Verse and Dimensions: Stories
Empiroxus and Abstractil got along very well with Matharin and Conceptilum. As such, tasks were done very efficiently and Xenixel was more pleased than he had ever been in his life. However, the older pair can not help but start to wonder if Matharin was really as stable as she claimed. Matharin seemed to act as if she had destroyed half her mind trying to find as many solutions to her problems as possible. Matharin and Conceptilum’s lives as they were constantly in danger must have influenced Matharin to access as much knowledge as she needed to keep Conceptilum safe. Matharin’s suspected unstableness influenced the older pair to help the younger pair as much as they could—even if it meant going behind Xenixel’s back.
When enough resources were gathered, Xenixel had formally announced his decision to start up a new project. This project went by the name “Project Hellensoerensen” and the goal was to build an automaton with the potential to greatly exceed the strength of a SuperGod. Each CouncilGod had to hold a crystal made of an extremely rare variant of trosinium only found in a very distant remote bubble that would activate a portion of the automaton when needed. With two omniscient^3 entities in the Council, it seemed very feasible that the project would be able to be finished. In metatime, a prototype of Hellensoerensen was completed. This first version of the automaton could support the “addition” of the potences of six SuperGods. There were enough crystals of the trosinium variant to make activators for eleven SuperGods so the Council had more than enough trosinium to use Hellensoerensen at full power. However, an issue with that was that there were currently only five members of the Council. So, the Council was unable to activate Hellensoerensen at its maximum possible power even if they needed to. Xenixel figured that it was only best that they search for an entity to be a new member of the Council. So Xenixel yet again sent Empiroxus to search for what he needed. While Empiroxus was to search, Abstractil was to help prepare Conceptilum for an uplifting to omnipotence^3.
After Conceptilum's uplift and a reluctant acceptance from Xenixel, he and Matharin made the decision to create SuperGods to raise into the Council—not because they wanted more SuperGods to pressure into managing the Council and forcefully uplift (taxing their sanity) but to give some meaning to their existence and to allow new SuperGods to grow up in an environment that the pair never had the chance to grow up in. Xenixel's uneasiness of whether or not the creations would influence the stability of Beyond was eased when it was pointed out that perhaps yet another SuperGod gifted with the knowledge that Matharin and Xenixel shared may be born. So Conceptilum and Matharin used five Godverses to crafted into eggs that would incubate their creations. The first egg hatched into a SuperGod that would be named Paradoxus.
Matharin and Conceptilum had been given very strict orders from Xenixel on how Paradoxus was to be raised and what should be done regarding preventing potential imbalances of Beyond caused by the newly-created SuperGod running amuck. Paradoxus and his to-be-hatched siblings were to stay confined to a monocosm almost separate from the rest of Beyond until they were ready to become Council members, much to the disapproval of his parents and Abstractil. As Paradoxus grew, he began to resent Xenixel for preventing him to do anything interesting and distancing any close relationship with his parents. When Matharin and Conceptilum's second egg was close to hatching into the SuperGod to-be-named Logixel, Paradoxus was finally glad to have something new and interesting in his life.
Empiroxus would eventually return to Xenixel's Beyond bubble with an omnipotent^3 SuperGod alongside him. The SuperGod was called Peralitus and he was an entity very willing to be a subordinate to what he saw as a strong, powerful leader like Xenixel. Peralitus, while the newest member of the Council, was very ambitious and strived to be the second-in-command member of the Council. He grew very jealous of Matharin when he found out about her omniscience^3 and position in the Council. Peralitus wanted her position and if he were to find an opportunity to strip Matharin of her position, he would take it. However, he knew that it was not particularly likely that such a scenario was not likely to happen at the moment and decided to wait until anything in his favour happened.
In metatime, Logixel would hatch. Unlike Paradoxus, Logixel grew somewhat content with staying in his monocosm and listening to Xenixel's orders. Paradoxus, without realizing that Logixel had not lived long enough to know how bored one would grow while remaining in the monocosm, was furious that the younger Logixel was somewhat satisfied with staying in his designated monocosm with no freedom or entertainment. Logixel, now afraid of what Paradoxus might do to him if he said no, apologized to his older sibling and listened to his plans of going on an adventure. Like Paradoxus, Logixel was indeed interested in what lay beyond his monocosm though he was afraid of what his superiors would do if they were caught adventuring. When Paradoxus and Logixel finally escaped, the siblings were endowed with the knowledge of many wonders outside of their monocosm. They saw omniverses, and other monocosms, and the Creators and Destroyers that their parents had told them about whenever they had the chance to see them. The siblings have been told that Creators and Destroyers were the cogs essential for the balance of their home, whatever that meant. Curious about the nature of the gods below him, Logixel and Paradoxus came down to them. The beings, upon sensing an immediate and very dangerous threat to their monocosm, were very alarmed at the presence of the higher beings. Logixel, realizing that the gods were themselves entities and more afraid of him than he was of them, tried to help the stressed gods calm down. But when the Destroyer attempted to erase Logixel, Paradoxus swiftly erased the Destroyer much to the dismay of the newly empathetic Logixel. This led the two SuperGods to argue over whether or not Destroyer's erasure was necessary. Creator, realizing that they had full control over its monocosm, stopped retaliating and decided to continue creating more and more structures and lifeforms within the Godverses and omniverses en masse. They wanted their monocosm to be blooming with life and complexity and nothing was to ever be destroyed.
A version of the Eternal Legion benefited greatly from Creator's creation spree and would develop technology capable of erasing Creator. Led by a version of Hyperman that would never become the mediator of his monocosm, they successfully eliminated their Creator. Hyperman—with his ambition for power and influence now greater than ever before—had accomplished his goal of being the most powerful mortal being in the monocosm. But when he discovered the two SuperGods—now taken aback by Creator's non-SuperGod-executed erasure—Hyperman realized that Creator was never the most powerful being in existence. Creator's death did not make him the most powerful being in existence. This infuriated Hyperman and this fury would drive him insane. Paradoxus, realizing that Creators and Destroyers truly were what made monocosms balanced, was enraged. The monocosm they had entered was no longer balanced and it was all his fault. Paradoxus figured that the best decision at this point was to swiftly erase all that was in this monocosm so no one would ever find out about what they had done. Logixel disagreed with this decision, as he thought it was best to keep the beings in the monocosm alive and wanted no more death to come to anyone. Paradoxus and Logixel continued to argue but stopped when they were confronted by Peralitus. When Peralitus saw the two young SuperGods—the two young SuperGods that were Matharin’s creations—outside their designated monocosm and have caused an imbalance within Beyond, knew what he had to do to get Xenixel to punish Matharin and perhaps make him second-in-command of the Council. Peralitus had no qualms with the young gods having to be exiled in order for that to be the case. Paradoxus, knowing Peralitus would get them exiled and that Matharin will support them to the end, attacked Peralitus to buy metatime for Logixel to find Matharin and get her to help. Peralitus, fearing that the strength difference between him and Paradoxus would accidentally kill the younger SuperGod and get him into more trouble than Matharin could ever be, tried his best not to fight back and focused more on defending himself. Logixel, now more afraid than he had ever been in his whole life, traversed the Beyond bubble and in a stroke of luck, found Matharin.
Logixel quickly and apprehensively explained his predicament to Matharin and begged her to help him and Paradoxus. Matharin, with only her children’s needs in mind, was enraged and at the cost of more of her mind, decided to tap into her vast array of knowledge to find out the precise circumstances of the situation and find a subtle and specific thing to do that would frame Peralitus for the imbalance—shifting any punishment that her children would get over to Peralitus. Matharin believed that after Conceptilum, who was at the moment on a joint mission with Xenixel and Empiroxus, came back, he would be very proud of her devotion to protect their children.
Matharin quickly approached one of Peralitus’ created omniverses and made a certain traveler unobservable to all entities within his home. The traveler was given many abilities that would aid him in escaping the omniverse and his mind was filled with thoughts of leaving the omniverse. Importantly, the traveler thought that a supreme entity named Peralitus had granted him these many gifts and would strive to meet the SuperGod so more abilities can be granted to him. Perhaps, the adventurer would be given creator-level power. When the traveler left his own monocosm he would unknowingly take steps that would disrupt the balance of many other monocosms, as Matharin planned. Logixel, upon seeing the many lives taken advantage of and ruined by Matharin’s scheme and unable to see how her actions would save him and his brother, begged Matharin to undo what she had just done. Matharin, mind half destroyed from the search for her sabotage, calmly explained to him that it was too late to undo anything and that all would be well once Xenixel came back from his most recent mission. Matharin told Logixel to go back to his monocosm as she manipulated another monocosm in a specific way to send a message to the distant Paradoxus, influencing him to go back to his home monocosm.
Empiroxus, Xenixel, and Conceptilum returned from their mission with grave news—the Beyond bubble collapse foreseen by Xenixel was going to occur at any moment. Unbeknownst to Matharin, Xenixel’s mind had been partly destroyed from his vision and he was not in a state where his judgement would be sound. Upon his return, Xenixel was informed by Matharin that Peralitus had caused a major disruption in the balance of Beyond. Many monocosms were destroyed and the traveler had been given nigh-omnipotent powers. This was not something Xenixel had wanted to find out upon learning that the collapse that the Council had delicately maintained and structured their bubble to minimize the risk of its destruction was due to occur. For all he could tell with his impaired mentality, Peralitus was a traitor who disobeyed his orders and had set Beyond up to be destroyed. Peralitus needed to be exiled. He stormed off to search for Peralitus and exile him. Empiroxus and Conceptilum quickly told Matharin about what Xenixel had found out about the collapse. It was at this moment Matharin knew that she had set up her home and her family to be killed. Matharin wanted to undo the atrocity she had done, but it was too late for that. Empiroxus went off to find Abstractil, Conceptilum went to look for Paradoxus and Logixel, and Matharin had to find Peralitus before Xenixel did.
Xenixel had found Peralitus first and ordered him to leave the Council at once or he will activate Hellensoerensen in order to perform an execution. Peralitus was shocked. He had not known what he had done wrong and Xenixel would not listen to his pleas for mercy or information. When Matharin arrived at the scene, Xenixel ordered her to retrieve Hellensoerensen. Peralitus, in a stroke of fear, agreed to leave upon hearing Matharin’s orders to get the automaton. Upon hearing Peralitus’s agreement, Matharin was ordered to help Xenixel escort him out of Beyond. Matharin, aware of the upcoming collapse, knew that Peralitus would die either way from exile or execution. Her sabotage had put Peralitus to his death and she felt terrible. Xenixel stated that if Peralitus was ever caught within the bubble, he had to be executed upon sight. Matharin reluctantly complied. The Council needed to repair the damage Peralitus was thought to have caused and Xenixel needed to ensure that every SuperGod who resided in the bubble would not betray him as Peralitus did. All of the SuperGods were called together and had to take an oath. They were to follow Xenixel to the end and prioritize balancing Beyond above all else. Matharin realized she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Three of her eggs had not hatched yet and she could not help but wonder what kind of life they would have after their hatch. She could not just leave the Beyond bubble with Conceptilum and her creations—while the damage left it vulnerable to collapse, it was still by far the most stable and safest place she could take refuge in. Not only was the impending collapse going to make interbeyond space too dangerous to travel to, but a likely bitter and vengeful rogue Peralitus was roaming around. Matharin had no choice but to stay.
The Council discussed what to do about the traveler and the Eternal Legion which was now pent on destroying the Council. The traveler could not be found within Beyond so it was likely that he had already left the bubble and that the collapse would probably kill him off before he became a threat to the stability of Beyond anyway. The same was found for the Legion—which was seen as an insignificant group that would never pose a threat to the Council.
Xenixel found out that a variant of trosinium only found from the collapsing monocosms within a nearby parallel Beyond bubble was needed patch up an area of Beyond or else the number of monocosms within the bubble would be reduced to a smaller infinite cardinality. Knowing the risks of going out on a mission like this when the storm could happen at any moment, Empiroxus volunteered to go. Empiroxus managed to retrieve the trosinium and was going to re-enter his home bubble but before he tried to slip into the bubble, he was attacked.
Matharin’s mind was flooded with visions of Empiroxus being ambushed by an entity that hailed from outside of Beyond. She reasoned that the entity was Peralitus and as the visions were so intense, Peralitus had really come back an opportunity to revenge his exile. Alone and not willing to report her visions to Xenixel, Matharin located the battling entities and upon arriving at the scene, Empiroxus was very close to death. Though Matharin knew that she should follow protocol and report the presence of an enemy SuperGod who attacked a Council member, she decided against that and instead brought Peralitus’s attention to her.
Matharin explained to Peralitus that she was the one who got him exiled in the first place and bluntly told him to let Empiroxus go as he played no role in his exile. Matharin then told Peralitus that she was willing to be slain by him if it meant he would no longer be a threat to her family. Peralitus was shocked at what Matharin had said to him and wondered if the Council had set up a trap of some sort. While Matharin and Peralitus confronted each other, Empiroxus entered the Beyond bubble, abandoning the trosinium in a lapse of judgement, and tried to search for either Abstractil or Conceptilum, though his fading from existence caused great difficulty in doing so. Empiroxus eventually found his fellow SuperGods, alongside Conceptilum’s sons, and a Xenixel getting ready to deploy Hellensoerensen. Xenixel had the same visions as Matharin as Empiroxus got attacked and seemingly nothing was going to stop him from erasing Peralitus from existence. Xenixel ushered the fading SuperGod into the automaton in order to have six SuperGods activate Hellensoerensen and the Xenixel set off to destroy Peralitus. In his manic state, Xenixel, the SuperGod who once enforced consideration of consequences and coordination within his home, never once thought about the consequences of having two inexperienced juveniles, an injured and dying SuperGod, and himself with his partially destroyed mind—the epitome of coordinated individuals—having partial control over a bot that had gone through very few trial runs.
Hellensoerensen arrived at Peralitus’s whereabouts and in the irradiated space that signified the collapses of many nearby Beyond bubbles, the SuperGod was found over many scattered barren, lifeless Godverses—the remains of Matharin. Paradoxus and Logixel were very stressed upon the sight of the CouncilGod’s remains and consequently, Hellensoerensen’s motions became chaotic and sporadic. Conceptilum did nothing but stare at the hollow verses that once composed the SuperGod that accompanied him for a significant portion of metatime—from the time within the bubble that they helped each other survive in, to the time devoted to upholding the values of the Council, to the few times they interacted with their sons. Conceptilum had lost one of his few friends and in his daze, he was unable to think about the following protocol. Conceptilum did not realize that as he gazed down upon the verses, Peralitus had been erased from existence by Xenixel. Conceptilum became so lost in his state of shock, that at first, he did not realize the storm had caught Hellensoerensen and his own Beyond bubble. Without the trosinium supposed to patch the bubble, many monocosms were destroyed. Conceptilum was so dazed that he also had no realized that Empiroxus had just succumbed to his injuries beside him. With help from his sons and Abstractil, Conceptilum soon snapped out of his trance and his first instincts were to protect his children—both hatched and unhatched. Every living SuperGod within Hellensoerensen but Xenixel escaped the bot as it grew more and more corrupted—eventually destroying Xenixel by ripping him into godversal shreds dangerous for any SuperGod come in contact with. Abstractil decided to retrieve the trosinium needed to aid in defending Beyond that her partner was meant to deliver while Conceptilum and his sons headed straight for the monocosm that held the SuperGod eggs. When Conceptilum and his sons arrived at the monocosm, they had found that one of the SuperGods had already hatched. Not only that, but the young SuperGod had used nearby resources to create a defensive barrier around himself and several nearby monocosms. Conceptilum quickly realized that this SuperGod, like his recently passed mother, possessed omniscience^3. The SuperGod let the trio in and introduced himself, calling himself by the name he gave himself—“Unthil”—following his introduction up with a remark that if anyone made fun of the name he gave himself, he would “kindly shove them back out into the Beyond storm.”
Current CouncilGodsParadoxus
Paradoxus is Conceptilum and Matharin's first-created SuperGod. He, like his siblings, holds an ability known as omnipotence^2—which helps him manage his task of helping regulate their local Beyond bubble. However, he isn't strong enough to manipulate objects larger than his home Beyond bubble. Paradoxus and his brother Logixel are in charge of managing the creation of Creators and Destroyers and preservation of laws in order to preserve the very existence of everything inside of the beyond bubble. Paradoxus' shared task with Logixel is greatly in spite of him not getting along with his brother.
Paradoxus means well when doing his tasks and while he does try to stand for what the Original Council stood for, he can come across as a very abrasive, arrogant, blunt, and overconfident SuperGod. This clashes with his more compassionate and thoughtful but timid and sensitive brother Logixel and often strains his relationship with him and his other brother Realitus—who considers him unworthy to be a part of the Council and mocks him for his bad attitude in spite of the many times Paradoxus and Logixel have saved Beyond from collapse. Paradoxus tries to shut out any close relationships with others, most notably Logixel and Unthil—whose omniscience^3 abilities and special treatment from Conceptilum evoke jealousy and resentment in Paradoxus.
Paradoxus was recognized by his father as a very strong and capable SuperGod. However, his more vicious and aggressive side can lead to needless destruction. An incident many point to when justifying this claim was the time he tore up an entire monocosm after discovering a clan of abusive omnipotent^1 beings immediately upon noticing them despite Logixel's pleas to stop. Such events have made Conceptilum sometimes reconsider Paradoxus' place in the Council and wonder if he did a horrible job raising his son after Matharin's erasure. Nonetheless, Conceptilum tells himself that Paradoxus is ultimately a good SuperGod, and having him around is what Matharin and his former co-councilmembers would have wanted.
Paradoxus views the lives of mortal lifeforms living within his Beyond bubble as somewhat meaningless and doesn't particularly care about the consequences of swiftly erasing any entity that causes an imbalance in their home. This conflicts with Logixel's ideology that all entities deserve to live and that simply erasing lifeforms inhibits any chance for redemption. This often gets Paradoxus into scenarios where more damage is done from erasing the entity than many scenarios where keeping them alive is better for the stability of Beyond.
Paradoxus's view on Creators and Destroyers—the very entities he and Logixel create and maintain—is that they are important tools for maintaining balance within Beyond. This contrasts with Logixel's view that "Creators and Destroyers are people too".
Logixel is Conceptilum and Matharin's second-created SuperGod. Logixel holds omnipotence^2—an ability that helps him regulate Conceptilum's home Beyond bubble. Logixel and his brother Paradoxus are in charge of managing the creation of Creators and Destroyers and preservation of logical laws to preserve the existence of everything inside of the beyond bubble. Logixel wants to do his task well but he thinks that his brother Paradoxus is making the situation regarding it harder and wishes that the issue would be resolved.
Logixel is a compassionate and thoughtful SuperGod and when dealing with monocosmal disputes without his brother, he tries to find logical solutions to problems that don't involve violence or erasure. However, when things get out of his control, he retaliates in fear as he is a timid and sensitive individual. Paradoxus sees Logixel as weak and thinks that he is hindering the Council's progress.
Logixel loves all mortal lifeforms and considers them very important to the stability of Beyond. However, this contrasts greatly with Paradoxus view that the lives of mortals don't matter and can often lead to scenarios where very abusive lifeforms are left alive to destroy and cause imbalance.
Unthil is Conceptilum and Matharin’s third-created SuperGod and the only one to inherit Matharin’s omniscience^3–which made him far more knowledgeable than his siblings very early on into his life. For example, he knew virtually all the solutions to problems littered throughout his Beyond bubble quickly after hatching from his egg and had a very strong understanding of the structure of his cosmology from his Beyond bubble all the way down to the subunreal particles comprising everything he knows of from the beginning. He is currently very fully aware of his current Council’s poor organization and of the many different versions of himself. Three of the few things he cannot know about no matter how many loopholes he tries to find are the future of his own Council, anything regarding how to properly handle his gift like the mother he was told could do so, and anything regarding parallel versions of his Council succeeding in their goals. Unthil also had the capability to know everything about Transcendentem. However, as Unthil found out for himself when peering upon a parallel version of himself who tried to know everything, to know so much would literally destroy his mind. As such, he knows that he shouldn’t know everything and has to limit his knowledge, at the very least, he should know everything about the Beyond bubble he lives in. Because of such factors, he is very frustrated at himself and his pretty limited “omniscience” that he refuses to call “omniscience” or even a “gift” as his father puts it.