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Ultraman's rebirth

Creator had banished all the Demon Thread into The Outside, a neutral space separate from any -verses in The Barrel. However, this act came with unintended side effects. Due to Demon Thread being so greatly intertwined with Ultraman to an inseparable degree, he too had been banished into the Outside along with all the Demon Thread. As this occured, Ultraman’s perception of reality folded inwards upon itself in multiple directions. Ultraman tried to scream out as he felt intense agony ripping his physical form apart, but no sound could be made in the complete vacuum of The Outside. He lost every sense with which he could perceive reality, and the overwhelming forces pressing upon Ultraman led to him losing consciousness.

When Ultraman later regained consciousness, he was in a chaotic realm, where destruction infinitely persisted and thrived. The next thing he knew, an enormous ethereal black-red "hand" descended upon Ultraman, scooping up what remained of his tattered form. A voice from which spoke the hand assured Ultraman that he was safe, that this hand was a friend who was here to help. As strands of Demon Thread intelligently wrapped and intertwined themselves around Ultraman's form, the voice stated that his exposure to the Outside had transformed him into a completely new being, known as a Devil. This was not a bad thing, however. In fact, the voice explained, it was a good thing for Ultraman. His powers and capability for destruction were exponentially increased by his transformation, and his form was not anymore weak or endangered. Many strings of the demon thread covered Ultraman, weaving a form for himself that was most imposing. He had several limbs of Demon Thread augmented onto his body, the finely-woven formation of the thread appearing like muscle tendons. Ultraman's mouth had been transformed into a set of mandibles, with which he could spin new demon thread by expelling it from his mouth.

Ultraman's Devil form

When the transformation was complete, the being which the hand belonged to manifested their true form to Ultraman. The large god that loomed above introduced "himself" as Destroyer, and said that Ultraman could provide great use to him as a champion. Destroyer explained that as he observed the fight between Hyperman and Ultraman, there was something that he felt within Hyperman. He didn't know exactly what it was, but whatever it may have been, he did not like it. He believed that Hyperman was a potential threat to his rule if he became powerful enough, and he also was sick of his valuable “work” being undone by Creator. Destroyer felt that it was his metatime to shine, and he perceived Ultraman as the perfect tool to carry out his plan. Ultraman, feeling an ever-burning hatred for Hyperman and a wish for his demise, eagerly pledged himself to his new master.


Hyperman, meanwhile, was still in the Omniverse with Creator. Creator was fascinated with Hyperman, intrigued by his nature. Creator may not have personally known many of The Omniverse's inhabitants, but he could sense within Hyperman a certain level of ambition, one that distinguished him from many others. Before this could be dwelled on any further, however, Hyperman’s body was constructed as some strangling force had latched itself to him. Creator knew from the conceptual attributes of the strangling force that it was demon thread, somehow within The Omniverse once again. Hyperman thrashed about, and Creator attempted to sever the thread, but found himself unable to do so. It was now beyond his influence and immune to his will. Creator traced the origin of this instance of demon thread, and discovered that Ultraman was remotely manipulating it. He knew that Ultraman could not have recovered so easily, and been able to regain control over the material so soon. Only one being could have been behind the sudden return of the Demon Thread: Destroyer. Creator knew that Destroyer had been scheming against him for some metatime, and now he was finally emboldened enough to strike. Creator wished to retaliate, but he also was aware of the devastation that could be caused to the Omniverse if he were to directly confront Destroyer himself. However, he then realized that Hyperman could do his work for him instead. Creator enlisted Hyperman’s help in combating Ultraman, who was now Destroyer's champion – using Hyperman as Creator's own champion. Hyperman, desperate to escape from this thread however he could, quickly accepted as he preferred any other circumstance besides death. Creator used what power he could to teleport Hyperman and Prismus into Destroyer's Godverse, freeing him from the demon thread's snare. Immediately upon entering Destroyer's Godverse, Hyperman knew that he was not welcome here. Destroyer himself was nowhere to be found; remotely observing the event about to unfold for his own entertainment. A large intricate configuration of demon thread rested at the center of the Godverse. Residing in the center of the formation was Ultraman – sitting as though he awaited prey. Hyperman was about to traverse the demon thread configuration, but suddenly stopped when he noticed something. At the opposite end of the formation, a universe intersected with a single strand of demon thread. Upon this happening, Ultraman instantly sensed the signal emitted from the thread and lunged towards the universe, completely wrapping demon thread around it before vampirically draining all the life and energy from it. As this happened, some of his more gaunt features filled themselves and he took on a more robust figure, the universe seeming to have replenished his vitality. Ultraman had become predatory, instinctual, and enhanced in his senses. Hyperman thus knew that casually traversing the demon thread was a certain death sentence, and he needed to take a careful approach instead. So, Hyperman created a distraction by striking one of the threads with an energy blast, causing Ultraman to instinctually investigate it and try to find caught prey. With him occupied, Hyperman lunged at him from behind, attacking him wildly . Ultraman spun around and bucked Hyperman away, pushing him down against the thread. Hyperman instantly became stuck to the demon thread, unable to move his body. He was at Ultraman's mercy now.

Ultraman lowered himself as he began to recite his monologue, which he had rehearsed on many occasions in preparation for this. He told Hyperman that he could never have been as great as The Seventh, that only Ultraman could was worthy of that role. He improvised numerous allusions, such as this being the "web" that Hyperman had "weaved" for himself. Then, with his large spindly appendages, Ultraman hoisted up the form of Hyperman, and viciously sunk his fangs into him. Hyperman gasped for a moment, and then went limp, dead. Ultraman began attempting to drain the essence from him, but found difficulty doing so. The body of "Hyperman" became distorted, before blinking out of existence. Before Ultraman could process what was happening, explosions ruptured all around him, dismantling his configuration of demon thread as it fell into the void. Ultraman too fell, but he was able to halt his descent by attaching demon thread to a large archverse. After scaling the Archverse’s exterior, Ultraman saw Hyperman – the real Hyperman. The one he had killed was a decoy, a projection created by Prismus as a diversion to allow Hyperman to destroy the demon thread formation and balance the environmental advantages between them. Ultraman was enraged as he pounced at Hyperman, scampering along the various archverses with the appendages on his back. He lunged the appendages forward, attempting to stab Hyperman with their sharp ends. Hyperman, however, blocked and parried all of these blows with folded stringshard blades that he formed in his hands, before dealing some of his own to Ultraman. Hyperman managed to sever an arm, but Ultraman just as quickly rejoined it to his form by consuming a nearby archverse and stitching the limb to himself with Demon Thread, allowing it to heal and regenerate rather quickly.

After observing this, Hyperman finally realized how to weaken Ultraman enough to be killed. He had to get them in a spot where he would be unable to replenish himself with an archverse, which would weaken him with starvation and slow the rate of his regeneration. Hyperman led Ultraman along in a chase, luring him into the most remote region of Destroyer's Godverse which he could access. When he finally had him in the right spot, he ordered Prismus to terminate all the lower-level archverses and repel whatever archverses were beyond Prismus' capability to destroy. As this happened, Hyperman aggressively fought against Ultraman to keep him occupied. The two clashed, “brother” against “brother”, each with their own storied past and weight of destiny upon their shoulders. Hyperman fighting Ultraman was not at all similar to when he fought the other clones of The Seventh in his pocket dimension. Ultraman was different from them. He had aspirations, goals, and a plight that garnered more sympathy from him than the mindless drones that swarmed towards Hyperman at The Seventh's beck and call. For this reason, Hyperman found it more difficult to have the will to kill Ultraman, who he felt could have – and still possibly could – lead a life that was not destructive or harmful to himself or others. Hyperman thus wavered, and attempted to convince Ultraman that he could still be his own person, that didn't need the title or identity of another being to be fulfilled. Ultraman too seemed to waver, as his appendages lowered themselves. Slowly, he approached Hyperman, and quietly whispered that it wasn't about taking Hyperman's title or identity – it was about taking his life. The appendages suddenly sprang to life and shot forward, and although Hyperman attempted to dodge it, he was still impaled through the waist by one of them. Hyperman felt an intense rage and embarrassment course through him, more-so from Ultraman's betrayal than the actual impalation. He dislodged himself from the appendage, gripping his wounded waist with one hand as he hacked at Ultraman in a blind fury with his folded stringshard sword using the other hand. One by one, all of Ultraman's Demon Thread connections were severed, before Hyperman painfully used the hand gripping his side to instead slash at Ultraman with another folded stringshard sword, dual-wielding them. Hyperman fought against the pain he felt as he then sliced away all of Ultraman's extra appendages, before wildly hacking and slashing at the entire front of his body in a melee flurry.

Ultraman finally lashed out and retaliated by shooting a strand of Demon Thread from his mouth which struck Hyperman in the chest, and then tugged on the thread to make Hyperman fall on his back. Ultraman then retracted the thread and pulled it back into him, pulling Hyperman closer to him in the process. Hyperman was dragged along by the thread helplessly, as the jaws of Ultraman neared ever closer to him. Hyperman was within an inch of his life as Ultraman was about to bite into him, and so thinking quickly, he grabbed his stringshard blade and stabbed it vertically upward through Ultraman's head. Ultraman choked out as his body suddenly went limp, and Hyperman followed up by running Ultraman through the chest with his other Stringshard blade. Ultraman's body fell backwards, plunging into the infinite abyss. Ultraman internally called out to Destroyer for help within his mind, seeking salvation. However, Destroyer scorned him, stating that he was the least worthy of saving, especially after failing to kill Hyperman. Ultraman was left in shock as everything within his perception infinitely shrunk down, and his form disappeared from existence. His consciousness still persisted however, but it was rendered useless due to infinitely warping and distorting itself, and lacking a physical body.


The Architecture is a Multiverse birthed from an Oblivious Entity known as The Architect. It is comprised of infinite unique universes.


Before the Architecture, there was only The Architect, who inhabited an empty void absent of any life or existence.

From The Architect, the Architecture was born in an explosion of universes, dimensions, and realities. Five fractions of The Architect's essence scattered throughout The Architecture, each taking on a unique form and manifesting into five respective races of sub-Oblivious entities.

Each of the five races held a specific purpose. The First's was to create, observe and maintain lifeforms, planets, and universes within The Architecture. The Second's was to destroy or imprison those deemed too destructive or unstable. The Third's was to represent and uphold certain aspects of civilization, philosophy, and nature. The Fourth's was to develop and maintain an overall moral code for The Architecture and its inhabitants. And the Fifth was tasked with the purpose of learning and compiling all scholarly and academic knowledge in The Architecture.

Many Aeons later, The Architecture had been heavily damaged by The Second's invasion, which destroyed the barriers between universes. However, this damage was eventually reversed and The Architecture's barriers were restored to normal…at least somewhat.

Later, following the defeat of Queen Kreel, the leader of the Second race, The Architect regained consciousness, His essence having been fully reconcentrated. However, seeing all the strife and violence occurring throughout The Architecture, The Architect decided that He wanted to destroy it, intending to start over and create an entirely new, more "perfect" Multiverse. However, this was stopped by the combined efforts of The Architecture's greatest warriors, who defeated The Architect with The Blade of Destiny and placed Him in a coma by destroying His cosmic egg.

This act repaired all prior damaged caused by the Second Race's war, with the aid of the Alom contained in the cosmic egg.

The Architect is an Oblivious Entity who is the creator, personification and embodiment of The Architecture, residing as the single most powerful being within His Multiverse. Currently, the Architect lies comatose, as the beings He created turned against Him and defeated Him.

The Architect


The Architect was born of an Infinite Primordial Chaos known as Oblivion. He was but a single fragment of the semi-sentient collective consciousness that comprised Oblivion, known as "Oblivious Entities".

There came a metatime when all Oblivious Entities became aware of each-other's existence, leading Oblivion to turn on itself. What followed was a war among the Oblivious Entities, as they all collectively tried to annihilate each-other. The result of this was Oblivion's eventual self-destruction as it collapsed on itself and imploded, giving way to the Void. Finding Himself expelled into an empty abysmal void with no other form of life or existence present, The Architect believed Himself to have been the only survivor of Oblivion's demise. Furthermore, He believed Himself to have been the strongest Oblivious Entity, since to Him that clearly could have been the only reason for being the "sole survivor". He would remain blissfully unaware of the other surviving Oblivious Entities.

In the eons that followed, there was only The Architect and the Void which surrounded Him. For a time, The Architect was satisfied, in fact proud of being the sole inhabitant of this Void, with there being no opposition to Him. In fact, He thought so highly of Himself, that He manipulated the laws of His own personal reality to always capitalize His pronouns. However, The Architect eventually had an abrupt "epiphany". He felt a crushing sense of loneliness and isolation, being all on His own with no other entities to share in His pride or any supplicants to bask in His glory. But worst of all, nobody to refer to Him in His always-capitalized pronouns.

In order to rectify this, The Architect sought to fill the void. This He accomplished by hatching his Cosmic Egg, and act which scattered His essence all throughout the void. This triggered a chain reaction resulting in a multiversal Big Bang, creating The Architecture. The creation of The Architecture split The Architect's essence into Five major fragments, which were spread across the newborn Multiverse. These fragments soon adopted on their own individual identities, and from them a group of five races (aptly named "The Five") were self-created.

However, The Architect's creation of The Architecture had come at a cost. Since He had used His own essence to accomplish it, The Architect's conscious mind was scrambled and scattered across existence and rendered Him comatose as The Architecture continued to proceeded without Him, unaware that He had even existed in the first place.

Over the course of The Architecture's existence, The Architect's essence gradually reformed and collected itself together.

Reformation and Defeat

The Architect had fully reformed just in time to witness the climax of a brutal war waged by the Second race in an attempt to conquer The Architecture. Kreel, their queen, had been defeated and killed. As The Architect witnessed all the chaos and destruction unfolding throughout existence, He realized that He had made a mistake in creating The Architecture. Just like His previous home, Oblivion, this one seemed doomed to just tear itself apart in the end. Deciding that The Architecture was too imperfect to be kept in existence, The Architect decided to destroy it. However, this decision was met with heavy resistance, as all of The Architecture's greatest warriors united in a final stand against Him. The battle was long and intense, but the heroes won in the end when they impaled The Architect in the chest with The Blade of Destiny, a powerful weapon made entirely of pure Alom – his own essence.

Although The Architect was not killed in this battle, due to there being nothing within The Architecture capable of truly killing Him, He yet again fell into a coma, likely permanently this time.


Multiversal Embodiment: The Architect is the embodiment of The Architecture itself, and therefore He has absolute control over everything inside of it- time, space, reality, causality, probability and everything else – without limits.

Existential Embodiment: The Architect is the embodiment and personification of all existence within the Architecture, including the state of being and living.

Local Omniscience: The Architect's mind is unblocked to the entirety of the Architecture. There is absolutely nothing within his -verse which He does not know and understand, and therefore He knows every answer to every question, past and present, of every universe and their inhabitants. However, the Architect does not have the power to see beyond the Architecture, nor does he have the power to see the future within it.

Local Omnipotence: The Architect has complete power within his multiverse, including the conceptually impossible and logically impossible, like "bigger than infinity" or "making a squared circle". He possesses all powers achievable within the Architecture, existing on level inconceivably above/beyond any other entity within his -verse.

Local Omnipresence: The Architect is present in every aspect of the Architecture, from its locations to its entities. Being related to the concept of ubiquity, the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at once.

Oblivion is an infinite, semi-sentient Primordial chaos composed of Alom and contained within a Monocosm. After eventually imploding in self-destruction upon gaining sentience, it technically no longer exists.

The Supergod Council

The Rise, Fall, and Decay of the Original Council

The SuperGod Council of Beyond was founded by an entity known to many as Xenixel. Xenixel was well-known among his kind for his outspokenness against his perceived sworn enemy the Guardian Of The 5th Wall, his large and dominant Beyond bubble, his immense power, and his great knowledge of the hierarchy of archverses below and above him.

Xenixel stood for nothing but balance and order and would do everything in his power to preserve balance within his home. He believed that absolutely everything in his reality should be uniform and orderly or else reality was not worth living in. As the Transcendentem grew more and more chaotic as a mass Beyond bubble collapse was set to occur, Xenixel wanted his grand Beyond bubble to remain stable and strong throughout the collapse as smaller, less stable Beyond bubbles would fade. If his plan succeeded, Xenixel would try to round up survivors and have them join his established faction of the Transcendentem that would demand order, subordination, coordination, unity, selfless actions, and consideration of consequences. Xenixel's subordinates would have to turn to him whenever an imbalance was noticed, entities would have to work together to resolve issues, the balance of Beyond had to be considered before all else, and his subordinates would have to consider any consequences of their actions that may result in an imbalance in any form. Any entity that caused what Xenixel considered enough of an imbalance to Beyond—regardless of whether or not they were mortal, god, or SuperGod—would either be erased or exiled.

However, before establishing his faction, Xenixel wanted to build a body of entities with similar prowess to him that would help manage and form important decisions regarding his Beyond bubble and eventually his Beyond bubble cohort. Xenixel wanted a Council. Such entities that would be members of his Council—"CouncilGods"—at the very least needed either his strength or his intelligence.

Xenixel possessed a body of knowledge he called "omniscience^3" and a level of strength he called "omnipotence^3". Initially, such names were a means of putting down weaker entities but a standard for labeling infinite strength or intelligence as "omnipotence" or "omniscience" would eventually be developed from the standard Xenixel set.

Xenixel would eventually search for "like-minded SuperGods" that had omnipotence^3 and/or omniscience^3 throughout his region of the Transcendentem using carefully selected parties of brainwashed omnipotent^1 entities. In metatime, Xenixel would find two other entities that fit his criteria of having "omnipotence^3"—though Xenixel noted that the two only possessed omniscience^2. The entities were known as Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus and Abstractil were partners who, similar to Xenixel, disliked chaos and disorder so they found it fair to join up with Xenixel. However, unlike Xenixel, the two of them saw it as somewhat necessary for Xenixel's subordinates such as themselves, the omnipotent^1 monocosmal balancing entities, and perhaps the mortals living within the atoms of Beyond bubbles known as small omniverses, to at least have some amount of independent thought and free will. Empiroxus and Abstractil also disliked Xenixel's proposed strategy to immediately erase entities that stepped out of line. Xenixel reluctantly complied with their suggestions but was eventually satisfied when his bubble remained balanced, though he still had a somewhat low opinion of the new members of his Council. If Empiroxus or Abstractil were to go out of line, Xenixel would have no qualms with exiling them on the spot. Many entities that knew Empiroxus and Abstractil disapproved of their decision to join Xenixel as they saw the SuperGod as corrupt and his ideology as incredibly flawed. Empiroxus was tasked to gather the stability agent Staterium, and along his journey, he was questioned by his former allies as to why he decided to move. Empiroxus had told them that life was overall better for him and Abstractil in Xenixel's Beyond bubble.

Rumour had it that there was an omniscient^3 roaming around Xenixel's cohort, so he decided to leave Empiroxus and Abstractil in charge of his bubble and search for the being himself. His reasoning behind this decision was that as he possessed omniscience^3 himself, he would be the best at being able to tell if another entity also had the ability. Eventually, Xenixel had found the entity rumoured to have had omniscience^3 and suffice to say he was quite satisfied with what she was capable of. The entity was an omnipotent^2 named Matharin who had a harsh existence so far, living in the outskirts of a very unstable Beyond bubble with her omnipotent^2 and omniscient^2 partner Conceptilum. One noteworthy thing about Matharin was her overattachment and overcommitment to her strangely compliant partner and only friend Conceptilum. Xenixel found it quite amusing that Matharin sought joy and completeness from within someone “inferior in intellect” to her, but nonetheless thought that Matharin was incredibly selfless and if her drive was fully directed towards ridding her new home of disorder and chaos, it along with her access to great knowledge would benefit the Council by a long shot. Conceptilum, in spite of his physical weakness, was very acquiescent and Xenixel figured that he would be able to follow all of his commands without much question. Upon perhaps an uplift to omnipotence^3, Conceptilum would also likely be truly a great asset to the Council. Xenixel also figured that it would be best to add Conceptilum to the Council as Matharin seemed like the kind of SuperGod who would kill herself the instant her partner was permanently separated from her, which would completely waste her vast amount of potential. Xenixel very willingly invited the pair to the Council and Matharin, with only Conceptilum’s safety in mind and now knowing that Xenixel’s bubble was the safest place in her cohort, very willingly accepted.

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