Вече народов, славянское племя.
Чуть различим среди строк силуэт:
Кто графоман, а кто Русский поэт…
2. «I want to say…»
From the first collection of poems «In Your Name» (Russian: Во имя твоё).
In English (interpretation by Lord Muck):
I want to say,
without making sounds:
day's time apart is
like a heavy round.
I want to see with
no words belong:
you wait for me;
your love is strong.
In Russian:
Хочу сказать,
не проронив ни звука,
как мне дневная
тяжела разлука.
Хочу увидеть
без лишних слов:
что ты ждала;
что сильна любовь.
3. «A quiet whisper in the dark…»
From the third collection of poems «The Dreamer» (Russian: Мечтатель).
In English (interpretation by Lord Muck):
A quiet whisper in the dark,
The dark is filled with creaks of bed.
The bed can't sleep while naked sparks
Spark one another 'cause they met.
They met because the lust can't sleep,
Can't sleep when praying for great love.
And love can make a sudden leap,
A leap of life that's full of laughs.
A laugh is easy like a thought.
A thought of life that puts a mark,
A mark of life whirl that it brought,
When brought its whisper in the dark…
In Russian:
Тихий шёпот. Темнота.
В темноте скрипит кровать.
На кровати нагота
Наготе мешает спать.
Спать нельзя среди страстей.
Страсть как хочется любить.
И любить ещё сильней,
Чтоб сильней хотелось жить.
Жить легко, осмыслив вихрь.
Вихрь житейский – неспроста.
Неспроста тот шорох тихий,
Тихий шёпот. Темнота…
4. «In the office there in heaven…»
From the third collection of poems «The Dreamer» (Russian: Мечтатель).
In English (interpretation by Lord Muck and Leah Foden):
In the office there in heaven
Changes being made all day
And the birds from all the hamlets
Nearby have flown away.
Ears are turning deaf and aching
Due to skinny shutters slam.
Evil arrows flew in, making
One's nose hiding out from them.
Like a black she-cat that's crawling,
Here the old bag came along
To spill mirrors. Tears were falling,
Her warm tears were falling strong.
Followed by the old and wobbling
Man, so slanted dense and gray.
The old bag began his scolding.
After that they went away.
From above the stove was heated
Scalding red-hot, burned the scum.
After winter was defeated,
The awaited spring had come.