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Unthil knowing pretty much everything except what he truly wants to know made him grow somewhat bitter and resentful of his siblings all while his siblings Paradoxus and Realitus are jealous of the special attention he gets from his father Conceptilum, though for different reasons. Logixel and Imaginatim, on the other hand, don’t have issues with Unthil’s treatment from Conceptilum and understand to some extent why Conceptilum cares about his gift. The two consider Unthil wise and whenever Unthil is available, they will try to turn to him for advice or a 100% successful strategy to deal with monocosmal problems regardless of how stupid Unthil thinks the problems are. However, they do have qualms with his attitude towards himself and the Council, his rather pessimistic view on the ultimate fate of the Council, and what they see as disingenuity he has when talking.

Unthil is not only resentful that his siblings get to know less than him, but he also sees them as annoying idiots in general. He views Paradoxus as far too temperamental for his own good; Logixel as too much of a giant pushover; Realitus as stuck-up, pretentious and insecure about his image; and Imaginatim as so stupid, the only reason she's survived this long is because she was coddled as a child after Conceptilum raised the failures that were Paradoxus, Logixel, and especially Realitus. Unthil always remarks that he's surprised that it was, in fact, Realitus who was dropped as an egg and not her. Conceptilum would constantly try to reassure Unthil that his siblings are just going through a phase and will grow to be great CouncilGods soon enough. Unthil doesn't believe him.

While Unthil has omnipotence^2, it is naturally weaker than his siblings, and knowing the many fates where this lack of physical strength will get him into trouble, he tries to use it only when he’s absolutely sure that his risk for causing casualties is as low as it gets.


Conceptilum is the current leader of the SuperGod Council and the father of the other members. He and Unthil are responsible for more general Beyond bubble maintenance and resource management rather than the more specialized jobs the other current members partake in. Conceptilum was one of the members of the Original Council along with Matharin, Xenixel, Abstractil, Empiroxus, and Peralitus. Conceptilum was hatched omnipotent^2 but was uplifted to omnipotence^3 by Abstractil after an extensive period of being a member of the Council.

Conceptilum and the omniscient^3 Matharin were partners and have maintained a close relationship for as long as Conceptilum could remember, even before the two joined the Council. Conceptilum had always loved and cared for Matharin, however, did not go as far as the obsessive and self-destructive extent his partner indulged in. Conceptilum hated that Matharin had to destroy herself to protect him, but considering the hostile environment they lived in before they did join, he accepted that Matharin’s usage of her powers was necessary. Though Conceptilum was “inferior in every aspect” to him, Xenixel allowed Conceptilum to join the Council. This was not because Conceptilum was particularly special to him in any way. Rather, the decision was made to take advantage of Matharin’s unhealthy attachment to her partner. Conceptilum, like his partner, was thrilled to live in Xenixel’s Beyond bubble as it was a place of stability and was safely guarded from the hostile Transcendent ecosystem.

Conceptilum got along very well with the older SuperGods Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus was admired as a hero by Conceptilum and the younger SuperGod never grew tired of Empiroxus’ stories about his missions and adventures. Abstractil was somewhat of the motherly figure Conceptilum never had and cared deeply about Conceptilum’s well-being. In return, Conceptilum cared a lot about Abstractil and would willingly help her create entities and structures. Eventually, Abstractil and Conceptilum agreed that an uplift to omnipotence^3 would be a great idea as the younger SuperGod was somewhat lacking in abilities when compared to his colleagues. After the decision was approved by Xenixel, Conceptilum was uplifted.

Conceptilum was glad to be living in Xenixel’s Beyond bubble, but much like the other members of the Council was not too keen on Xenixel’s authoritarian leadership. Conceptilum would often participate in secret meetings held by Empiroxus and Abstractil, and discuss the state of Beyond.

After a reluctant approval from Xenixel, Conceptilum and Matharin were able to form five SuperGod eggs. Two of the eggs would eventually hatch into Paradoxus and Logixel. As per Xenixel’s orders, Conceptilum was scarcely able to interact with his own sons, but he did care for them and hoped that they would soon make great members of the Council after they were approved.

Conceptilum was not particularly fond of Peralitus and found him to be very haughty and conceited. During meetings, he would very frequently take part in banter mocking him and his clumsy and poor attempts to appeal to Xenixel. However, when Peralitus had apparently done a great deal of damage to Beyond, Conceptilum was quick to disagree with Xenixel’s decision to exile Peralitus as the exile would set Peralitus up to be erased in the Beyond bubble collapse. Conceptilum was not willing to argue with Xenixel though as disobeying Xenixel would have harsh consequences he was not willing to face.

After the beyond bubble collapse and the rather distressing deaths of the Original Council members, Conceptilum became the new but not particularly confident leader of the SuperGod Council. With Paradoxus, Logixel, and his other children Unthil, Realitus, and Imaginatim, Conceptilum tried his best to rebuild Beyond back to stability and establish a different leadership than that of Xenixel’s which more easily allowed for the opinions of other SuperGods to be considered.

Paradoxus was seen as a very strong and capable member of the Council by Conceptilum, but was also seen as a very hotheaded, aggressive, and impulsive SuperGod. The presence of the somewhat prominent negative traits have occasionally made Conceptilum question Paradoxus’ place in the Council, but nonetheless, Conceptilum has convinced himself that Paradoxus is ultimately good and keeping him busy in Beyond would be what Matharin and his other friends from Original Council would have wanted.

Logixel was clearly very compassionate and caring, though a bit timid and awkward. Conceptilum thinks of Logixel as a fairly mature and level-headed SuperGod, but cannot empathize with Logixel’s affinity for mortals whatsoever and would sometimes unintentionally upset him when deciding to erase malicious entities.

Unthil’s omniscience^3 abilities are seen as a “gift” by Conceptilum and the older SuperGod would give special attention towards aiding his son. This special attention that Conceptilum directs at Unthil invokes jealousy and resentment in SuperGods such as Paradoxus and Realitus. Unthil’s attitude towards the Council and his gift greatly annoys Conceptilum, but Conceptilum tries his best to just put up with it and listen to his son.

Realitus grew to be a very stuck-up and arrogant SuperGod that would almost never his change ways once he had made up his mind. Conceptilum, still not sure what he had exactly done wrong raising his youngest son, considers his upbringing of Realitus to be his worst failure as a father and this failure drove him to strive to be the best father he could with raising Imaginatim.

Conceptilum has no idea whatsoever how exactly he botched raising Imaginatim and is profoundly confused as to how Imaginatim came to be the way she was. On one verse, Imaginatim did not grow to be as self-centered and pompous as Realitus but on the other, Imaginatim was completely unable to do any task properly, often made very mindless decisions, and seemed oblivious to any consequences of her actions. Eventually, Conceptilum got used to Imaginatim’s nonsense and eventually entrusted her to manage structure creation with Realitus. The strange and exotic but actually stable creations Imaginatim would create would probably be great for decorative purposes as they contrasted with the more stale designs of Realitus’s.


Realitus is Conceptilum and Matharin's fourth-created SuperGod. He and his sister Imaginatim are in charge of managing the creation of omniverses and monocosms—objects normally seen as all of reality to those living within them. However, Realitus is very upfront about him being the only SuperGod who should create omniverses as he views his creations as "perfect" and would get incredibly defensive whenever anyone points out flaws in his creations, citing that they need more of an open mind to see the utter perfection in his creations. Imaginatim goes along with this and would sometimes refrain from creating omniverses as it would upset her brother. However, sometimes Imaginatim would somehow just completely forget her conditioning to not make omniverses and create cosmological structures whenever she has any bright new ideas. Often, they stray far away from Realitus' vision on how things "should be" and he often destroys her creations, temporarily upsetting Imaginatim until she forgets.

Realitus has a very strained relationship with all of his brothers. Realitus looks down upon his abrasive brother Paradoxus for his aggressive nature and would often intentionally provoke him for Paradoxus to retaliate and cause an imbalance. Realitus would always claim that Paradoxus has no place in the Council for his destructive ways. Realitus sees Logixel as an idiot since Logixel doesn't take advantage of easily swayed mortal beings and cares too much about them living a good life. Realitus would often appear to mortals that Logixel has saved and convince them to create cult followings dedicated to worshipping him, a big point of contention towards both Paradoxus and Logixel—though for different reasons. Realitus is greatly jealous of Unthil's special treatment from his father—part of the reason why he is so insecure and looks to lower lifeforms to boost his self-worth. He openly considers Unthil his least favourite sibling, and would often criticize Unthil for not warning him of the consequences of Realitus' actions deemed questionable by the rest of the Council.

Arguably, Realitus' worst relationship is between him and his sister Imaginatim, though Imaginatim remains blissfully unaware.

Realitus views mortal beings as mere beings that should worship him as the god he is and would create beings specifically to boost his self-importance. This is a point of contention among all the other SuperGods but Imaginatim, who only sees the situation as Realitus creating more cute lifeforms.

Conceptilum considers Realitus a very troubled entity and worries that his worst failure as a father is his upbringing of Realitus. Unthil "comforts" him by snidely bringing up worse things that Conceptilum has done than let Realitus grow into the brat he is.


Imaginatim is Conceptilum and Matharin's last and fifth-created SuperGod. She and her brother Realitus are in charge of managing the creation of omniverses and monocosms. Despite her task, she rarely takes part in performing it as Realitus would refuse to let her do anything. Imaginatim goes along with her brother's advice to stay away from his creations and refrains from creating omniverses as it would upset her brother. However, sometimes Imaginatim would somehow just completely forget her conditioning to not make omniverses and create cosmological structures whenever she has any bright new ideas. Often, they stray far away from Realitus' vision on how things "should be" and he often destroys her creations, temporarily upsetting Imaginatim until she forgets.

Imaginatim can see through and alter the minds of mortal beings. However, she is very unskilled at mind manipulation and mostly uses the ability to store her zaniest and wackiest ideas in the minds of mortals. She sees this as just the mortals "holding onto the ideas for a bit"⁠⁠—basically the SuperGod equivalent of tasking a goldfish to mentally hold on to skyscraper blueprints. Imaginatim means no harm whenever she does so but like most decisions she makes, she is blissfully unaware of any consequences such as the mortals being mentally overwhelmed by their newly harboured thoughts. Generally, either Unthil or Conceptilum often has to help her undo the mistakes she makes. Realitus is annoyed that Imaginatim does not use her ability to manipulate beings into his favour. Logixel is greatly opposed to the idea of manipulating the minds of mortals and would try to abolish the tactic as a punishment or action done by the Council. Logixel understands that Imaginatim never means any harm whenever she acts but is frustrated that she doesn't learn from her mistakes.

Imaginatim sees all mortal lifeforms as "cute" and would often beg to keep and take care of some very obviously dangerous lifeform that would inevitably imbalance their home as some kind of SuperGod equivalent of a pet.

Former CouncilGods


Matharin was a member of the Original Council and mother to Paradoxus, Logixel, Unthil, Realitus, and Imaginatim. She was a partner to Conceptilum and possessed the abilities omnipotence^2 and omniscience^3. Matharin and Conceptilum had maintained a close relationship for as far back as Matharin could remember. Before the SuperGods moved to Xenixel's safe and stable Beyond bubble, Matharin and Conceptilum originally lived in an unstable and small bubble vulnerable to the dangers the Ecosystem held—forcing Matharin to use her omniscience^3 in order to protect her and her partner at the cost of damaging her own mind in the processes. Matharin had a very unhealthy obsession with keeping Conceptilum safe—to the point where if reality were to take any more of her friends away from her, then it was not worth living in.

When presented with the chance for Conceptilum to remain safe forever in Xenixel's stable, strong, and safe bubble, Matharin very willingly accepted it and officially became the Council's second-in-command on account of her "superior intellect", as Xenixel put it. While officially second-in-command, Matharin accepted Abstractil as the "real" leader of the Council and Empiroxus as the "real" second-in-command as she viewed the two as significantly more competent and deserving of such roles than Xenixel. Matharin’s suspected unstableness influenced the older pair of SuperGods to help her and Conceptilum as much as they could—even if it meant going behind Xenixel’s back. Though Matharin respected Empiroxus as a superior, she took a disliking towards a lot about some of his practices such as telling long-winded, infinitely long stories with no message even to her omniscient^3 mind as a means of getting messages across and has made it clear that she viewed revenge and counterattacking those who would dare do wrong to her or anyone close to her as a much more satisfactory and potentially successful solution.


Xenixel was the former official leader of the SuperGod Council. He possessed rare a body of knowledge he had called "omniscience^3" (formerly known as "Magenta SuperGod syndrome") and a rare level of strength he had called "omnipotence^3". Initially, such renames of the SuperGod structural atypicalities were a means of putting down weaker entities such as typical SuperGods, Fourth Walls, and Pseudosupergods but a standard for labeling infinite strength or intelligence as "omnipotence" or "omniscience" would eventually be developed from the standard Xenixel set. Xenixel was well-known among entities in the Cohort for his high level of power, his large and dominant Beyond bubble holding large quantities of undistributed valuable resources, and his opinions on a variety of subjects that many SuperGods viewed as ranging from rather unpleasant to "completely absurd".

Xenixel stood for nothing but balance and order and would have done anything in his power to preserve balance within his Beyond bubble. He believed that absolutely everything in his reality should be uniform and orderly or else reality was not worth living in. As the Cohort grew more and more chaotic as a mass Beyond bubble collapse he had received visions of was set to occur, Xenixel wanted his grand Beyond bubble to remain stable and strong throughout the Collapse as smaller, less stable Beyond bubbles would fade. If his plan had succeeded, Xenixel would have tried to round up survivors and have them join his established faction of the Transcendentem that would demand order, subordination, coordination, unity, selfless actions, and consideration of consequences. Xenixel's subordinates would have to turn to him whenever an imbalance was noticed, entities would have to work together to resolve issues, the balance of Beyond had to be considered before all else, and his subordinates would have to consider any consequences of their actions that may result in an imbalance in any form. Any entity that caused what Xenixel considered enough of an imbalance to Beyond—regardless of whether or not they were mortal, god, or SuperGod—would either be erased or exiled.

However, before establishing his faction, Xenixel wanted to build a body of entities with similar prowess to him that would help manage and form important decisions regarding his Beyond bubble and eventually his Beyond bubble cohort—a "Council". Such entities that would be members of his Council at the very least required either his strength or his intelligence.

Xenixel searched for "like-minded SuperGods" that possessed omnipotence^3 throughout the Cohort using carefully selected parties of alometic Tunnelers that were previously used to obtain inscripverses containing instructions regarding a simple means of uplifting SuperGods to omnipotence^3 credited to the legendary SuperGod Zerra. Eventually, Xenixel would find Empiroxus and Abstractil—two other entities that fit his criteria of having "omnipotence^3", though Xenixel noted that the SuperGods only possessed omniscience^2. Unlike Xenixel, Empiroxus and Abstractil saw it as somewhat necessary for Xenixel's subordinates to at least have some amount of free will and disliked Xenixel's proposed strategy to immediately exile or erase entities that stepped out of line. Xenixel, distrustful of his new recruits, reluctantly complied with their suggestions but was eventually satisfied when his bubble remained balanced. However, Xenixel's low opinion of the SuperGods remained and if Empiroxus or Abstractil were to go out of line, he would have no qualms with exiling them on the spot.

Rumours spread about an omniscient^3 roaming around the Cohort, so Xenixel decided to search for the being himself. His reasoning behind this decision was that as he possessed omniscience^3 himself, he would be the best at being able to tell if another entity also had the ability. Eventually, Xenixel had found the entity rumoured to have had omniscience^3, an omnipotent^2 SuperGod named Matharin that had been living in the outskirts of an unstable Beyond bubble with her omnipotent^2 partner Conceptilum, and he was quite satisfied with her capabilities. Xenixel found it quite amusing that Matharin sought fulfillment from someone “inferior in intellect” to her, but nonetheless thought that Matharin was incredibly selfless and if her drive was fully directed towards ridding her new home of disorder and chaos, it along with her access to great knowledge would benefit the Council by a long shot. Conceptilum, in spite of his physical weakness, was very acquiescent and Xenixel figured that he would be able to follow all of his commands without much question. Upon perhaps an uplift to omnipotence^3 using "Zerra's" inscripverses, Conceptilum would also likely be an asset to the Council. Xenixel also figured that it would be best to add Conceptilum to the Council as Matharin seemed like the kind of SuperGod who would kill herself the instant her partner was permanently separated from her, completely wasting her vast amount of potential. Xenixel very willingly invited the pair to the Council and Matharin, with only Conceptilum’s safety in mind and equipped with knowledge that Xenixel’s bubble was the safest place in her cohort, very willingly accepted.


Abstractil was a member of the Original Council. She was a partner to Empiroxus and possessed the abilities omnipotence^3 and omniscience^2. Abstractil was responsible for many of the Xenixel-approved standards set for Beyond bubble management, plenty of which are still used by the current Council. While she does not carry the knowledge equipped with omniscience^3 like Matharin or Xenixel, Abstractil was a quick learner, an efficient problem-solver, and a level-headed, rational thinker.

Abstractil and Empiroxus have had a close relationship that has been maintained for much of their history. Unlike the confident and adventurous Empiroxus, Abstractil was much more gentle-natured and calm. While Empiroxus would always willingly go on missions assigned to him by Xenixel, Abstractil much preferred within Beyond and maintaining order. Abstractil likes to humour Empiroxus by getting him to tell long-winded stories of his great adventures—while also knowing full well how the events actually played out. This annoyed Matharin, who could never understand how Abstractil could put up with him.

Xenixel was initially very distrustful of Abstractil and seemed to have the opinion that "his ways of approaching things will no doubt lead the Council to doom". However, eventually Xenixel would grow more accepting of Abstractil and her ways of problem-solving and more willing to leave Abstractil to maintain his Beyond bubble in his absences. While Xenixel was the founder and official leader of the Council and would in theory be the SuperGod his subordinates would always listen to and respect, in practice Abstractil was the SuperGod that most of the SuperGods would always listen to and respect. Abstractil was typically the host of secret meetings made to discuss matters behind Xenixel’s back.

Abstractil deeply cared for Conceptilum as if he were her own child and in spite of him being substantially weaker than most of the Council members, was supportive of having him around to the end. Abstractil’s respect for Conceptilum was mutual, Conceptilum loved Abstractil as if she were his own mother and would willingly help her with management and entity creaction. Abstractil would eventually make the decision to uplift Conceptilum to omnipotence^3 for him to keep up with the other Council members more easily.

Abstractil consciously made the choice not to uplift Matharin alongside Conceptilum. Though she says that her reasoning was that Matharin’s omniscience^3 abilities allowed her to keep up with the omnipotent^3 entities easily in spite of her lack of strength, Abstractil knew that Matharin’s tendency to quickly make rash, impulsive, and irrational decisions that she would later regret would not be a particularly nice thing to have alongside any greater power than she already possessed. Matharin was fine with Abstractil’s choice and was willing to provide her with the prerequisite knowledge needed to make the uplift. Matharin respected Abstractil and was willing to help her with tasks but is not particularly fond of some of her practices.

Abstractil’s perspective on mortals was somewhat of a balance between those of her honourary omnipotent^1-entity-creating grandchildren. Some inherently harmful entities may deserve erasure so they would not cause any harm and imbalance in the future, but entities in general do deserve some level of respect. Abstractil found it unwise to impulsively erase mortal entities or grow too overly attached and protective of them.

Abstractil scarcely interacted with Paradoxus and Logixel as she had to comply with Xenixel’s orders of maintaining Beyond bubble stability over anything else. In the rare instances where she did, she would try to console them and provide them useful advice for being a Council member. Whether or not Abstractil would be proud of them now is up for debate.

Unlike Empiroxus, Matharin, and Conceptilum, who were quick to take a disliking to Peralitus—mocking him and his sycophantic practices behind his back whenever they could, Abstractil had tried her best to give Peralitus the benefit of the doubt when he made questionable decisions and tried to help the inexperienced SuperGod manage Beyond the best he could. Abstractil disliked Peralitus’ ambition and fixation on appealing to authority. She had tried to coax him out of it to little avail. Peralitus seemed to respect the older, frailer SuperGod in return and found her agreeable, though in reality he often misinterprets and twists her statements into statements he personally agreed with. Abstractil eventually gave up trying to reason with him and her opinion of the young Council member started to align more and more with her close contemporaries the more she interacted with him.

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