Verse and Dimensions: Stories
Conceptual Form
The appearance of the consciousness of Venrensorys, stored within the Stage I Seed that infiltrated our Beyond Bubble, cannot truly be described for it is simply a concept and not a physical thing. However, we know that from a human perspective it is represented as a purple pyramid, and it is known that ordinary Stage I Seed bears the appearance of a pulsating egg-shaped mix of biological and technological matter, so Venrensorys's conceptual form likely appears as a combination of the two. Perhaps a pulsating purple pyramid-shaped mix of biological and technological matter.
Extensions of Venrensorys
Extensions of Venrensorys will take forms of all kinds, and many are far beyond human comprehension, as they exist at all levels of reality up to God Larvae who exist within high level Archverses.
Powers and Abilities
Physical Form
Venrensorys, in its complete form, has Omnipotence^4 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Due to the fact that the extensions which combined to make this form originated from every Monocosm, it has collected from them knowledge of all known abilities from all known Omniverses and Godverses, including perfect intellect. This means it can perfectly match Hellensoerensen in terms of abilities. Furthermore, its sheer strength is actually beyond that of Hellensoerensen's by a moderately wide margin, making him the strongest creature in the entire Beyond Bubble.
Conceptual Form
Venrensorys's conceptual form obviously does not physically exist, so it is not capable of performing any physical techniques. It is capable however, of creating Stage II Seeds which can adapt to any Omniverse they are placed into, and the Stage I Seed can do this without the Supergods knowing. Stage I Seeds are also often known to retain many Stage II Seeds and Primary Minds in the conceptual plane to serve as defenses against invaders of both physical and conceptual nature. Given the size and spread of Venrensorys, it can only be assumed that this defensive array is comparable to Omnipotence^4 in the physical realm.
Extensions of Venrensorys
All extensions of Venrensorys have the same powers and abilities as those spawned from other Stage I Seeds. The nature, powers and abilities of these extensions can be found in the External Hazard article.
Venrensorys's Fate
Physical Form
After Venrensorys formed, its first immediate action was to eradicate the Supergod Council. Currently, all members of the Supergod Council were inside of and controlling the large automaton known as 'Hellensoerensen', so Venrensorys immediately attempted to destroy Hellensoerensen. Overall, Venrensorys was more powerful than Hellensoerensen and so as the battle raged on Venrensorys began to win. And it is possible it would have been able to eradicate the Supergod Council, except at its core Venrensorys is the personification of everything the Supergod Council isn't. This includes, most importantly, a need for agreement and unity. The Supergods were to only activate into Hellensoerensen if they were in agreement as to what needed to be done. Venrensorys, meanwhile, embodies freedom, selfish action, individualism, disagreement and separation. This gave it a clear disadvantage when fighting as one single entity as the parts that made up Venrensorys could not agree to work together in unity. The Supergod Council would hopefully be able to use this to their advantage to tip the scales in their favor. All they needed to do was work together.
Unfortunately, many members of the Supergod Council were very young and inexperienced during the fight, and struggled immensely to act in unity as a single entity. Their constant arguments and petty rivalries consistently got in the way of piloting Hellensoerensen, much to the dismay of the Council's leader Conceptilum, who desperately tried in vain to unify Hellensoerensen to target Venrensorys. As the battle raged on, Venrensorys began to gain a significant advantage over Hellensoerensen. As the situation became more and more dire, Conceptilum began to take more and more control over Hellensoerensen, a machine absolutely not safe to be controlled by one entity. After the near death of one of the Council members, the others were somewhat able to put their differences aside and develop a plan to defeat Venrensorys.
Eventually, Hellensoerensen was able to trap Venrensorys in a seemingly inescapable prison created from its own power. Venrensorys refused to be contained, however, and began to build up enough power to destroy the prison. This succeeded, however it alongside the greater battle had damaged the fabric of the Beyond Bubble to such an extent that the two entities began to fall out of Beyond itself. Now that the Supergod Council had been distracted, Venrensorys took this advantage to trap Hellensoerensen in the same form of prison, created from Hellensoerensen's power. The Supergod Council could have done something to prevent this, but chose not to. Venrensorys, with its lack of care for consequences, had sealed its own doom. Now that The Supergods were trapped, they could no longer fall out of Beyond, while Venrensorys could.
Venrensorys found itself in a strange realm, surrounded by an infinite number of Beyond Bubbles just like what it perceived to be all of existence. This realm was so far beyond the comprehension of Venrensorys that it couldn't even discern where it was in this realm at any one time, like a human thrown into a dimensionless void. The very fabric of existence which it had lived its entire life and lack of life within was no longer present. Mere existence around Venrensorys began to violently tear it apart and, in human terms, it began to disintegrate. With Venrensorys gone, the prison it created disappeared as well, freeing the Supergod Council.
Conceptual Form
While Venrensorys's physical form was gone, its consciousness still existed. It likely could have continued infecting Omniverses with Stage II Seeds as normal, however this experience had permanently altered Venrensorys. Venrensorys was simply a concept, merely the idea of opposition to The Supergod Council and its principles. But this concept had never actually come into contact with the Council before. Hyperman had, but his memories were primitive simplifications of the Supergods as he could never truly comprehend their full selves. But now that Venrensorys had directly interacted and battled with them, it became clear that the Supergods were not just some vague idea of authority, but a group of distinct entities. And Venrensorys would not just stand in opposition to their ideals, but also to their beings.
Suddenly, Venrensorys began to change. All of its extensions within Beyond began to quickly erase their physical forms and returned to the conceptual plane. It was as if Venrensorys had suddenly gained some sense of identity and sentience. It could think, and it could plan…
Extensions of Venrensorys
All previously existing extensions of Venrensorys were destroyed when its physical form was destroyed. While new ones were created at first, it was not long before mysteriously and inexplicably, they all vanished from across Beyond. Some Supergods such as Paradoxus and Realitus were relieved at this turn of events, believing that by destroying Venrensorys's physical form, they had also destroyed its conceptual form. Others such as Unthil and Conceptilum, however, were more paranoid, believing that this experience had somehow enhanced Venrensorys, and that in response to their battle it had abandoned its old strategy and begun to attempt something new.
The Council and Kotoblade
After Venrensorys had been defeated, the SuperGod Council tried to focus their efforts on repairing any damage that had occurred during their fight. Realitus and Imaginatim rebuilt any damaged or destroyed omniverses, Paradoxus and Logixel recreated any slain Creators and Destroyers, and Unthil and Conceptilum were to scout for areas of Beyond that may need repair.
While Conceptilum was searching for external damage, he noticed a small monocosm that he had never seen before just outside of Beyond. The SuperGod went over to the monocosm and inspected it very closely. He found that it had properties that could allow for no mortal or even any entity comparable to strength to Creator or Destroyer to directly escape it. In fact, the verse was locked so securely that an entity comparable in power to Conceptilum would struggle to inspect its internal properties properly. Conceptilum recalled that Venrensorys was once a mortal and perhaps this verse could be really useful for preventing any future incidents similar to that of Venrensorys's rise and attack. If a hypothetical entity was one suspected to be one that would cause trouble yet did not really need immediate erasure, they could be placed into this realm.
Of course, the other members of the Council had to approve of using the verse as a means of dealing with entities. He took the verse and showed it to Unthil. He explained his idea of how the verse could be used. Unthil was instantly very suspicious, seeing as nobody had ever seen this verse before and on top of that, it was very difficult for him—an entity used to instantly knowing practically everything about an object presented to him—to observe the interior of the verse. The only reasonably efficient strategy to place abusive entities in the verse he could see was to leave the monocosm outside of Beyond and whenever the Council had to place an entity in the realm, they had to get out of Beyond, activate Hellensoerensen, and put in the entity inside. Even then, that strategy seemed very awful and risky to Unthil, pointing out that the Council may not be careful enough to run Hellensoerensen that often and the strategy goes under the assumption that the verse was even safe. Unthil then presented a variety of pessimistic possibilities regarding the verse. What if the verse was internally very unstable and may influence Beyond even from outside? What if the verse had some sort of connection to Venrensorys? What if entities could just grow in power from within the verse? What if said entities have a chance of becoming more powerful than a SuperGod or Hellensoerensen and the verse will serve to bottle up the entity's power? What if there was already said entity locked in the verse?
Conceptilum, getting more and more annoyed with his son, asked Unthil if his suspicions actually were based on anything he could actually observe about the verse. Unthil only retorted that his suspicions were based on what he could not observe about the verse. Conceptilum then asked if Unthil was okay with the usage of the verse. Unthil told his father that he can do whatever he pleased with the verse since he seemed so sure about what the Council should do. A Conceptilum very annoyed with Unthil would then enter Beyond to hold a meeting mainly regarding the monocosm. Paradoxus and Logixel were nearby and very soon arrived at the meeting. Unthil was quick to state that the rest of the Council already knows how Realitus and Imaginatim would take the addition of the new verse and their inputs probably might not even matter. Unthil supposed that Imaginatim would be too stupid to understand what in Beyond was going on and Realitus would happily agree to have the realm around but would try to completely abuse his power when requesting usage of the verse. Conceptilum did not want to say it but he agreed with what Unthil had just said about his siblings. He went ahead and started the meeting, but Realitus and Imaginatim were free to join at any moment and have their input heard.
Paradoxus was confused about why the Council would need a device such as the new monocosm at first. He asked Conceptilum and Unthil why the Council couldn't just erase every single abusive entity. After all, if the Hyperman that became Venrensorys had been erased, then the damage done to Beyond could not have been done. Logixel, a SuperGod who greatly sympathized with Venrensorys after the incident, put in that perhaps this new realm would be a place of rehabilitation, and perhaps the entity, upon exiting, will be changed as a person and will perhaps contribute to the stability of Beyond. Logixel then asked Unthil if the monocosm was actually safe to put entities in, only to gain a very conflicted opinion about the monocosm after Unthil and Conceptilum pointed out that he did not actually know. Unlike Paradoxus, Logixel thought the best way to prevent another Venrensorys was to treat all beings kindly and respectfully—giving them no reason to become vengeful towards the Council. If this realm was an inhumane means of confining entities, "banishing" entities into this monocosm would straight up make the verse a new Venrensorys creator. Paradoxus abruptly interrupted Logixel, pointing out that frequent activations of Hellensoerensen could also contribute to enabling more entities like Venrensorys to rise to power and even cause more instability to the already vulnerable Beyond bubble. Conceptilum pointed out that any future activations of Hellensoerensen for the usage of the new verse had to always be done outside of Beyond and that, while Conceptilum disagreed that all beings deserved respect and a chance for redemption, Logixel might have a good point worth considering. If this new realm was not an ideal space to house entities, it will not be very surprising at all if said entities would want revenge. If the realm allowed for entities to grow in power, then said vengeful entities would become very dangerous.
Realitus arrived at the meeting, very upset that he was not invited to it. After giving a barrage of very unnecessary insults to a very tolerant but fed up Unthil for not inviting him, he demanded to know what was going on. Conceptilum explained what was going on and sure enough, Realitus was delighted to have the monocosm around and approved of Conceptilum's ideas on how to handle entities using it. Anyone present in the meeting could tell that he was just happy to have some means of banishing those who opposed him. When Unthil accused Realitus of this, Realitus just scoffed at him and left the meeting, claiming he had other important business to attend. Everyone knew that he was off to make more omniverses and berate Imaginatim for doing nothing properly. Paradoxus was furious but before he tried to eviscerate his younger brother, Logixel stopped him. Logixel told Paradoxus that attacking Realitus would do more harm than good in the long run. Logixel also pointed out there is good in everyone, including Realitus and perhaps one day, Realitus will realize the error of his ways and show his true colours all while his brothers disagreeably stared at him. Conceptilum said nothing about the matter. Logixel then asked Unthil, who was taken aback by Logixel's new courage to speak up, if there were any plans to inform Imaginatim. Unthil told his older brother that there were, but he won't expect any useful insight to come from discussing it with her.
The four SuperGods, with Unthil carrying the recently found monocosm, traversed the Beyond bubble to look for Imaginatim, only to find her nearby a wormhole leading to inter-Beyond space. She was playing with a very small yet very sturdy spacecraft that somewhat resembled a dagger and in the craft were ten very disoriented mortals. Seven of the mortals were passed out, likely due to being overwhelmed by a sudden appearance from Imaginatim and probably had to harbour any ideas beyond their comprehension that Imaginatim decided to have them store. It seemed likely that these mortals had planned on exiting Beyond and considering the state of Beyond at the moment, it was possible that these entities could come back stronger than ever and pose a direct threat to the Council and Beyond. The version of the Eternal Legion led by the Hyperman who became Venrensorys was left to live outside of Beyond long ago and the memories of Venrensorys' attack were still fresh in the Council's minds. Who knows if these new mortals were allied with Venrensorys or have any similar malicious intentions? A resolution had to be found at once.
A "court"-like debate was soon instigated for the ten travelers on the spot. Unthil, still rather upset, chose not to invite Realitus again. The travelers happened to be members of an organization known as The Cosmic Reconnaissance and were part of an expedition known as "Expedition Ω-1A". The spacecraft was called "Omnius-Infinity", the name apparently given to it by the pilot. Unthil remarked that the spacecraft had a very stupid name. This hurt the pilot's feelings. Logixel, upon noticing that the mortal was hurt sharply told Unthil off and proceeded to attempt to calm the pilot down. Logixel then asked the pilot for his name. The pilot gave the second eldest SuperGod his name, it was Satoru Nanimo. Before Logixel could ask for the names of the rest of the crew, Paradoxus shut him up. Paradoxus very angrily inquired the crew on what they were trying to do. Much of the crew made very crude speeches about exploration and freedom. All but one SuperGod could tell that the intentions of all but one crew member were indeed malicious. The one SuperGod was Imaginatim who, throughout all the interviews of the Omnius-Infinity’s crew, only cried about being hungry. The one crew member was Satoru. Satoru seemed very dense and it was clear that he had been quite easily tricked by his fellow crewmates into supporting them and was unaware of their very obvious and rudimentary plan to rise in power and take over many monocosms. Right after Unthil called the crew out on their plan, they attempted to retaliate by attacking the SuperGod. Upon the ship's first move, Paradoxus swiftly erased five of the mortals—much to the shock of all the present SuperGods but Unthil. Conceptilum was upset not only because Paradoxus had executed half the crew before a verdict was decided but that Paradoxus did not think before he acted—he truly expected much better from his eldest son after Venrensorys's attack. Logixel was mortified as he just witnessed the deaths of five living beings who did not see their demise coming and five other beings left traumatized at the sudden erasure of their crewmates. Imaginatim was confused and particularly stressed out because five of her "new friends" disappeared and did not even say goodbye. Unthil paid a small bit of attention the remaining five crew members—one of which was Satoru. As he did, Unthil noticed one of the crew members slowly reaching for the controls for a cannon to fire at the Council. Slightly annoyed and dissatisfied, Unthil decided to paralyze all of the crew members and wait until the Council would stop arguing.
It was soon decided among Paradoxus, Unthil, and Conceptilum that an execution of all of Omnius-Infinity’s crew but Satoru would not be a bad idea, much to the great dissatisfaction of Logixel and Imaginatim. Paradoxus handled the erasure of the crew members while Logixel could not bear to watch it unfold. Imaginatim was mortified when the crew was executed, but could not coherently express her stress. Logixel tried his best to comfort his younger sister as Paradoxus erased the crew. Imaginatim still complained about her hunger. Logixel calmly but sternly told Imaginatim to stop complaining and focus on the trial—nourishment will be provided to her after everything was dealt with and the last thing to do was decide what to do with Satoru. The fate of Satoru should be was a point of greater contention than the erasure of the crew. Logixel would more fiercely defend the mortal whenever any option deemed harmful was brought up. Execution was a bad idea as Satoru has not done anything to deserve death. Exile was also a bad idea as inter-Beyond bubble space was still a waste after the Beyond bubble collapse—exiling him would be putting him to death in a much slower and potentially more agonizing way. Sending him back home was not an option—Conceptilum pointed out that sending him back would risk any more entities knowing about the rather disorganized state of Beyond and what lay past. Sending Satoru back with his memory erased was also not a fair option—not only did Logixel loathe the idea of tampering with the mind of a being, but the Council in general was either far too unreliable as a means of mind manipulation and could not follow instructions properly, did not know how to actually erase the mind of a mortal, or would risk having their mind get degraded from figuring out the exact circumstances for an ideal memory erase (especially if the memory erase was to become standard practice).
Conceptilum pointed out that perhaps the monocosm he had found could be a viable place of rehabilitation—perhaps living within this new home may give an opportunity for the mortal to start afresh and live a new life. Unthil once again pointed out that the SuperGods still had no idea what was in the monocosm and again pointed out that he was very strangely unable to actually analyze the verse’s internal structure. Logixel wanted to believe that the new structure may be a safe new home for Satoru but his mind was clouded with doubt. Paradoxus complained that he just wanted this situation over and dealt with. If sending the mortal to the verse was necessary, then so be it. Imaginatim was still very stressed and very hungry. After discussing the situation over, the majority agreed on sending Satoru to the monocosm, albeit some of the agreement was reluctant. Unthil did not necessarily agree but was also not against sending the entity into the realm. Unthil decided to leave the meeting since at this point, the only SuperGod basically left in charge was Realitus and leaving Realitus to be the only SuperGod to manage Beyond was just dreadful. Conceptilum, after muttering to himself that Unthil was the one who left Realitus out, asked Unthil to bring Realitus over so that Hellensoerensen could be activated. Unthil, after remarking about how great an idea that was since having no SuperGod moderating Beyond would be so much better than having Realitus solely moderate Beyond, agreed and left to find Realitus. While Unthil was gone, Logixel kindly explained to Satoru that he would be given a new home and that the SuperGod would never forget him. Satoru said nothing and it was unclear what he thought in the moment. After Unthil arrived back with a Realitus that just would not stop insulting him and unparalyzed Satoru, the Council exited Beyond with Omnius-Infinity and activated Hellensoerensen, overall being cautious to not affect the stability of Beyond. After the activation, Unthil still could not tell what was inside the new monocosm, but now they could safely place objects and entities inside. Omnius-Infinity, with Satoru inside, was placed into the monocosm. After Satoru was gone and Hellensoerensen was deactivated, Realitus was very confused. He demanded that the others give information that he deserved to know. Unthil, fully expecting insults to be thrown at him, told him that they just sent an entity into the new monocosm. Realitus asked if they had done a trial for the entity. Unthil said yes. Realitus threw a fit—he was upset that he was yet again not invited to such an important meeting and he took his anger out on Unthil. While Realitus was ranting, Imaginatim was fidgeting with a new very small yet very intricately designed omniverse she just created. After Realitus finished ranting, he destroyed Imaginatim’s new omniverse and stormed back into Beyond, leaving Imaginatim to pick up the scraps of the omniverse and slowly and sadly absorb them to quench her hunger. Unthil felt tired. He was sick of Realitus’ constantly rude behaviour and hoped that Realitus would soon have some sense brutally beaten into him. It did not matter at all to the SuperGod how he wanted it to go through, he just wanted it to happen.
Many, many eons came and went. Most of the damage that Venrensorys had done was repaired and Beyond was relatively stable. Eventually, Satoru was mostly forgotten about by the SuperGods that debated over his fate. Satoru’s new place of residence ended up being so rarely used that the SuperGods nearly completely forgot about it. Only Logixel remained worried over the fates of Satoru and the very few other entities that they decided to send to the monocosm as well as any friends or family the entities had and would constantly beg an exasperated Unthil to provide information about the mortals so he could quietly try to keep an eye on Satoru’s friends and family after Satoru had been “banished” whenever he had free time, knowing that it was not possible to simply break into the monocosm Satoru was banished to. The memories of Satoru very quickly faded from the minds of many people and Logixel’s watches soon became essentially just a means of spending time and metatime with mortals. Though Logixel knew finding any information on Satoru’s fate was a fruitless effort, he hoped that eventually he might find out something crucial.