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Verse and Dimensions: Stories
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One day on a small planet the SuperGod visited, Logixel overheard a conversation between two beings about a very powerful and malicious entity that has been recently causing some trouble among the archverses they called “Kotoblade”. Kotoblade apparently hailed from a realm known only as the “Kalyubi Dimension” and was allegedly the most powerful entity from the dimension—there were apparently even rumours that this Kotoblade was more powerful than the “Super god” that occasionally comes down to the omniverses to form large cults devoted to himself. However, unlike the “Super god” who Logixel instantly figured out the identity of, Kotoblade was seemingly unable to actually use most of his powers to devastate and cause much harm to the verses—apparently Kotoblade was unable to access “existence” physically and required the possession of a mortal entity in order to affect physical objects. The aforementioned possessions were rumoured to have been made by making deals with Kotoblade. But while a being was possessed, said being never actually gained all of Kotoblade’s abilities. Kotoblade’s motivations seemed to be to exact revenge on those who have banished him. Logixel was very concerned upon hearing about the entity and figured that the entity had the potential to cause great harm to many people and if the rumours about Kotoblade’s overall strength were true, perhaps all of Beyond was in danger. Logixel’s experience with Venrensorys has taught him that sometimes not intervening with mortal issues can lead to major catastrophes and he was not going to let the lesson he learned go to waste. A thought that Kotoblade’s origins were connected to the monocosm Satoru was sent away to plagued Logixel’s mind, but the SuperGod did not want to jump to any conclusions. Logixel gathered more useful information about Kotoblade from a large number of other entities and when he felt that the amount of information was satisfactory, set off to present it all to Unthil for an analysis.

Logixel quickly found Unthil and Paradoxus who were having their own discussion. Unthil was found on his way to look for Imaginatim—not bothering to access his omniscient^3 powers not only because he did not want to harm himself but because he did not think Imaginatim would ever get in enough trouble to warrant his powers—make sure she was not doing anything stupid but had to halt his search in order to deal with Paradoxus. Paradoxus was extremely overagitated about a recent monocosmal destruction that an unknown possibly Hyperman-tier entity had caused. Conceptilum was at the moment busy with Hellensoerensen maintenance and Realitus was busy with very proudly creating omniverses. Logixel, in a panic and very concerned about Unthil and Paradoxus’ situation, inquired them about the damage that was done and began to fear that maybe Kotoblade was perhaps aiming to possess stronger entities. Ridden with anxiety, Logixel told his brothers about his discoveries and concern that Beyond was possibly in danger.

Paradoxus immediately dismissed Logixel’s concerns—mortals get possessed by ghosts all the time and it would not be much of a stretch to think that one ghost in particular was just hyping up his power. To Paradoxus, Logixel was being far too paranoid and sentimental over a small issue again. Unthil listened to his brother and even went over to the monocosm Logixel eavesdropped in and screen over the monocosm for suspicious activity from any ghosts that aligned with Logixel’s claims. Unthil was skeptical of the claims too and was somewhat inclined to agree with Paradoxus’s statements. Unthil also pointed out that even if Kotoblade was indeed as strong as people claimed he was, he was probably also very incompetent and rash since very many mortal beings have apparently heard about him and knew a lot about him, including his crimes and plans. Under his breath, he remarked that those qualities were a lot like the traits of another SuperGod he knew. Unthil was also somewhat skeptical that this “Kotoblade” had much of a connection with the monocosm Conceptilum introduced to the Council ages ago. At this point, the Council with its current members have been moderating Beyond for even longer than the entire period Original Council was in charge for and as far as anyone has seen, the monocosm has not shown any signs of external activity or any activity that suggested a connection between it and any other monocosm. Unthil was indeed very skeptical of the monocosm when it was first introduced but so much metatime had gone by and that was more than enough for Unthil and many of the other members to grow more than sure that it was somewhat harmless in nature—though the mistrust of the structure was still present. Logixel then brought up the possibility of Kotoblade possessing a SuperGod and exacting his revenge by destroying as much of Beyond as he could. Unthil, getting more tired of Logixel, pointed out that by this point, surely more than enough mortals knew not to make dumb deals with an obviously sketchy demon. Unthil was then about to remark that if mortals could be as sensible that, then SuperGods would obviously not be stupid enough to strike a deal with Kotoblade. But halfway through making his snarky remark, Unthil realized that there was indeed a SuperGod who might be stupid enough to make a deal with a clearly suspicious character. Paradoxus and Logixel very quickly realized this too and immediately the three SuperGods split up and scrambled to locate Imaginatim as soon as possible.

Conceptilum had finished his routine checkup on Hellensoerensen. The damage that it sustained from the Beyond bubble collapse which made it cause instabilities was still present but it was less prevalent and sooner or later, after the last few necessary resources were found, Hellensoerensen would be safe to use again. The tired and very old SuperGod now wanted to check on monocosmal maintenance. He located Realitus and inquired about the proud SuperGod’s work so far. Realitus showed off all the “perfect” omniverses he created and placed into the monocosms. Conceptilum noticed several destroyed extramonocosmal omniverses. The destroyed omniverses, while lifeless and nearly empty were still more far vibrant and more intricately designed than Realitus’ creations—indicating that they were some of Imaginatim’s creations that Realitus destroyed. Realitus expected his father to be pleased with and compliment his creations, but Conceptilum did not say anything about Realitus’ omniverses. Conceptilum was cross, told Realitus off, and angrily demanded to know where Imaginatim was. Realitus was very upset—he thought Conceptilum had rejected him and his hard work in favour of his sister. Realitus rebuked Conceptilum for caring more about SuperGods other than him like Unthil and Imaginatim and then proceeded to tell Conceptilum that he had enough of Imaginatim and sent her away in disgrace. Conceptilum, alarmed and upset, reprimanded Realitus and then set off to look for Imaginatim. Conceptilum slipped out of his Beyond bubble and searched for his daughter. Conceptilum decided to first check the monocosm used for banishing entities. When Conceptilum arrived at the monocosm, he could not believe what he had just found. Not only was his precious daughter there and fearfully trembling, but there was also an exact copy of her present and it seemed to be in complete agony. Conceptilum, not knowing how to react properly, approached the Imaginatims and tried his very best to remain calm. The clone directed its attention to Conceptilum and desperately pleaded for help.

Unthil was busy anxiously searching for Imaginatim when he noticed Realitus throwing a tantrum. Unthil, aware of how often Realitus and Imaginatim were often put to work together, made his way over to his brother. Before he could ask Realitus about the whereabouts of their sister, Realitus verbally lashed out at his brother and went on a not particularly unusual rant where he blamed Unthil for his problems and lamented about how Conceptilum and Imaginatim were unable to appreciate his hard work and glory. Unthil was tired and already wanted to leave but before he did, he asked Realitus for Imaginatim’s whereabouts. Realitus, out of hatred for his brother, stubbornly refused to answer. After asking a few more times, Unthil figured that trying to get an actual answer out of Realitus would be a colossal waste and gave up. Unthil and Realitus then noticed Conceptilum careening towards them—Conceptilum was battered and was freaking out over “a monster”. Unthil, very put off by Conceptilum’s very unusual behaviour, inquired his father about this “monster”. Conceptilum made some sudden chaotic and spastic reactions to Unthil's remark and then directed Unthil and Realitus’ attention towards an innocently dawdling Imaginatim.

Imaginatim made her way over to a nearby monocosm, only to play with the nearby Hyperman. She did not seem particularly out of the ordinary to Unthil. Unthil’s attention was more directed at his father and the unusually rude statement he had just said about his daughter. Realitus, on the other verse, was more pleased than his brother and then mercilessly mocked his sister alongside Conceptilum to Imaginatim’s cluelessness. Conceptilum seemed all of a sudden intensely interested in his youngest son. Realitus presented his works of perfection to Conceptilum and to the younger SuperGod’s anticipation, Conceptilum congratulated him. Unthil was very bewildered—his father was acting completely different than usual. Unthil remembered Logixel’s fears about Kotoblade possessing a SuperGod—perhaps his elder brother’s fears have actually come to light. But Unthil also remembered that Kotoblade allegedly could only possess entities if he made a deal with them. Unthil could not imagine the careful and considerate Conceptilum who lasted through Xenixel’s reign as leader, survived beyond bubble collapse, and helped come up with strategies for Venrensorys’ defeat ever making any deal with an entity he never knew in his life. What would ever drive Conceptilum to make a deal in the first place?

Unthil grew more and more anxious the more he thought and the more he thought, the more the SuperGod’s omniscient^3 powers started to seep into his mind—giving him intense visions of parallel versions of himself making remarks to Conceptilum. The scenarios ended with Conceptilum erasing his son on the spot. The Beyond bubbles would then be ravaged by the leader of the Council. Collapsed monocosms, deceased Creators and Destroyers, and raging Elder’s fire flooded the SuperGod’s mind. Unthil quickly got ahold of himself. After being confused over whether or not the scenes after his parallel selves were visions of the future—one of the few blind spots his “gift” had—or just mere occurrences from parallel selves, Unthil told his father and brother that he will check on Creator and Destroyer creation management and that he’ll take Imaginatim with him so he could keep an eye on her as well. Unthil decided to say nothing that might come across as rude to whatever had taken over his father’s mind. Conceptilum writhed when Unthil mentioned his sister’s name. Unthil, now very concerned, went over to Imaginatim—who had now helped herself to donating ideas to Hyperman—and told her that he’ll bring her over to Logixel for playtime. Imaginatim was excited—she loved to play games with Logixel. Unthil just wanted to report the leader of the Council’s unusual behaviour to Paradoxus and Logixel. He remembered his father’s stories of having to meet with Matharin, Empiroxus, and Abstractil in secret whenever the Council had to make decisions behind Xenixel’s back. Unthil never thought that such meetings would ever have to happen again. After Logixel had been mentioned, Conceptilum asked Unthil how Logixel was doing. Confused, Unthil responded that Logixel was doing somewhat well. Conceptilum then asked Unthil for Logixel’s opinion on banished entities. Not Unthil more sure that Conceptilum was possessed but he was starting to get very annoyed. He wanted to tell the Council’s leader that he wasn’t Logixel and that he should go ask that SuperGod himself, but he restrained himself. Instead, Unthil told Conceptilum that Logixel still loves and cares for them, though he remains unaware of their fate. Realitus pompously remarked that Logixel still cares far too much about the wrong aspects of mortals and would still refuse to use his great power over mortals to his advantage such as making them do his bidding. Conceptilum was intrigued by what Realitus had just stated. He then asked Realitus to teach him how to make mortals do a SuperGod’s bidding. Realitus started to gleefully teach his elder how to properly manipulate mortals. While Conceptilum was distracted with Realitus’ teachings, Unthil firmly grasped Imaginatim and urgently set off to find Paradoxus and Logixel to warn them that their leader is very likely possessed and that Beyond was in danger and come up with some kind of strategy together.

Paradoxus searched for Imaginatim nearby many collapsed monocosms. While he searched, he noticed that a few of the collapsed monocosms looked heavily tampered with. Upon a closer inspection, Paradoxus came to the conclusion that the moron must have snacked on them somewhat recently. Paradoxus followed a trail of half-eaten monocosms which would eventually reunite him with Logixel. Paradoxus complained to his brother that it was stupid that they kept Imaginatim around for this long when all she does is cause many inconveniences and provide little help to everyone. Logixel was appalled at what his brother said and stated that Imaginatim means no harm and not caring for her would do far more harm in the long run than good. Paradoxus was not convinced. Imaginatim had disrupted balance in Beyond numerous times and had to be kept out of fighting with Venrensorys. Getting Imaginatim out of the equation may do a lot more good for the Council than harm. Logixel reminded Paradoxus about the times Realitus reprimanded him and called him unworthy to be part of the Council. Logixel told Paradoxus that he sounded just like that. Paradoxus was infuriated beyond belief. He was being directly compared to Realitus—the Councilgod he despised most. Logixel backed off and profusely apologized to his brother all while Paradoxus wildly ranted about how he was not at all like Realitus. The bickering between the two, for the umpteenth time, served as a beacon for Unthil to locate his brothers.

After the four SuperGods were reunited, Unthil very quickly explained his suspicions about Conceptilum’s possession to his older brothers. Paradoxus and Logixel were profoundly astounded. One moment, the Council had its wise and capable leader and the next moment, a very dangerous entity had likely taken his place. The mysterious circumstances behind the possession did not help soothe any shock the SuperGods had. How did Conceptilum get possessed in the first place? Was it Kotobade who had taken over their leader’s mind? How would the SuperGods get rid of this entity without harming Conceptilum? Is it possible for Conceptilum to fight Kotoblade from within? Paradoxus then asked about the Council’s leadership—who would be temporary leader while Conceptilum is unable to lead? Logixel was quick to state that Unthil was the very obvious choice. After all, Unthil was very knowledgeable from the start and has strengths when it came to forming strategies. Paradoxus exasperatedly remarked that of course Unthil had to be leader—Conceptilum gave him special treatment and clearly favoured him over the other Council members. Logixel, starting to grow more rash and defensive, exclaimed that Paradoxus was just jealous and just could not see the value in Unthil’s gift even if his life depended on it. Conceptilum could die and Paradoxus would still be too stubborn to accept a leadership from Unthil. Paradoxus angrily told Logixel that he wasn’t stubborn at all—he just did not see any strong leadership qualities in Unthil. To him, Unthil cared about the management of Beyond significantly less than Conceptilum and besides, Logixel should have remembered the last time an omniscient^3 was in charge of Beyond and the moment when another omniscient^3 destroyed balance for her own selfish needs. Imaginatim, likely worried about what Logixel had said about her father, asked Logixel if Conceptilum had already died. Unthil, not sure if Imaginatim had actually paid attention to what was happening and wasn’t just saying things for the sake of it, tried to calmly explain that Conceptilum was not dead and he would be recovered soon—or so he hoped. Logixel grew very worried about the possibility that Conceptilum may actually die if whatever was possessing him stayed around for too long. He anxiously asked Unthil if he had any plans on what to do if Conceptilum actually dies. Unthil, very uneasy with Logixel’s question, said nothing. Paradoxus demanded that Unthil spit out any ideas. Unthil was too nervous to respond with any sarcastic remarks about Paradoxus’ attitude. Imaginatim tightly clung onto Logixel, who sternly reprimanded Paradoxus in Unthil’s place. Paradoxus ignored Logixel and repeated his demands very many times to a trembling Unthil. Paradoxus then indubitably asked Unthil if he had any secrets he was hiding from the rest of the Council. Before Logixel could tell Paradoxus that enough was enough, Unthil responded with a very meek yes and began to tell his siblings about an event that occurred long ago.

Unthil told his siblings that long ago, very shortly after he had just hatched in the collapse and shortly before Conceptilum, Paradoxus, and Logixel sought refuge in his barrier, he had decided to try and make very small devices that were capable of bringing him back to life in the case that he would ever pass away solely out of the limited supplies available. The devices required a somewhat sizable sample of constituent verses of a living SuperGod and Unthil opted to sacrifice some of his constituents, permanently stunting his strength and rendering him physically weaker than even his younger siblings. A single device would activate upon Unthil’s death and create an exact copy of him from right before the moment he died—effectively restoring him and all of his memories. The devices, though they were able to effectively and precisely create existing SuperGods, were far smaller than eggs and were more comparable in size to a metric verse, leaving it fairly easy for any SuperGod to never discover for a very long time. Unthil had figured that Matharin never made such a device as she cared far more about the lives of Conceptilum and her children than her own and possibly harboured a belief that identical copies are not as good as the original hatched entities. Xenixel probably must have made some of the devices, but any may have likely been destroyed in the collapse, preventing him from ever coming back. After tapping into his powers to create the devices, Unthil had received a vision of himself destroying his own mind after using his powers to know everything. After seeing that, Unthil grew very afraid to use his powers to know too much—his sarcasm, dry remarks, and insults were used to disguise the entity perpetually afraid that his mind would be destroyed at any time. Even when presented with entities he might need to make revivors of too, he still would refuse to make any more revivors, as profoundly selfish as that may appear. After the collapse, Unthil hid his revivors away in a few very stable monocosms, hoping that no one would ever find them and that there won’t ever be any emergency cases where he may need them. He didn’t want to destroy them—that would be a waste of hard work and when he died, he would have an inconvenient amount of explaining to do. Unthil would slowly but surely forget how to make the devices and eventually, the prospect of making more revivors would extremely rarely come to mind. Eventually with the aid of Conceptilum, Unthil would slowly grow more comfortable with using his powers for monocosmal problems or lower but the fear still lingered in his mind. Venrensorys was an extraordinarily close call and Unthil is still amazed that no SuperGod had actually died then or even asked Unthil about how to handle a SuperGod death in the heat of the moment.

The point was that if Conceptilum, or any other SuperGod died, it would be basically impossible to restore him without Unthil dangerously tapping into omniscient^3 powers. However, if Unthil were to get killed, he would still live on perfectly fine.

Paradoxus and Logixel had tried to patiently listen to what Unthil had said. To say that Paradoxus and Logixel were appalled would probably be an understatement. They nearly perished from the Beyond bubble collapse and Venrensorys’ attack—any fear from that could have been completely needless and never felt this whole time. After what Unthil told him finally sank in, Paradoxus was absolutely furious. Paradoxus started to incoherently and angrily rant on Unthil, clearly not realizing anything he said at all. Whatever Logixel thought, he was still willing to protect Unthil and so he got Imaginatim to help him hold Paradoxus back from violently lashing out at Unthil. All that commotion had attracted Conceptilum, Realitus, and a sizable army of gods and mortals.

Realitus made an announcement that Conceptilum had promoted him to “second-in-charge”. Logixel, scared and not too careful about what he was saying, immediately mentioned that Conceptilum was an imposter—he was being possessed by a very dangerous entity called “Kotoblade”. Logixel stated that Conceptilum was trapped and unable to do anything at all until the Council could free him. Logixel warned Realitus to not listen to anything the entity would tell him at all costs. The entity possessing the SuperGod’s leader seemed rather impressed that the SuperGods had found out his name as well as rather quickly finding out that Conceptilum was being used. Realitus thought about what Logixel had just told him. He then made his stance clear. Imposter or not, Realitus finally had the approval he desired. That was all that mattered to him. Realitus then mentioned that he and his army have come over to usurp the position of who he considered the current second-in-command, Unthil.

Kotoblade was intently paying attention to Logixel and Imaginatim. He seemed rather disappointed at Logixel and rather wary of Imaginatim. Kotoblade calmly asked Logixel how he felt after all these eons, even mentioning him by name. Logixel was very perplexed. He had no idea how Kotoblade knew his name or why Kotoblade acted as if he knew him personally. Kotoblade did not seem to notice Paradoxus, who was now focusing his attention on Kotoblade. At any moment, Paradoxus might strike. At last, Paradoxus could no longer restrain himself and he blindly attempted to attack Kotoblade. However, Unthil managed to block Paradoxus’s attack and absorb retaliating blows that Kotoblade attempted to deal to Paradoxus. Kotoblade wasn’t about to tolerate SuperGods attempting to attack him. Kotoblade, in a rage, called for his army to attack. He then decided to erase Unthil from existence with his new omnipotent^3 powers.

The imposter Conceptilum got a hold of the severely degraded Unthil and began to viciously deconstruct the far weaker SuperGod. Shocked but realizing that Unthil was giving the SuperGods a chance to escape, Paradoxus swiftly erased a significant number of lowly entities with zero hesitation, firmly grasped onto Logixel and Imaginatim and got away from Kotoblade and Realitus as fast as he possibly could. While Unthil felt the sensation of his siblings’ presence fade as they ran, total nothingness started to surround him. As it did, Unthil remained unable to tell how Realitus felt in the moment. As Unthil’s consciousness was fading away, an outline of an image of his father remained ever present until everything at last disappeared.

Paradoxus, Logixel, and Imaginatim managed to safely flee from Kotoblade and sought refuge near a cohort of monocosms where Hellensoerensen was hidden. Paradoxus was tempted to ask to activate Hellensoerensen, but Logixel told him off before he could. Logixel using Hellensoerensen as a means of erasing or incapacitating Kotoblade was an extremely bad idea as that would also potentially erase or incapacitate Conceptilum if the SuperGods were not too careful. Paradoxus pointed out that it was also a very bad idea to leave the bot alone and free for Kotoblade or Realitus to use. Upon the mention of Realitus, the older SuperGods thought about him. They were very baffled that the SuperGod had joined Kotoblade’s side. Paradoxus wanted to knock some sense into the younger SuperGod, while Logixel wanted to remain hopeful that Realitus would realize the mistake he made before it was too late. In the moment, Realitus likely did not realize that his leader was even possessed and Kotoblade took advantage of Realitus’ desire for attention. Paradoxus criticized Logixel’s optimism—Realitus is far too stupid to realize any of his mistakes. This mistake would not be any different whatsoever and the young SuperGod would never learn. Paradoxus noted that Unthil would likely agree with his opinion on Realitus. Logixel, after shutting Paradoxus up after the older SuperGod mentioned that Realitus was dropped as an egg, thought deeply about Unthil and what he had told the SuperGods. He hoped that Unthil was telling the truth about his devices and that he would appear to them at any moment. Paradoxus hoped that Unthil had told the truth too—but he was more keen to tell Unthil off and have him provide even more information on the situation with his powers. Kotoblade had to be dealt with promptly and without any delay. The older SuperGods remembered to direct their attention towards Imaginatim. They noticed that she was starting to act oddly again. Imaginatim was chatting to herself, having a full conversation with what seemed to be no one at all. The older SuperGods were about to dismiss this as an instance of a new imaginary friend, until Imaginatim referred to her new friend as “Unthil”. Logixel was ecstatic and desperately inquired Imaginatim about Unthil while Paradoxus surveyed his location, in case Unthil was nearby. Unthil was not present at all. The older SuperGods began to grow very worried and unsettled.

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