Thank you for your letter dated 3rd September
(#ulink_9e5e59e9-a4e0-59e9-97ef-49af9422cc47) and also for the copy of the book entitled The Renewal of All Things in Christ.
Regarding the moral condition of our times (since you bid me prattle on) I think this. Older people, as we both are, are always ‘praisers of times past’.
(#ulink_19e81dc0-a98e-531c-b14c-92fe9aed0ad7) They always think the world is worse than it was in their young days. Therefore we ought to take care lest we go wrong. But, with this proviso, certainly I feel that very grave dangers hang over us. This results from the apostasy of the great part of Europe from the Christian faith. Hence a worse state than the one we were in before we received the Faith. For no one returns from Christianity to the same state he was in before Christianity but into a worse state: the difference between a pagan and an apostate is the difference between an unmarried woman and an adulteress. For faith perfects nature but faith lost corrupts nature. Therefore many men of our time have lost not only the supernatural light but also the natural light which pagans possessed.
But God, who is the God of mercies,
(#ulink_7efce1fd-0f86-536b-b6c0-bc2d5efae42f) even now has not altogether cast off the human race. In younger people, although we may see much cruelty and lust, yet at the same time do we not see very many sparks of virtues which perhaps our own generation lacked? How much courage, how much concern for the poor do we see! We must not despair. And (among us) a not inconsiderable number are now returning to the Faith.
So much for the present situation. About remedies the question is more difficult. For my part I believe we ought to work not only at spreading the Gospel (that certainly) but also at a certain preparation for the Gospel. It is necessary to recall many to the law of nature before we talk about God.
(#ulink_2fc644f6-c830-59df-a1a0-b774938b8d4e) For Christ promises forgiveness of sins: but what is that to those who, since they do not know the law of nature, do not know that they have sinned? Who will take medicine unless he knows he is in the grip of disease? Moral relativity is the enemy we have to overcome before we tackle Atheism. I would almost dare to say ‘First let us make the younger generation good pagans and afterwards let us make them Christians.’
These are ravings? But you have what you requested.
Always you and your Congregation are in my prayers.
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen etc.
Dear Mr. Kinter
I have been away in Donegal (which is glorious beyond all my dreams) and have only just got your letter of Aug 23d. It was nice to hear from you again. Yes: it is great watching these images of the Mountain, the Wood, the Island etc. as they pass from one man’s work to another’s. I don’t know Read’s Green Child,
(#ulink_d38c2179-e89e-5a23-95e4-adbe084e1097) but have no difficulty in believing what you say of it. There is a deal of really Hellish literature going about at present. I am also interested in what you say about Messiaen (an odd name, by the way).
(#ulink_838da598-be84-5a4e-9d0f-78324fce2fa1) But if I heard the works they wd. only probably be quite beyond me. Please remember me to your wife and accept my kindest regards.
C. S. Lewis
P. S. Harding is exciting, isn’t he?
Magdalen College,
17th September 1953.
My dear Bles,
Thanks for yours of the 16th. I am glad you pointed out that passage.
(#ulink_de5850a5-119c-55d2-bd5f-de7bba33fbb2) No: it won’t do. Of course the children (except Aravis when telling her story in the grand manner)
(#ulink_81c68f02-fed5-55f0-aba8-a6b3ef801019) don’t talk Arabian Nights style anywhere: but they must’nt, I agree, go so far in the other direction as ‘rot’. I’ll mend it.
I hope you both had as good a holiday as I.
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College
Dear Phyllida
I feel as one does when after ‘showing up’ one’s work one realises one has made the very same mistake one got into a row for last week! I mean, after sending off the book, I read it myself and found ‘Kids’ again twice. I really will take care not to do it again. The earlier part of Rilian’s story, told by the owl, was meant to sound further-off and more like an ordinary fairy-tale so as to keep it different from the part where I get on to telling it myself. I think the idea of making some difference is right: but of course what matters in books is not so much the ideas as how you actually carry them out.
All good wishes and love to both.
C. S. Lewis
Magdalen College
Oct 1st 1953
Dear Ruth,
Rachel has been ready for a long time: you know I am of the generation who was brought up to hold that the initiative must come from you.