Yours ever
C. S. Lewis
And thanks (which you forbid) for the hams (which I mustn’t mention). No two are quite alike and each has its individual beauties.
(#ulink_89eb8a2c-e442-5644-9057-f5da2a38e71e) TS
Magdalen College,
29th July 1950.
Dear Mr. Hone,
I am sorry, but it so happens that you could hardly have struck a worse time. I am working at high pressure, and in the intervals have a Conference to attend, an invalid to look after, and several visitors. I’m afraid in the circumstances a meeting is hardly possible.
With thanks, good wishes, and regrets,
yours sincerely,
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College
My dear Walsh
Thank you for your letter of July 20th. I’m glad to hear about the ‘revolution’ in poetry, but I moderate my hopes. I think what really separates me from all the modern poets I try to read is not the technique, with all its difficulties, but the fact that their experience is so very unlike my own. They seem to be so constantly writing about the same sort of things that articles are written about: e.g. ‘the present world situation’. That means, for me, that they can only write for the top level of the mind, the level on which generalities operate. But even this may be a mistake. At any rate I am sure I never have the sort of experiences they express: and I feel them most alien where I come nearest to understanding them.
I am just back from attending a Russian Orthodox Eucharist. The congregation walk about a lot!
My brother joins me in all best wishes to you and yours.
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College
My dear Cecil
Thank you for your letter which is one of the most useful I have ever received. It brings home to me that aspect of Death which is now most neglected—Death as a Rite or Initiation Ceremony. And certainly something does come through into this world, among the survivors, at the time and for a little while after.
I am sorry about John’s Class
(#ulink_a7a26df1-fe33-5fc6-9d21-35d959e1949c)–and also that I feel I failed him badly at our last meeting. I had been wondering for about 24 hours whether the lightness of head and extreme lassitude that I was feeling were the beginning of an illness. After a day in which I had had no leisure at all and which had ended with a visit to the Nursing Home I had got back to College feeling ‘all in’. At that moment came his knock. It was the moment of all others (midway between his mother’s funeral and his own viva) at which a chap might expect some moral support from an older man even if that older man were not his tutor and a family friend. But I could make no response at all. I’m sorry.
A week end here, after your travels, can be arranged almost whenever you like. Of course you will be thrice welcome.
Yours ever
Magdalen College,
xxv. Aug. 1950
Dilectissime Pater,
venerunt mihi nuper in manus exemplaria quaedam libri mei De Aenigmate Doloris francogallice versi. Illam linguam, puto, bene intellegis. Quocirca, si tibi placuerit, mittam ad te exemplaria tria, primum tibi, alterum Dom. Lodettio, tertium Dom. Arnaboldio. Fac me certiorem si hoc tibi cordi fuerit. Isagogem satis doctam et elegantem addidit quidam Mauritius Nédoncelle.
Omnia omina nunc infausta; placeat Deo haec in melius verti, spectanti haud nostra sed Christi merita. Vale, mi Pater, et semper habe in orationibus tuis
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College,
25th August 1950