vnlesse theye took him sleping, albeit he suspected none. So he desired her effectuouslye to beare him companye. For she ever fownde som adoe to drawe her selfe frõ him to her owne lodginge and woulde never abyde w
him past two howres at once.
She was verye pensiffe. Whereat he fownd faulte he said to her y
he was adv
tised she had browght a litter w
She aunswered y
bicause she vnderstoode he was not hable to ryde on horseback, she brought a litter, y
he might be caried more softlye.
He aunswered y
yt was not mete for a sick mā to travelle y
coulde not sitt on horsebacke and especiallye in so colde weather.
She aunswered y
she would take him to Cragmiller where she might be w
him and not farre from her sonne.
He aunswered y
vppon condic̃on he would goe w
her w
was that he and she might be to geath
at bedde and borde as husband and wife, and y
she should leaue him no more. And if she would promise him y
, vppon her worde he would goe w
her, where she pleised w
owt respecte of anye dang
of sicknesse, wherein he was, or otherwise. But if she would not condescend thereto, he would not goe w
her in anye wise.
She aunswered that her comminge was onelye to that effecte, and if she had not bin minded thereto, she had not com so farre to fetche him, and so she graunted hys desire and p
mised him y
it should be as he had spoken, and therevppon gave him her hand and faithe of her bodye y
she woulde love him and vse him as her husband. Notwithstanding before theye coulde com to geath
he must be purged and clensed of hys sicknesse, w
she truisted woulde be shortlye for she minded to giue him the bathe at Cragmill
. Than he said he would doe what soever she would have him doe, and would love all that she loved. She required of him in especialle, whome he loved of the nobilitie and Whome he hated.
He aunswered y
he hated no mã, and loved all alike well.
She asked him how he liked the Ladye Reresse and if he were angrye w
He aunswered y
he had litle minde of suche as she was, and wished of God she might serve her to her hono
Then she desired him to kepe to him sellfe the promise betwixt him and her, and to open it to nobodye. For ᵱadventure the Lordes woulde not thinke welle of their suddine agrement, consideringe he and theye were at some wordes before.
He aunswered that he knew no cause whye theye shulde mislike of it, and desired her y
she would not move anye of thẽ against him even as he woulde stirre none againste her, and y
theye would worke bothe in one mind, otherwise it might tourne to great
inconvenience to them bothe.
She aunswered y
she never sowght anye waie bye him, but he was in fault him sellfe.
He aunswered againe y
hys faultes were published and y