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Verse and Dimensions: Stories
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Binauris is a strange creature composed of two Supergods named Positev and Negatil who, during the calamity, somehow had their constituent -verses spliced together. While Schematus is fully capable of separating them, many pieces of their constituent -verses were destroyed during the merger and both Supergods rely on pieces from the other to survive and not fall apart immediately. As such, separating the two would kill them both.

The splice appears to have been performed very violently and imprecisely, leaving Binauris constantly destabilized and on the verge of falling apart. The two Supergods generally have to try and act as one, working together in union, to keep their body together, or risk disintegrating. Fights, contradictory actions and arguments can seriously threaten their stability and they have to be careful to avoid having them.

This is unfortunate, because Positev and Negatil tend to disagree on just about everything. Almost any discussion can quickly turn into a life-threatening argument and Abnull has to work tirelessly to try and keep the two calm and quickly solve any disputes that arise. The other Supergods have to be very careful what they say around Binauris, lest they indirectly cause the two to tear themselves apart.

Positev is a very supportive, encouraging and quiet Supergod who seems to treat life as if it were a movie he were watching as opposed to a progression of events he is directly involved in. Instead of appreciating someone for having decent morals, Positev values people who make life around him more interesting. Positev loves Schematus's creative experiments and their often hilariously disastrous results and finds Monopolum's philosophy extremely interesting and incredibly ironic. He appreciates Abnull's constant support and leadership qualities but especially enjoys her constant arguments with Peralitus, who he also finds endearing due to how strange and humorous his obsession with his presumed past is.

Positev loves everyone for their unique and dysfunctional personality traits except Negatil, as he believes her constant complaining significantly worsens the experience for everyone, especially him since he's forced to listen to it literally all the time. Few things bother Postiev more than people like Negatil who spend their time souring the fun of life for everyone else by complaining non-stop. You only live once, and she wants to waste her one shot moaning and making everything miserable? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Positev generally likes to sit by and watch things occur around him rather than getting directly involved. Usually he finds this to be a very enjoyable experience, though he could really do without Negatil's commentary. Most of his direct involvement is spent defending those around him from Negatil's harsh and quite frankly unnecessary criticism. This will often lead to arguments when Negatil gets annoyed at Positev's optimism and kindness, which Abnull will then have to solve before it becomes life-threatening to the two of them.

Negatil is a very critical, pragmatic and outspoken Supergod who seems to be the only one in her Beyond Bubble who realizes just how miserable their situation is. Negatil is profoundly confused at how Abnull is able to remain constantly upbeat in the face of imminent demise, or how Schematus is able to stay so focused on a pointless goal he'll never accomplish, or how Peralitus is able to spend so much time fantasizing about his "heritage" despite likely dying tomorrow. Negatil believes these behaviors are truly absurd and loudly complains about such behavior whenever she notices it.

But more than anything else, Negatil especially doesn't understand how Positev is able to enjoy his life so much despite his horrible circumstances, nor how he is willing to encourage people with clearly self-destructive behaviors. Few things bother Negatil more than people like Positev who refuse to stand up and point out just how wrong a situation is, and decide instead of just keep living in it. You only live once, and he's happy to waste his one shot sitting by and improving nothing around him? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Negatil generally likes to loudly voice her complaints about the other Supergods and their horrific situation whenever possible, constantly ranting and complaining about their stupid behaviors and actions, along with the stupid things outside of their control. Negatil also detests just how willing Positev is to praise anyone, even if they are very clearly worthy of criticism. This will often lead to arguments when Negatil gets annoyed at Positev's clearly disingenuous support which is surely just an attempt to disagree with Negatil, which Abnull will then have to solve before it becomes life-threatening to the two of them.

On the rare occasions that Positev and Negatil can fully agree to act in unity, Binauris can act as a fully functional and healthy Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 Supergod. However, as soon as Positev and Negatil have a disagreement on what action to take, the entity will begin to break down.

Unlike all of the other currently surviving Broken Supergods, Positev and Negatil's hazy pre-Calamity memories are vastly different from each-other, which of course is yet another source of arguments. Curiously, Negatil's memories much more consistently align with the other Supergods' memories than Positev's do.


Barelitil is a powerful, proud and charismatic Supergod who sadly perished during the unknown events of the Calamity. All currently surviving Broken Supergods (except Monopolum) have vague memories of what he was like, how he acted and how he treated them, but nothing concrete about the events of his life or his death.

Whatever Barelitil's death involved, it must have been exceedingly violent as small pieces of Barelitil's constituent -verses can still be found across the Beyond Bubble. Under normal conditions, the constituent -verses of deceased Supergods would take the form of useless decaying Archverses. However, for unknown reasons the Barelitil fragments are able to retain perfect structural integrity.

In fact, the pieces seem to hold some small fragments of Barelitil's mind and personality, which can still speak to and hold conversations with the other Supergods. It was initially hoped that Schematus would be able to reassemble and resurrect Barelitil, however it turns out these pieces only held mere echoes of Barelitil's mind, and the original seems to be permanently lost. It also doesn't help that they still haven't found a large chunk of Barelitil's head.

Schematus has confiscated most of the Barelitil fragments for his experiments, mostly involving performing ludicrous tests on the Godsmoke and mental echoes within, along with questioning the echoes for information about the calamity. (To which the answer is always "I don't know" because they don't have memories.) Abnull has begun hiding the ones she finds so that she, Binauris and Peralitus are free to use them when they wish, although Peralitus is just as bad about hoarding them as Schematus is so Abnull has stopped offering them to him.

The Barelitil echoes only hold the appearance of consciousness and sentience without actually being a real mind; talking to them could be compared in human terms to talking to a learning A.I. with Barelitil's personality traits. Nevertheless, the Broken Supergods consider it a valuable way to 'keep him close by', even though Abnull and Negatil both agree Peralitus takes it way too far. Positev doesn't really see the problem.

Barelitil was classed as Omnipotent^3 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Judging from the surviving Supergods' memories combined with conversations with the fragments, it can be gathered that Barelitil had great respect for the Supergods and acted as somewhat of a mentor and father figure to them.

Barelitil was apparently a great leader and legendary adventurer who Abnull, Binauris and Peralitus had seemingly once served under. He is remembered for his extreme pride in himself and his 'group' along with his utter devotion to ensuring their success. The Barelitil fragments often mention such a group and while they are unable to elaborate due to their lack of memories, they seem to refer to the Broken Supergods and the 'group' as different things. Strangely, none of the Broken Supergods have any memories of Barelitil ever mentioning this 'group'. References to it come exclusively from the Barelitil fragments.

Abnull can't help but feel encouraged whenever she listens to the Barelitil fragments and can quickly understand why he is remembered as a great leader. Negatil is annoyed at his constant obsession with himself and his 'group', an obsession she believes to be completely delusional, but nevertheless admits he has redeeming qualities. Positev likes Barelitil's charisma and leadership skills but does not find him as captivating as the others do. (Still, he is quick to defend him from Negatil's complaints.)

Schematus has an uneasy relationship with Barelitil. He fully understands why the others like him, but seems to get an instinctive negative reaction whenever he thinks about him. Schematus believes this is closely linked to the events of the Calamity and investigates it thoroughly.

Barelitil's most interesting relationship is with Peralitus. Peralitus believes that he is Barelitil's biological son and that he was chosen by Barelitil as the most competent to lead the 'group' once he died, placing him in a position of authority over the Broken Supergods. To everyone's surprise (and Abnull's disgust), conversations with the Barelitil fragments support this idea.


Peralitus is a young and ambitious yet selfish, inexperienced and authority-obsessed Supergod who considers himself the ruler of his Beyond Bubble. Peralitus is a firm believer in rigid hierarchies and the unquestionable authority of those at the top of said hierarchies. Conveniently, Peralitus sees himself at the top of the hierarchy within his Beyond Bubble.

Peralitus believes that he is the biological son of the deceased Supergod Barelitil, and that Barelitil had trusted him above all others, thus placing him in charge after Barelitil's death. Most Broken Supergods were quick to dismiss Peralitus's outlandish claims, especially Abnull and Negatil, however multiple repeated experiments conducted by Schematus seemed to suggest that Barelitil and Peralitus were in fact related. (Though he lacked sufficient evidence to come to a definite conclusion.)

Peralitus takes great pride in his perceived heritage and highly values Barelitil and his practices, despite having no concrete memories of him whatsoever. Peralitus seeks to continue Barelitil's legacy and "make him proud". Abnull thinks that if Barelitil were around to see what his maybe son had become, 'proud' wouldn't exactly be his first thought.

Peralitus is classed as Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy and he is the only Supergod in his Beyond Bubble in full health. Despite this, he never actually uses his physical abilities, leaving the horribly deformed and physically impaired Abnull to do everything. One can only wonder why she doesn't like him.

Despite claiming to be the ruler, Peralitus does very little ruling whatsoever. All the important tasks such as stabilizing the Beyond Bubble, caring for Monopolum and Binauris, defending the group from Transcendent Ecosystem creatures and gathering energy are performed by Abnull.

Peralitus instead spends most of his time dreaming of what great achievements he could obtain once he becomes strong enough to exit the Logical Desert and enter the local Cohort. He imagines himself becoming a revered hero and leader of hundreds of Supergods, just as he presumed Barelitil to be. Peralitus seems to hold absolutely no regard for the Supergods he lives with and has implied he would abandon them in a heartbeat to benefit himself.

Outside of dreaming up wild fantasies, Peralitus also spends a considerable amount of time talking to a Barelitil fragment he found inside one of the Beyond Bubble's only Monocosms. This Barelitil fragment speaks very highly of Peralitus and it was its words that first suggested Peralitus may be Barelitil's son. Whenever Peralitus tells this fragment about his incredible 'achievements', it responds by telling Peralitus how proud he is, how competent he has become and what a 'perfect fit' he will be. It was this language that convinced Peralitus that Barelitil intended to appoint him as leader.

Abnull finds the amount of time he spends talking to this Barelitil fragment utterly absurd. In fact, she finds everything about how Peralitus acts utterly absurd. From his pitiful idea that he is somehow the 'leader' to his strange obsession with a heritage he doesn't even know exists to his ludicrous ideas about authority. Peralitus, in return, thinks very lowly of Abnull and is astonished and angered at how much the other Broken Supergods seem to respect her and treat her as the leader. Peralitus would gladly exile her if he actually had the means to, though both Peralitus and Abnull know that Abnull would prevail in a physical fight between the two.

Peralitus is also annoyed by Negatil's constant criticism of him and her more general complaints about 'unjust hierarchies', a concept that is completely alien to Peralitus. Surely, it is the strength of the hierarchy and the being at the top that provides its justice? Peralitus holds less resentment for Negatil than Abnull however, as Negatil's anger is not targeted specifically at Peralitus and most of the other Broken Supergods can also agree that Negatil is obnoxious.

Peralitus appreciates Positev's helpful and encouraging praise of his endeavors and pride in his heritage, and considers Positev to be is "second in command". (A role Positev completely ignores.) However, Peralitus is nonetheless annoyed that Positev seemingly also considers Abnull the leader for all practical purposes.

Peralitus also appreciates Schematus's attempts to decipher the Broken Supergods' past, however like Abnull is annoyed at how he wastes his incredible potential. Although it's likely that Abnull and Peralitus have very different ideas of what Schematus putting his skills to good use looks like. While Abnull believes his amazing intelligence and abilities could be used to support the Broken Supergods, Peralitus believes that Schematus could one day monetize and sell his incredible inventions and ideas across the Cohort, gaining recognition for both Schematus and Peralitus.


Venrensorys is the personification of everything the Supergod Council stands against. Any principle which the Supergod Council upholds is a principle which Venrensorys despises. Any idea which the Supergod Council fights against is one which Venrensorys embodies. The Supergod Council values order, subordination, co-ordination, unity, selfless actions and consideration of consequences. Thus, Venrensorys embodies chaos, freedom, a lack of co-ordination and decision making on a purely selfish basis with no regard for consequences. As the Supergod Council is the highest, supreme force of judgement within all of Beyond it can be considered that they set the standard for what is 'good'. As such, Venrensorys as their opposite would embody all that is 'evil'. Its physical form is even more powerful than Hellensoerensen.

Venrensorys's body has been destroyed by the Supergod Council but its consciousness still remains within Beyond and the Supergod Council cannot get rid of it, so it will not be long before Venrensorys acquires a new body.

The Eternal Legion

The Supergod Council had been controlling Beyond and the many Monocosms within for longer than time as a concept even existed, and were considered by those few who knew of their existence to be the supreme source of authority. Compared to them, lesser beings (referred to as 'mortals' by Supergods) were effectively insignificant and easily replaceable. One single mortal or even divine life was not relevant to the greater effort to preserve order, balance and stability. And so, when one Destroyer in one Monocosm had attempted to murder one of the Supergods in fear, their natural first instinct was to erase it.

This Supergod, known as Paradoxus, was not in fact a member of the council yet and should never actually have entered this Monocosm. Without fully understanding the results of his actions, Paradoxus has unknowingly massively destabilitised this Monocosm. The lack of a Destroyer combined with the indecision of its Creator allowed an alternate version of the Eternal Legion to rise to power far more rapidly than within The Barrel, quickly gaining control over the entire Omniverse. They were led by an alternate version of Hyperman, who craved supreme power and authority over not just his Monocosm but the entirety of Beyond. Quickly advancing the Eternal Legion's technology to allow travel throughout The Outside, Hyperman was able to drain the two Godverses for energy and overpower and kill Creator, becoming the supreme force of authority within his Monocosm. Under his leadership, their technology grew powerful enough to manufacture Omniverses and turn their Monocosm into a Multiverse of Omniverses, with Hyperman's Godverse at the center.

After they discovered the existence of Beyond and its infinite alternate Monocosms, their next goal became taking over all Monocosms, including The Barrel. Though, no doubt the Supergod Council would prevent them, so if they wished to expand their empire they would have to take them out. They began gathering information on the Supergods as well as the other Monocosms and soon realized their Monocosm was not meant to be the way it was. They also discovered that mistakes such as that which allowed for the rise of the Eternal Legion were usually corrected by the Supergod Council, and believed was only a matter of time before the Supergod Council came to erase their empire.

From the Supergods' perspective, the Eternal Legion was a tiny threat. While they were far more powerful than any Creator or Destroyer, they were insignificant next to the power of even a single Supergod. Thus, they never actually attempted to correct the error at all. However, the Eternal Legion had no way of knowing this, and continued to remain alert, believing that a Supergod could arrive to erase them at any time.

Eventually, one of the Supergods named Unthil had discovered the Monocosm and found its contents to be intriguing. When he entered the Monocosm simply to inspect it, the Eternal Legion perceived it to be an attack and activated their trap. Using their unnaturally advanced technology combined with Hyperman's intellect and ingenuity, they were able to freeze Unthil within The Outside and stop him from requesting help from the other Supergods. Hyperman had intended to then possess Unthil's physical form, thus giving himself enough power to fight back against the other Supergods. However, what Hyperman had not expected was that even when restrained, Unthil's reflexes kicked in and in a desperate bid to survive, Unthil reflected Hyperman's own ability back at him. This caused them to both possess each-other at the same time, allowing them both to briefly share the same consciousness. Hyperman then experienced Unthil's Omniscience^3, his eternal knowledge of not just everything that could be thought but everything that couldn't as well. He saw all of the infinite Beyond Bubbles within Transcendentem, and all the infinite -verses beyond, stretching all the way out into The Barrelplex. He realized now how truly meaningless his own life was, as well as that of his empire and the Supergods. He had no will left to carry on. He let go.

His mind fell into the abstract plane of concepts and thoughts while Unthil regained control of his physical form and broke free of his prison. The wave of energy released from Unthil breaking free, combined with his brief inability to control his own strength, resulted in the destruction of the Eternal Legion around him, leaving behind nothing but an empty Monocosm.

The Supergod Council believed this to be an isolated incident which had been fully resolved. But in reality, this was only the beginning.

The External Hazard

At the same metatime as Hyperman's mind entered the abstract plane, so too did another entity, which had been traveling through Transcendentem and had entered our Beyond Bubble randomly. This entity was a Stage I Seed from the External Hazard. As they both entered this plane at the same metatime, their consciousnesses became one. Normally, Stage I Seeds attempt to subtly infiltrate the Beyond Bubbles they attach themselves to to transform that Beyond Bubble into a piece of the mind of Najha-Tebah, an ancient Cosmic Entity from beyond Transcendentem itself. However, now the Stage I Seed would attempt to transform the Beyond Bubble into Hyperman's mind. Of course, Hyperman was a being with the intellect of only a Monocosmic entity; his mind was far too primitive to be spread across an entire Beyond Bubble. It would be like creating an entire universe out of the mind of a newborn baby. As such, what the Stage I Seed truly began to spread was an abstracted version of Hyperman's mind. Specifically, his hatred of The Supergod Council. As such, this Stage I Seed represented the exact opposite of what The Supergod Council stood for. This mindset and consciousness eventually became known as 'Venrensorys'.

Over metatime, Venrensorys began to slowly infiltrate our Beyond Bubble, creating God Larvae which further spread its influence. The introduction of these creatures into the many Monocosms caused events to unfold in strange ways which led to situations that never arose before. The most obvious of these events were the numerous entities which escaped their Monocosms and discovered Beyond.

The Supergods were entities beyond time, so they knew that any change in the course of events must have a direct cause and began to investigate the existence of Venrensorys. This led them to begin to attempt to destroy all God Larvae they could find, and while this slowed Venrensorys down, it did not stop its expansion. One encounter with a particularly powerful God Larva forced the Supergod Council to again activate a last-resort measure known as 'Project Hellensoerensen', causing further instability and allowing more entities to escape their Monocosms. Following this, not only did ordinary entities find ways to exit their Monocosms, but so too did many extensions of Venrensorys, and they began to congregate around the Monocosm from which Hyperman originated. They had hoped to form a being which could physically challenge The Supergod Council.

When The Supergod Council realized this, Paradoxus arrived to deal with the situation. Paradoxus believed the best course of action was just to obliterate the entire Monocosm and all God Larvae within on the spot. However, before he could do so the God Larvae were able to attach themselves, physically and mentally, to the Monocosm and combine all of their strength together to form a living Monocosm with the mindset of Venrensorys. This creature was so powerful it was able to not only challenge but even overpower Paradoxus, who was forced to call for help from the other Supergods.

Once all Supergods arrived, they chose to activate Project Hellensoerensen, a large Omnipotent^4 automaton piloted by all 6 members of the Supergod Council. This was a mistake, as it allowed all other extensions of Venrensorys to locate the original Monocosm by using Hellensoerensen's immense power as a beacon and using the instability caused by their existence to escape their Monocosms. All extensions of Venrensorys from all across Beyond rushed to merge with the living Monocosm and before the Supergods could do anything to stop it, before them was a single entity embodying every extension of Venrensorys, with even more power than Hellensoerensen. It had gained a complete physical form, and it now decided it was finally time to erase the Supergod Council.

Physical Form

When Venrensorys first took its complete physical form, all beings in all Monocosms within the Beyond Bubble witnessed it. But not all of these entities could comprehend the same amount of information as others, and so each entity perceived Venrensorys differently depending on how they perceive reality. The only appearance of his that we can truly comment on is how humans, and other humanoids who view the world through 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension, perceived it. An approximation of how humanity saw it is shown in the image at the top of the page. The being in focus is likely Venrensorys itself while the pyramid behind it is likely a representation of his consciousness embedded within the Stage I Seed.

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